by Peg Prendeville
Well, what a start to the new year of 2025. After a lovely mild Christmas and some lovely family gatherings the flu invaded one of the houses and my daughter and hubby and her family of five were laid low and only recovering now. Thankfully we escaped in Glenbawn and kept our distance which was further enhanced by the most snow we have seen in a long long time. We measured 14 inches deep in the yard and lawn at one stage. Then along comes the power cut where the parish and surrounding parishes endured three days and nights of no heat, no water, no power. Due to Jim’s condition we are so-called “vulnerable customers” and rely on electricity for beds, chairs etc but it made no difference. I am not blaming anybody as I have the highest respect for those people who braved the elements to try and restore power to all. On Little Christmas, instead of welcoming the three wise men, I had two wise men (my sons) bringing flasks of hot water and shovelling snow outside our door. God help those who live completely alone with nobody to call for help. Anyway we lived to tell the tale and all is well again. But the snow did a lot of damage with branches breaking off trees, hedges being flattened and cars sliding into ditches and needing repairs. On top of that I dread to think of the amount of food which had to be thrown out due to freezers defrosting and spoiling good food.
Nothing, I know, in comparison to the damage being done in LA with the wild fires. It is awful to even think about it and to realise we are at the mercy of the elements of wind, fire and water.
In the midst of all this chaos I received the sad news of the death of one of my favourite cousins – Pauline Curtin, formerly of Mountcollins but now living in the USA. She has many relations scattered through Abbeyfeale and Mountcollins and all were very fond of her. She was a very generous woman always. May she rest in peace.
But we must keep the bright side out and look forward to the Spring and new growth. Both Athea and Ballyhahill drama groups are keeping up the rehearsals giving us some fun to look forward to later in February and March.
I speak about my grandchild Lucy from time to time – she was born with spina bifida and developed scoliosis. All going well, by the time you read these notes, she will have had her spinal surgery which is planned for this Wednesday January 15. She has been waiting for months for this so please God all will be successful this time. So in spite of the rocky start it may be the best year yet! We trust and we hope.