by Jer Kennelly

PARENTS Association Split the Bucket, next draw on 30th of January.

MASS Knockanure:

Mission 2025 – Pilgrims of Hope. Our diocesan mission will take place
from Sunday January 19th  – Wednesday January 22nd. This year’s theme
is Pilgrims of Hope, picking up the theme of the Pope Francis’ Jubilee

RADIO antennae has been fixed, so the radio link is now up and running
as of 15th Jan.’25.  We would also like some feedback from
Parishioners on the use of the Radio.

CATHOLIC SCHOOL WEEK – began on 19th January. This year’s theme is
Catholic Schools : Alive in Christ.

LISTOWEL ACTIVE RETIRED returns on Tuesday 21st January, 2:30pm. To
4:30pm. in St. Patrick’s Hall. New members always welcome.

ST BRIGID crosses are being made again for charity, help is always welcome.

ANNIVERSARIES: Seanie Toomey, Maureen Quinn, Mary Nolan, Tom
Mulvihill, Denis Moore, Pat Guiney, Bernie Walsh, Theresa Byrne, Emma
O Brien, Mary Stack, Paddy Neville, Sr Kathleen Hegarty, Patrick
Walsh, James Harnett, Sr. Moia O Sullivan, John Paul McGrath, Sr.
Deborah O Flaherty,

MASS INTENTIONS: Sat. 18th Jan.’25 Moyvane for 1.Bill Horan and
deceased of Horan & Stack families (Aniv.’s). 2.Dick Stack (Aniv.)
Moyvane South, 3.Birthday wishes, Private Intention at 7.30pm; Sun.
19th Jan.’25 Knockanure a Private Intentionat 9.30am, and Mass Moyvane
a Private Intention at 11am; Tues. 21st Jan.’25 Moyvane for Mary Nolan
(Aniv.) and deceased members of Nolan and Galvin families, Mass
followed by Eucharistic Adoration 10am; Wed. 22nd Jan.’25, Moyvane
Diocesan Mission Mass, John Gregg & deceased of the Gregg and Hanlon
families at 10am; Thurs.23rd Jan.’25 Moyvane for Brigid & John Holly,
Emma & Jack O’Brien (Aniv.’s) at 10am, and mass Knockanure a Private
Intention at 7pm; Fri.24th Jan.’25  Knockanure a Private Intention at
7pm; Sat. 25th Jan.’25 Moyvane, 1.John Moloney (4th Aniv.), Mick &
Mary Moloney (Aniv.’s) Clarr, 2.Mary Stack (4th Aniv.) Aughrim at
7.30pm; Sun. 26th Jan.’25 Knockanure a Private Intention at 9.30am,
and mass Moyvane a Private Intention at 11am.

CAO: discounted application rate of €30 for CAO applications ends on
20th January, then fee increases to €45 until the CAO closing date of
1st February 2025.

LOTTO Results Knockanure GAA, from Tuesday December 17th, Jackpot was
€2,000. Numbers Drawn: 11, 20, 22,and 28. No winner, lucky dips went
to: 1. Bridget O Flaherty; 2. Pat Guerin, c/o Kevin’s; 3. Mike
Sullivan, Moyvane; 4. Daniel Leahy, Trien, and 5. Con Lynch,
Gortnanagouna. Next draw will take place January 14th in the
clubhouse, Jackpot will be €2,000, All are welcome.

dioceses of Kerry, Limerick, Killaloe, Cashel and Emily. Learn how
your local parish can respond to the ecological crisis. This
biodiversity conference will take place on Saturday 25th January from
10:00am—4:00pm in Springfort Hotel, Mallow.  Spaces are limited so
email [email protected] to book your spot.

.ADORATION:  Eucharistic Adoration in Abbeyfeale will resume shortly
from after 10am Mass every Friday until 7pm

GROW MENTAL HEALTH Support Group meetings are returning on Wednesday

15th January in the Shanchai Centre, 24 The Square, Listowel. V31 RD93
at 8pm, it was well supported in 2024, for more information contact
Jerry Cronin 0860271990.

TINTEAN THEATRE, BALLYBUNION:  Kilfenora Ceili Band on 1st February 2025.

CANDLEMAS DAY – Sunday, 2nd Feb. Donations of candles gratefully accepted.

SENIOR LINE is Ireland’s national telephone service for older people
open every day of the year 10am-10pm, Freephone 1800 80 4591.

BRIDGE CLUB:  Abbeyfeale Bridge Club meet on Thursday evenings in St.
Ita’s Day Centre.  New members very welcome.  Contact Nora Quirke 087

TEACH SIAMSA FINUGE – is offering a 10 week Irish language course for
adults on Wednesday evenings from  February 5.. The course is aimed at
beginners and intermediate level learners, but advanced learners can
be accommodated. The cost is €50 and you can book a place on
eventbrite (search for Blas Beo).

ACTIVE: €3.35 million for Active Travel projects in Kerry in 2025,with
€350,000 provided under the Bus Stop Enhancement Programme.

ST JOHNS: Exhibition | Through Our Artists’ Eyes by Inis Artists
available to view throughout January. Featuring 15 Clare-based
artists, the group showcases an array of styles and mediums,
reflecting the rich artistic spirit of Munster and the west of
Ireland. February 6th an exhibition by Donal Stack, North Kerry
Treasures at 5pm .

KERRY DIOCESAN PILGRIMAGE TO FATIMA 2025: will take place with a
return coach from Kerry via Shannon Airport on Sunday, 11th May and
return on Thursday, 15th May. Contact Karen at Barters Travelnet, Cork
at 021 – 4851700 or email: [email protected] Spiritual Director:
Fr.Noel Spring.

DIVINE Mercy Conference 2025 will be held at the RDS Ballsbridge from

21st to 23rd of February.

FEAST of the Conversion of Saint Paul is celebrated on Saturday 25th January.

God turned the persecutor of Christians into a preacher and teacher of the

Nations. Week of Prayer for Christian Unity.

ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT: takes place each Friday in Duagh
Sacristy from 3.00 p.m. in the afternoon. Public Rosary starts at 7.00
p.m. Mass starts at 7:30 p.m.

recruiting volunteers to train as marriage preparation programme
facilitators. If you are supportive of marriage in the Catholic
Church; and have

the enthusiasm to be part of the Accord team that supports couples
preparing for the Sacrament of Marriage then Accord wishes to hear
from you! Contact Aisling on 01 505 3112 or by email to
[email protected] and for further information see

DANCING CLASSES:  Learn to Waltz, Jive, Foxtrot, Line dancing etc. in
The Plaza Hall, Listowel.  Starting new class on Monday, January 20.
Beginners from 7-8 pm and Advanced 8 -9.30pm.  For more information
call 087 7541631.

BADMINTON: Munster grade C, F and H championships took place this
recently in the Killarney Sports and Leisure Centre. 179 entries
altogether and almost 200 games being played from 9am to 9pm.

PILGRIMAGE:  Pilgrimage to Medjugorje 10 – 17 Sept 2025 Cork to
Dubrovnik. Ph 01 6852244/ email: [email protected]. Further
information from Group

Leader Maura O’Keeffe Harcksen 087 1517696. Spiritual Director Fr Francis

Nolan 087 2100 273.

MILK: New research from the University of Oxford suggests that
consuming foods “rich in calcium”, like milk and yoghurt, could be
linked to a lower risk of developing bowel cancer. The research,
funded by Cancer Research UK, highlighted that consuming an additional
300mg of calcium – about the amount in a large glass of milk – could
lower the risk of bowel cancer by 17%.

Researchers analysed data from more than 500,000 women in the UK to
investigate the link between 97 dietary products and nutrients and
bowel cancer risk over an average time of 16 years.


FUNDS: ST John’s Parish, Tralee is to hold a fundraising drive over
February, March and April. The ‘Silver Circle’  replaces the Parish
Bazaar which ran for nearly 70 years.

FUNDRAISER FOR AXEL HORGAN:  Axel Horgan from Listowel was two years
old last May, he is the grandson of Margaret Curtin nee O’Donnell
formerly of Clash, Abbeyfeale. Mairead Hanlon who along with Fr.
Brendan Walsh PP of Moyvane  and a committee of local people have
organised a fundraising concert with Michael English  in Moyvane
Church on Sunday, March 23  writes the following;  “Axel  is one of
only 200 children worldwide who suffers from Cloves Syndrome, which is
an extremely rare congenital disorder, it is characterised by a
combination of vascular, skin, spinal, bone and joint abnormalities.
In August last year Axel started an oral chemotherapy drug used to
treat stage 4 cancer. This drug was used to target his overgrowth
syndrome. However, an unfortunate result of this gruelling treatment
resulted in a complete speech regression for Axel, as the drug had an
effect on his brain. At the time Axel was speaking many words for his
age, but because of the side effects of the chemotherapy he was on to
shrink the overgrowth, it also had an effect on other areas of the
body including the brain. So, as a result he had a full speech
regression.  The chemotherapy had to be stopped immediately in order
that his speech could be restored again. In February this year his
parents Eddie and Sarah learned the devastating news that Axel’s left
leg would have to be amputated. Unfortunately, this is going to happen
during the month of January.  Further MRI’s and x-rays have been done
on his right leg, which is showing signs of deterioration also.
Regretfully his right leg will also have to be amputated, more than
likely in the Summer of 2025.The family travelled to Paris last year
to undergo further treatment, which was carried out by a vascular
anomalies specialist, Professor Canaud. The family now have to travel
to Paris every 6 weeks for further treatments. The fingers on Axel’s
right hand are also affected and will require debulking and wiring
surgery, as they will not be functional as he ages.   Despite Axel’s
tough start in life, he is a beautiful little boy, as both Fr. Brendan
and I experienced when we visited their home on two occasions
recently. As well as the trips to Paris to attend the hospital, Axel
has to attend Crumlin Children’s Hospital, Dublin three times per
month, which involves seeing his neurologist, endocrinologist, gastro
consultant, as well as Axel’s consultant Professor Alan Irvine.
Attending both hospitals in Paris and Dublin involves significant
travel and accommodation costs, a cost which has to be paid by Eddie
and Sarah. Axel requires a significant amount of physiotherapy, but
because not enough sessions are provided through our health system in
this country, it is vital to have extra sessions of physio privately
per week. Thus incurs a significant extra cost. Absolutely, none of
this is funded by the HSE or any other means.  The reason we have
nominated Axel’s charity to benefit from our concert next March is to
help ease the financial burden on them presently and going forward.

Our wonderful fundraising draw will help towards Axel’s medical
expenses. Our contribution to this most worthy cause will be dependent
on the amount of tickets sold and the support we receive from
Parishioners and the wider public. Our amazing prize for the draw
includes return flights to New York for two people and 4 nights in the
Fitzpatrick Hotel, Manhattan.

The value of our wonderful prize is € 3,200. Our sponsors for the
prize are Des Adams, Adams car sales, Tralee and Danny Tim O’Sullivan,
Kells and London. We are completely overwhelmed by their generosity
and we thank Des and Danny Tim profusely for supporting this most
worthy cause. We are hoping both men will be in attendance at the
concert and will draw the winning ticket for the trip to New York.

Tickets are available from the following people: Marie at Moyvane
Parish Office, 068 49308;

Denise at Listowel Parish Office, 068 21188; Moyvane Sacristan – Joan
/Shane 087 7548666;

Knockanure Sacristan – Mary /Tina 087 6328104; Killarney /Beaufort –
Peggy 087 2448900;

Ballyduff – Padraig 086 0816209; Causeway – Liz 086 2289572;
Asdee/Ballylongford Mairéad 087 6004379; Waterville – Fr. Sean Jones;
Churchill /Fenit – Fr. Francis Nolan

Tickets will shortly go on sale in Abbeyfeale and environs


“The situation is still critical” – Fr Liam O’Callaghan in Pakistan

Sep 22, 2022

The scale of the disaster is almost overwhelming – 33 million people
out of a population of about 229 million affected, almost 1,500 killed
and damage estimated now at $30 billion.


SEAI highlights in 2024 include:  54,000 home energy upgrades with
over €420 million in support, including more than 7,700 homes in
energy poverty upgraded; Over 3,500 businesses approved for more than
€62 million in grant support; Over €52 million grant aid for 12,000
electric vehicles and 15,400 residential EV chargers; Energy research
supported with €22 million awarded to 42 new innovative projects; Over
€61 million capital funding provided to major public sector pathfinder
building upgrade projects and 87 new public sector partnerships
signed;  Launch of a new, rapid approval Business Energy Upgrade
Scheme; Publication of key energy statistics, projections and insights
supporting national policymaking.

COURSES: The Back To Education Initiative provides part-time further
education programmes for people with less than upper second level
education in a range of flexible learning opportunities. You can also
take part in BTEI if you are working and on a low income. The aim is
to give people an opportunity to combine their learning with family,
work and other commitments.


TEACHING: Aitece is the Association for International Teaching,
Educational and Curriculum Exchange, an independent, non-profit
organisation which sponsors foreign teachers and experts wishing to
work in China. It likewise facilitates Chinese educational institutes
recruiting foreign teachers and experts. Its goal is to contribute to
the modernisation of China, especially through the exchange of
personnel, and to promote international understanding and friendship

more information: Email: [email protected]


BLOOD DONATIONS:  3,000 units needed per week to maintain the national
blood supply.  Phone 1800 222 111 for details of local clinics.

EY Entrepreneur Of The Year™ programme is open to entrepreneurs from
all sectors and growth stages, closing date February 27th . Anyone
interested can find out more or complete a nomination form at

Entrepreneurs Want; Summer reminds me of the adventures and excitement
that awaited me after that final school bell rang. I could sleep in,
relax, watch cartoons, and pursue my passion for collecting baseball
cards. After exhausting my first indulgences of summer, that first
bubble gum pack of cards was the target. But then it hits me. I have
no money.


AGEFRIENDLY; This website provides resources, guidance and links to
other sources of information to support people to live well as they
age. Here you will find information on new and existing homes, grants
and funding, healthcare, design information, technology, public realm,
regulations, policy and research.

NANO Nagle Special School Listowel will get money from the Department
of Education for the refurbishment of its home economics room and
convert it into a special education room.

THOUGHT: Watch your thoughts, for they become words.Watch your words,
for they become actions. Watch your actions, for they become habits.
Watch your habits, for they become character. Watch your character,
for it becomes your destiny.

This old adage states – “Blessed is the person who is too busy to
worry during the daytime – and too sleepy to worry at night”.

LOURDES: Missionaries of the Sacred Heart are going to Lourdes from 25
– 30 May 2025 from Cork. For more details please ring Mary at 021 454
6691 or email [email protected]

Pilgrimage to Medjugorje 10 – 17 Sept 2025 Cork to Dubrovnik €899. Ph 01

685 2244/ email: [email protected]. Further information from Group

Leader Maura O’Keeffe Harcksen 087 1517696. Spiritual Director Fr Francis

Nolan 087 2100 273.

CLIMATE: Many environmentalists are concerned that we are swapping one
form of resource extraction and exploitation for another, leading some
to be lukewarm or even opposed to renewables. Although concerns are
valid, the environmental and social impact of mining these minerals
must be balanced against the catastrophic and enduring damage caused
by fossil fuels.

All forms of extraction cause damage. However, this must be weighed up
against the enormous damage from extracting, refining, transporting
and burning fossil fuels. Each year around 13 billion tonnes of coal,
oil and gas are mined, making up around 40 per cent of goods shipped
around the world. And the waste – 37 billion tonnes of carbon dioxide
pollution added to the atmosphere each year – is causing irreparable
damage to the climate.


Irish Times AUGUST 30, 1928.

Dublin IR Irish Times 1928-08-30_70_11.pdf


LISTOWEL, Wednesday.

Something like a sensation was caused in Listowel this morning when
Lady Heath, in her aeroplane, landed on The Island Racecourse and let
down a passenger, Miss A. Pierce, who acted as one of the judges of
the rabbits at the North Kerry Agricultural  and Industrial Society’s
Show. A great crowd began to assemble as soon as the machine was seen
to land, but Lady Heath soon took to the air again and disappeared
among the clouds in the direction of Ballybunion, where she is
staying. In the evening she flew back to The Island and motored to the
Show yard, where she was received

with enthusiasm by a committee headed by Mr. Thomas J. Walsh, Chairman
of the Urban Council.

In reply to an address of welcome, Lady Heath expressed her pleasure
at the cordiality of her reception, and said that aviation could do a
great deal for Ireland. No country could lead if transport lagged
behind, before landing she performed a series of evolutions over the
Show ground. Under the

care of the Civic Guard, her machine was a source of great interest to
people in the town.


For registered dairy shorthorn bulls over a year old R. Kissane,
Lisselton, led with the three-year- old roan, Bridgebank Cartona, by
Bridgebank Air Raid. He also won the cup as the best registered dairy
shorthorn bull. Thomas Leahy, Kilmorna, Was second with the
six-year-old, Agamemnon, and Timothy Lawler, Ardferts third with the
roan, Pioneer, by Hilda’s Benedict –

For half-bred registered dairy shorthorn bulls. over two years, Mrs.
E. Hilliard, Billerough, was

first with the massive Farran Herdsman, to Farran Huntsman. This bull
was reserved for the

Cup. Denis Callahan, O’Dorney, followed with Killahan, a red.

In the class for younger dairy shorthorn bulls d O’Carroll,
Drumecleugh, led with the useful Breahig Hero, T. D. Brosnan,
Kilmorna, being second with Kenmare Master 11. and John O’Connell,
Lixnaw, third with Pride of Lisereen.

For two-year-old heifers, recognised progeny, Thomas Leahy, Kilmorna,
was first with Bonnie

Castle, whose dam gave a yield of 996 gallons. I, G. Fitzgerald’s
Colleen was second, and E. J.

Mulvihill’s Rosemary third.

Yearling heifers, recognised progeny, were led by T. G. Fitzgerald’s
roan, Bell. his Miller’s Maid

being second, and P. D. Kennelly, Newtownsandes, third with Moreen


Show Listowel; Kerry local animal;  in the confined class for Kerry or
Dexter Cows,

M. B. Keane, Kilmorna led with Gort Polly, M. Sullivan, Dromin, being
second with Valentia Lass.


A great advance has also been made in cow-testing in the County Kerry,
six new associations having

been formed during the past year. There is an increase of a thousand
cows under test over 1927. . There are now in Kerry eight thousand
cows under test,


A novel competition at such events was that for the best-developed
baby, one to three years old. The first prize was awarded to Eugene
Moriarty, Mortara, Ballylongford, a sixteen months old child,


See Paper for long list of cattle owners who won prizes.


BREEDS MOSQUITOES. Advises drinking alkaline medical water for quick


FIRES in California has been at the epicentre of battling wildfires,
which have become more frequent, more destructive, and larger, since
1980. In 2021, California faced “unprecedented” fire conditions,
according to CalFire (California Department of Forestry and Fire
Protection, the state’s fire agency), with one fire alone burning more
than 960,000 acres (3,885 sq km). Well-timed rainfall can bring some
relief, even as the wider situation remains severe. The wildfire
season in 2022 was described as a “mild” for the state – more than
300,000 acres (1,214 sq km) burned compared to the five-year average
of 2.3 million acres (9,307 sq km). August 2023 was cooler and wetter
than average in California. Still, more than a quarter of a million
acres have burned, and four people have died.

Factors such as hotter, drier conditions due to climate change are key
drivers in increasing the risk and severity of the fires, research
shows. But there are also studies suggesting that land management can
play an important role, as the build-up of dead trees and dry shrubs
creates dangerous fuel that can lead to big, severe fires. Land
managers traditionally relied on herbicide and manual labour to thin
out brush and reduce dry fuel, but agencies and city officials are
also trying out other, potentially more sustainable and cost-effective
methods – such as goats.


PALATINES is a story of resilience and migration driven by hardship
and hope. The Palatinate was repeatedly devastated by French invasions
throughout the 17th century, further destabilizing the region. Among
the 13,000 Palatines, nearly 3,000 were relocated to rural Ireland in
September 1709. This move was part of a strategy by Irish landlords
and supported by Queen Anne of England, who sought to increase the
Protestant tenant population in Ireland. Despite this, the settlement
in Ireland faced significant challenges, and by 1712, more than
two-thirds of the settlers had returned to England or Germany.


ROSARY: The rhythm of the rosary can be a powerful comfort in times of
distress. Praying the rosary helps to quiet the mind, calm anxiety,
and strengthen faith when life becomes overwhelming. By focusing on
the mysteries and the repetitive prayers, Catholics find a source of
peace, rooted in the love of God and the intercession of Mary. Each
“Hail Mary” is a reminder that we are not alone, that Mary, our
mother, is praying with us and for us.