Athea & District Credit Union
The office will be closed on Saturday 1st October to facilitate our YEAR END. We will be open on Friday evening 30th September from 6.00pm to 8.30pm Normal hours will resume the following week
Athea Drama Group A.G.M
The AGM of Athea Drama Group will take place at the Con Colbert Community Hall on Wednesday, September 28th at 8pm. Everybody welcome especially anyone interested in becoming a member of the group.
Outing to Kilkenny
Knockfierna Historical Society are organizing a trip to Kilkenny City & Callan, Co. Kilkenny on Saturday October 1st. leaving at 7.30am. All are welcome to join us on this our first organized trip which is to the historic town of Callan, Co. Kilkenny which includes Brother Edmond Rice’s thatched homestead and in the afternoon a visit to the beautiful Kilkenny city which includes Kilkenny castle & St. Cannice’s Cathedral. This promises to be a most informative and enjoyable outing. Anyone wishing to travel on this trip please contact Pat O’Donovan, Newcastlewest 087 9977340, Marion Hanley, Ballingarry 087 9741389, Eileen Cronin, Kilfinny, Adare 087 7839743. Host for the day will be Philip Lynch, historian from Co. Kilkenny. Please contact the above by this Saturday 24th. September.
Athea Comhaltas Branch
Meeting at the Top of the Town on Monday night next at 8pm. All members asked to attend to arrange for the coming season.
Notes from West Limerick Resources
Suitable for babies from 6 weeks to 9 months, the classes will start Monday September 19 at 11.30am and run for 5 weeks. Not alone is this an opportunity for mums to meet, massage can improve sleep patterns, enhance development and boost immunity. Free to Families in receipt of Social Welfare. Booking essential. Call 068 32444 or 087 9382883.
Supported by the HSE, West Limerick Resources and County Limerick Local Sport’s Partnership classes will start Wednesday September 21and run from 11am to 12pm in Fr. Casey’s GAA Hall. Free if in receipt of Social Welfare payments. Booking of places essential contact Nora on 068 32444 or Mary 0879382883.
Now back following their summer recess, the Parent and Toddler group meets each Thursday from 9.30am to 12pm in An Glorach Theatre, Abbeyfeale (Beside Daycare Centre). New parents and toddlers are always welcome. The cost is €3 per session.
The nest meeting will take place at 7:30 pm on Tuesday September 20 in West Limerick Resource Abbeyfeale Office, The Square (look for sign West Limerick CDP over door behind Fr. Casey statue). New members always welcome. Contact Denis at 087 6497671 or Conor at 087 6225881.
Basic computer classes will be offered to people in receipt of Social Welfare payments starting this September. Taught by volunteer tutors and running over six week courses for 1½ hours per week in Abbeyfeale and Tournafulla this initiative aims to help people increase their confidence and ability to use computers and the internet. Participants will only be asked to pay a nominal charge to cover venue hire. For further information or to book a place contact Irene at West Limerick Resources at 069 66298.
Rainbows is a free support group for children between the ages of 4 to 12 years that is designed to assist children and youths who are grieving a death, separation or any other painful transition or change in their family. The new application forms for the autumn 2011 programme are now available from Dearbhla or Nora in the WLR Abbeyfeale office on 068 32444. If you have an application form completed but not yet returned please do so as soon as possible
West Limerick Resources Office in Abbeyfeale provides a comprehensive range of information on supports & services in the West Limerick area; we also provide Citizen’s Information support, access to the Rural Employment Service, FAS Jobs Club and West Limerick Resources supports. Please call in or phone us in confidence on 068 32444.
If you are interested in joining a Young Mums Social and Support Group that will meet on Tuesdays at 7.30pm in West Limerick Resources Office, Abbeyfeale please call Mary 087 9382883.
Burnt out-from looking for a job? Interested in joining a group of people going through the same thing? The Newcastle West Jobseekers Network was set up last year to provide a peer support network. In the past year, members have taken part in horticulture classes, personal development sessions and a fitness Bootcamp. We are now working on ideas and suggestions for activities over this coming Autumn and Winter. Anyone interested in joining or looking for more information about the group can contact David on: 069 61316 or 087 9109309. We are also planning to set up a similar group in the Abbeyfeale area. Contact Ed on 068 32444 or 087 329 0483