Last year we had snow and ice, this year we have wind and rain but at least we can travel. My daughter out in Perth cannot go out with the heat so we all have our little challenges. Christmas is upon us whatever the weather.
It is nice to see both the BRJ and the Athea journal on the shelves. Having just glanced through both so far it is obvious that there are some very interesting articles which will keep us company through the Christmas holidays.
Next Sunday’s Mass in Ballyhahill at 10.00 am is being offered for Chrissie O’Brien whose 1st anniversary occurs at this time.
Reconciliation Ceremonies in preparation for Christmas are as follows: Loughill on the 20th @ 8 pm and Glin on the 21st @ 7.00 pm
The Christmas Masses are: Christmas Eve in Loughill at 7.30 pm and in Ballyhahill at 9.00 pm. Christmas Day in Ballyhahill at 10.00 am and in Loughill at 11 am. Holy Communion will be brought to the housebound after the 10 am Mass in Ballyhahill.
I came across the following guidelines, which have already been published some years ago but which never goes out of date and is very suitable for this time of year when all the Christmas lights are being put up. It is the advice of a Fire Officer about the dangers of fires in the home. A few tips to be aware of at Christmas.
Do not have TV, video and Fairy lights plugged into a double adaptor. It is lethal. Overloaded. Use fused plug board.
Do not put the crib on top of the TV. Can get too hot and go on fire.
Do not have fairy lights near curtains as they can get hot enough to burn.
A TV in a steamy kitchen is not a good idea.
Beware of leaving on TV when there is nobody in the house. Too dangerous.
Unplug everything at night except fridge and radio-clock.
Do not let children near matches
It is not wise to have a mirror over a fire, for fear of clothes catching fire while leaning in over it.
Electric blankets should not be folded away for the summer. If you use them, always keep them flat.
Be sensible and be safe.