by Peg Prendeville

I bring you good news of great joy … a baby has been born in the Clounleharde/Glenbawn area. Congratulations to James FitzGerald and his fiancee Sinéad O’Connor on the birth of their first child, a boy, whom they are calling Adam FitzGerald. James and Sinéad live in what used to be Liam Enright’s house. Though the locals know it as being in the Clounleharde area it is officially Glenbawn. Technically Clounleharde school is in Glenbawn but the Clounleharde people do not agree :). Everybody wishes them much happiness as they embark on parenthood.

I bring you even more good news. My grandchild Lucy had her spinal surgery last Wednesday and it was a great success. In spite of a lot of pain she is doing very well and should be home, a much taller girl, by the end of this week. My gratitude goes to all the medical, surgical, neurological teams involved and to the kind nurses in St Joseph’s ward in Crumlin Hospital. It is a great relief to all our family to have this done at last.

Knockdown shop is being furnished so that is more good news. It should be open in the near future.

Now, the not so good news is that Ayo has left Glin library so once again it is temporarily without permanent staff and working on reduced hours. A meeting is being held on Tuesday 21st to discuss the future of the library. John Sheahan, Councillor, will attend. The people of Glin are very anxious to keep this beautiful library open so I’m sure that there will be a large attendance. When I know more you’ll know more.

I believe we are threatened with another storm and maybe even some snow at the weekend. Hopefully it will not be too hard on us.