Athea Drama Group


“Lovely Leitrim”


Oliver McGrath, “Clocker”, Connie O’Sullivan, “Andy” and Lal Browne “Liamy” rehearsing a scene from “Lovely Leitrim” by Athea Drama Group which has its first showing in the Hall on this Saturday, Feb. 25th. Oliver McGrath, “Clocker”, Connie O’Sullivan, “Andy” and Lal Browne “Liamy” rehearsing a scene from “Lovely Leitrim” by Athea Drama Group which has its first showing in the Hall on this Saturday, Feb. 25th.

Everyone over a certain age remembers “Lovely Leitrim” sung by Larry Cunningham. Now it is the title of Athea Drama Group’s latest production, a play of emigration and land, beginning on Saturday night next, February 25th in the Con Colbert Memorial Hall. The play is written by Leitrim man John McDwyer who also wrote  “Unforgiven” which was staged by this group a couple of years ago.

It moves between a farmhouse and pub in Leitrim to an Irish pub in London where exiles meet after a match between Leitrim and London. Set in modern times it uncovers the pain of separation from home and the land and could easily be about this part of the country. A cast of ten men and two women have been rehearsing for a few months and it should be well worth a visit. It plays on the following dates:  Sat. 25th, & Sun. 26th February,  Thurs. 1st, Sat. 3rd & Sun. 4th March. Don’t miss it!


Athea Coiste na nÓg


Registration for U-6’s up to U-16’s will take place on this Sunday 26th of February in the Clubhouse in Páirc na nGael from 12:30pm to 1:30pm. Cost of registration is €25 for one child and €40 for a family of 2 or more. A refund amount of €10 will be offered to parent(s) who help out the club with fundraising during the year. For any child who will be registering with the club for the first time it will cost €15.

Athea Community Games

Church Gate Collection


The annual church gate collection for Athea Community Games will be taken up before Masses this weekend 25th and 26th February.



Athea Road Race Club regrettably wish to announce that this year’s event will not be taking place.

After coming back last year, we experienced a number of problems with the road surfacing of the circuit and also with the drawdown of the grants due to the current banking situation.

The club has not reached this decision lightly and we hope to run again in 2013.

Thanking everyone for their continued support and wishing everyone every success for the 2012 season.

Keep‘er Lit.

Athea Road Race Club.

21st February 2012.




A meeting to discuss the future of Abbeyfeale Town Park will be held at St. Ita’s Hall on Tuesday, February 28 at 8pm.  The park plays an integral role in the leisure hours of the people of Abbeyfeale and its hinterland and it is essential that this important meeting is well supported.


Listowel Community College

Open Evening for Adult Learners


Listowel Community College will be holding its Open Evening for Adult Learners on Thursday  March 1st from 4pm-7pm.

A large number of Post Leaving Certificate courses are on offer from Childcare, Business, Secretarial, Sport, Recreation, Hairdressing, Furniture Making, Journalism, Horticulture, Cultural Heritage, Music, Community Care and many others .

We have a VTOS programme for adults who have been out of education and wish to return to complete their leaving certificate or to participate in a PLC course.

Enrolment for Post Primary will also take place Thursday March 1st 4pm-7pm

All staff will be available to answer all questions  in relation to all programmes.  You can contact the school at 068 61023 or e mail [email protected].


West Limerick CDP

The ADD/ADHD support group will meet in St. Ita’s Hall on Wednesday February 29th 2012. Parents who attended the ADD/ADHD workshops by Mid West Support Group are welcome.  This support group is open to any parent/carer who has a concern regarding ADD/ADHD and co-existing conditions.

Michael De Villiers Educational Psychologist will talk on ADD/ADHD on Thursday February 23rd in Newcastle West Family & Community Hub.  Time 7.30pm to 9pm.

Tina O Brien Child Psychologist and Play Therapist will talk on grief and loss on February 20th 7.30pm to 9pm and on February 27th 11.30am 12.30pm.

All of the above are supported by West Limerick Resources and HSE

Contact  069 79113 or 087 9382883



Down Syndrome Limerick

Church Gate Collection


Down Syndrome Limerick would like to thank all those who gave so generously to the Church gate collection which amounted to €735.46.

Thanks also to those who helped with the collection.



Parish of Templeglantine

International Eucharistic Congress

Dublin June 10th – 17th 2012


A bus will travel from our Pastoral Area on Monday, Wednesday and Friday of the Eucharistic Congress week to the RDS.

Those interested should give their names and contact tel no. To the following as soon as possible: Fr. Bowen 087-6532482, Mike Hayes 087-7751386, Pat Higgins 087-2034626. The cost is €35 approx including bus and entry to the RDS.

The Principal Mass of the Eucharistic Congress will be celebrated in Croke Park on June 17th. There are 18 tickets allocated to each parish. Tickets €10 each. Anybody who is interested in going should hand in their name immediately as we need to know how many are interested. We will have to have a lottery if there are more than 18 names. Those who attend the Mass will be asked to fill in a simple health and safety form for the IEC Head Office. These forms have to be in the Limerick Office by March 9th.

Anyone who registers for three consecutive days of events during the week will be guaranteed a ticket for the closing Mass in Croke Park. There are 30,000 tickets for the closing ceremony set aside for those who attend the RDS events. Therefore anyone wishing to secure a ticket for Croke Park can register for three consecutive day’s events for €60 even if they do not attend these events. These bookings can be done online at or try IEC Dublin.

There will be a day conference, open to everybody, in Limerick, in preparation for the International conference on Sat. March 10th. in the Halla, Mary Immaculate College from 10.30 to 4.00 Cost €30 including lunch, payable on the day.

“Communion with Christ and with One Another” a talks series in preparation for the Eucharistic Conference, in Newcastlw West Pastoral Centre on March 7th, 14th, 21st and 28th from 8 – 9.30pm


Athea Drama Group getting ready for Sat. 25th in the Con Colbert Hall

Producer Theresa O’Halloran discussing make-up and costumes with Joan Griffin and Ann Marie Horgan Producer Theresa O’Halloran discussing make-up and costumes with Joan Griffin and Ann Marie Horgan

Declan O’Carroll getting his lights and sound ready












Stage designer, Mary T. Hurley, keeping an eye on proceedings