Vito Missorici accepting a cheque for €1,500 for Down Syndrome Limerick from Athea Drama Group during their recent very successful staging of “The Man from Clare”

Athea Community First Responders

The CPR training date is this Saturday 26th March in Con Colbert Hall.

For anyone that already expressed an interest in this training day, please contact Sean Liston on 087 2589872

We are still looking for more members of our community to sign up for this important training date.

Abbeyfeale Vocational School

Calendar of Events for School Commemoration

The following events will take place as part of our commemoration of the School.

An open invitation is being extended to anyone who had an association with the School since 1951.

March 31st @ 7:15p.m.

Plaque unveiling followed by a book launch in the School and opening of Photographic Exhibition  – Refreshments served

April 1st @ 3:00 p.m.

Commemorative Mass at the Church of the Assumption, Abbeyfeale for the School Community past and present.

Friday 1st April from 6:00 – 8:00 p.m.

Photographic and memorabilia Exhibition – Refreshments served

Saturday 2nd April from 2:00 – 4:00 p.m.

Photographic and memorabilia Exhibition – Refreshments served

St. Patrick’s Missionary Society

(Catherine Wilson passed on this letter of thanks  for the donation of used stamps this year to the Kiltegan Missionaries)

Greetings from Kiltegan. This is to convey my Society’s thanks for your very generous donation of stamps for our work. Since Fr. Seamus began collecting stamps in the late sixties, we’ve used this money to help the catechist fund.

Everybody who has worked on the missions knows the important of catechists. They are an indispensable help to the work of handing on the faith. The differences of language and culture mean that the priest needs guidance in teaching prayers, catechism and so on. The catechists look after Sunday service in the absence of the priest and do their own teaching of catechism. Very often our catechists have shown great loyalty and commitment to the communities they serve even when they are not paid very much. Our people have great respect for them because they know how much they do. Some of our new member priests and students have a parent who is or was a catechist. We thank God for all those who support the catechist fund through their donation of used stamps.

Thanks once again for all your support. May God bless and keep you.

Yours sincerely

Father Billy Fulton, Director.


Ferris: Leaked report confirms fears over Coillte

The Sinn Féin Spokesperson on natural resources Martin Ferris TD, has said that a media report based on a leak from the McCarthy Group on State Assets confirms fears over the future of Coillte and Bord na Mona. According to a piece by Brendan Keenan in today’s Irish Independent the report will recommend a sale of forestry and peat and the establishment of a new company to ‘manage’ the land after the peat and timber are sold off. The Programme for Government is committed to merging the two companies as a new bio energy entity.
Deputy Ferris said:
“I will be raising this on the Order of Business tomorrow afternoon and I also expect to receive replies to several questions I have tabled on the possible sale of Coillte and Bord na Mona and on the contents of the McCarthy report.
“The new Government has said that it will be guided on its sale of €2 billion of state assets by the report. I am calling on them to honour their explicit promises during the election that Coillte would not be sold off.”


Athea Parent & Toddler Group

The Athea Parent & Toddler group are in the Memorial Hall, Athea, every Tuesday and Friday from 11.30 to 1.30.

We are also open during the school holidays.

For more information contact me Caroline on 085-7073948.