by Marian Harnett

PROLOGUE:  A cloudy day is no match for a sunny disposition.


DEATHS:  Sincere sympathy to the family of the late Kitty McEnery Dromtrasna Collins and Foynes and to the family of the late Michael J Broderick, Purt.  May they rest in peace.

SPRING BREAK APRIL 7-10:  Based in the Great Northern 4* hotel, Donegal, full Irish breakfast, dinner every evening, and dancing and entertainment in the Atlantic Ballroom. Gary Gamble, Brian K & Marion and John Glenn.  Touring each day after breakfast one day in Derry and more.  Early booking recommended.   Contact Maureen 087 9845102.


FEAST OF ST. BRIGID:. Saturday is the feast of St. Brigid.  Candlemas Day Sunday, February 2.  Donations of candles very welcome.


FEAST OF SAINT BLAISE:  Monday 3 February is the Feast of Saint Blaise
who was Bishop of Sebastea in Armenia and was martyred in 315 AD. He is patron saint of people with sore throats and sick cattle.


TEACH SIAMSA FINUGE invites you to marking the Folk Year with a special event at St. Michaels Well,  Lixnaw on Saturday 1st February at 12 noon as we celebrate Imbolc and St. Brigid’s Day. Participants are invited to bring their own St. Brigid’s cross to be blessed or there is a workshop on the morning at 10.30 a.m. in Teach Siamsa Finuge on
the same day. Rushes will be provided.


DIVINE Mercy Conference 2025 will be held at the RDS Ballsbridge from
21st to 23rd of February.


.ANOTHER CHANGE IN DATES:  Abbeyfeale Community Lunch was re booked for early February in St. Ita’s Day Care Centre, Convent St. but that date has changed again and it will now take place on Sunday ,February 23..  The venue remains the same.


WELLNESS WORKSHOP:  Monday, February 3 from 10-3pm at the Greenway Hub Barnagh.  Further information from 085 2552890.  Limited places.


TROUBLED BATCHLORS:  Abbeyfeale Drama’s new production opening Tuesday

February 18 at the Glórach Theatre for an eight night run (not consecutive).  Booking 087 1383940.


ABBEYFEALE MAN  : Meritsoft Jim Dore is the Enterprise Sales Manager for
North America at Meritsoft, a Cognizant company, covering the leading
global Tier One financial institutions. He serves as a trusted advisor
to the C-suite, focused on helping organizations maximize operational
efficiencies. Jim started his career in financial services working at
NYSE member firms before moving into the


IRISH DANCING CLASSES:  Instructer Brenden Croghan ADCRG 0868109819 starts Tuesday, January 28 at Teach na Feile, New St., Abbeyfeale.


TAI CHI CLASSES:  Tai Chi is a gentle set of movements promoting wellbeing for all ages.  It helps to reduce Stress, Improve Mood, and Reduce Bone Loss.  Starts Tuesday, February 4 in Templeglantine Hall at 10am.  Further information call John Sherlock 083 2080878.


MAUREEN’S CHARITIES  :  Any used unwanted candles are used once melted  down a small chubby candles with ridge on the top able to support  mug to heat hot chocolate,  and  to warm the soldiers hands in the trenches in Ukraine..

Used stamps are collected in a large black sack and traders will pay 5 euro. This money is  given to the Servite nuns in Mynanmar to feed, clothe, give shelter and educatie120 young girls.  Under the regime they are living in very difficult times the army have taken over and won’t allow these young girls go to school. In Newcastle West the above can be dropped into the shop ‘Fit for you’ opposite the church car park corner Boherbui, stamps can be dropped into a box under the table in the side porch of the church. In Castleisland you can drop stuff to the Community Museum on the main street next to McCarthy’s public house.



If you can please give something from the following it would be really appreciated; i.e. tins sardines,,beans, tomatoes, peas, sweetcorn, any item that is tinned acceptable. Tinned fruit. Packets of soup, rice spaghettii,  pasta, Tea, coffee, hot chocolate. Biscuits sweets, chocolate,. Toiletries, shampoo, shower gel, bar soap, baby wipes, sanitary pads.  Over the counter medicine, paracetamol, Ibuprofen, back heat cream, heat pads,. Items can be dropped into ‘Fit for You ‘ at the corner Boherbui Newcastle West opposite Church Car park and in Castleisland to the Community Museum  contact John Reidy 0872359467Thank you most sincerely for any help that you can give.  God Bless.


USED CHRISTMAS CARDS:  If you want to get rid of your old Christmas cards Ann Brennen will take them in the Old Weigh House in the Market Yard, Newcastle West for her Crafty Corner Group which meet every Tuesday.   Cards can be dropped off between 6.30 -7pm.   Thank you.

FUNDRAISER FOR MOYVANE CHURCH AND A DONATION TO THE AXEL HORGAN FUND:  Axel Horgan from Listowel was two years old last May, he is the grandson of Margaret Curtin nee O’Donnell formerly of Clash, Abbeyfeale. Mairead Hanlon who along with Fr. Brendan Walsh PP of Moyvane  and a committee of local people have organised a fundraising concert with Michael English  in Moyvane Church on Sunday, March 23  writes the following;  “Axel  is one of only 200 children worldwide who suffers from Cloves Syndrome, which is an extremely rare congenital disorder, it is characterised by a combination of vascular, skin, spinal, bone and joint abnormalities. In August last year Axel started an oral chemotherapy drug used to treat stage 4 cancer. This drug was used to target his overgrowth syndrome. However, an unfortunate result of this gruelling treatment resulted in a complete speech regression for Axel, as the drug had an effect on his brain. At the time Axel was speaking many words for his age, but because of the side effects of the chemotherapy he was on to shrink the overgrowth, it also had an effect on other areas of the body including the brain. So, as a result he had a full speech regression.  The chemotherapy had to be stopped immediately in order that his speech could be restored again. In February this year his parents Eddie and Sarah learned the devastating news that Axel’s left leg would have to be amputated. Unfortunately, this is going to happen during the month of January.  Further MRI’s and x-rays have been done on his right leg, which is showing signs of deterioration also. Regretfully his right leg will also have to be amputated, more than likely in the Summer of 2025.The family travelled to Paris last year to undergo further treatment, which was carried out by a vascular anomalies specialist, Professor Canaud. The family now have to travel to Paris every 6 weeks for further treatments. The fingers on Axel’s right hand are also affected and will require debulking and wiring surgery, as they will not be functional as he ages.   Despite Axel’s tough start in life, he is a beautiful little boy, as both Fr. Brendan and I experienced when we visited their home on two occasions recently. As well as the trips to Paris to attend the hospital, Axel has to attend Crumlin Children’s Hospital, Dublin three times per month, which involves seeing his neurologist, endocrinologist, gastro consultant, as well as Axel’s consultant Professor Alan Irvine. Attending both hospitals in Paris and Dublin involves significant travel and accommodation costs, a cost which has to be paid by Eddie and Sarah. Axel requires a significant amount of physiotherapy, but because not enough sessions are provided through our health system in this country, it is vital to have extra sessions of physio privately per week. Thus incurs a significant extra cost. Absolutely, none of this is funded by the HSE or any other means.

The reason we have nominated Axel’s charity to benefit from our concert next March is to help ease the financial burden on them presently and going forward.

Our wonderful fundraising draw will help towards Axel’s medical expenses.

Our contribution to this most worthy cause will be dependent on the amount of tickets sold and the support we receive from Parishioners and the wider public.

Our amazing prize for the draw includes return flights to New York for two people and 4 nights in the Fitzpatrick Hotel, Manhattan.

The value of our wonderful prize is € 3,200. Our sponsors for the prize are Des Adams, Adams car sales, Tralee and Danny Tim O’Sullivan, Kells and London. We are completely overwhelmed by their generosity and we thank Des and Danny Tim profusely for supporting this most worthy cause.

We are hoping both men will be in attendance at the concert and will draw the winning ticket for the trip to New York.

Tickets are available from the following people:


Marie at Moyvane Parish Office, 068 49308

Denise at Listowel Parish Office, 068 21188

Moyvane Sacristan – Joan /Shane 087 7548666

Knockanure Sacristan – Mary /Tina 087 6328104

Killarney /Beaufort – Peggy 087 2448900

Ballyduff – Padraig 086 0816209

Causeway – Liz 086 2289572

Asdee/Ballylongford Mairéad 087 6004379

Waterville – Fr. Sean Jones

Churchill /Fenit – Fr. Francis Nolan

Tickets at €30 for the Michael English Concert which will benefit Moyvane Church are on sale in Abbeyfeale in Kathleen’s Foodstore, Convent St., Batt’s in the Square and An Siopa Milsean.  The tickets for the draw for the trip to NYC .are also on sale at €10 each at the above shops and a portion of the money raised on their sale will be donated will be donated to the Axel Horgan fund.


JUBILEE YEAR IN THE CHURCH: A Jubilee Year is held every twenty-five years. Pope Francis has officially opened the year by opening a Holy Door in St Peter’s Basilica, Rome on Christmas Eve. The beginning was celebrated worldwide on Sunday, 29th December Feast Day of the Holy Family in every diocese worldwide, and thus at all our Masses that
weekend. Pope Francis has chosen the Jubilee theme “Pilgrims of Hope”. We are asked to treat the year ahead as a year-long pilgrimage seeking together to become more aware that truly Jesus Christ Our Saviour is ‘Hope’ we mean ‘Hope in Jesus Christ’, Hope in our God, Father, Son and Spirit.

CAR BOOT SALE: Community Centre NCW opposite Aldi.   Saturday, February 15 from 9 am to 1pm.Admission €2.

AQUA Dome, re-opening again following a significant closure period. The replacement of the 30-year-old filters, and the planned work to update the air filtration systems in 2025 is costing €850,000.” Check the web site for changes

.ADORATION IN THE BLESSED SACRAMENT CHAPEL:  Eucharistic Adoration in Abbeyfeale from after 10am Mass every Friday until 7pm.  Adoration also takes place each Friday in Duagh Sacristy from 3.00 p.m. in the afternoon. Public Rosary starts at 7.00 p.m. Mass starts at 7:30 p.m.

recruiting volunteers to train as marriage preparation programme facilitators. If you are supportive of marriage in the Catholic Church and have the enthusiasm to be part of the Accord team that supports couples preparing for the Sacrament of Marriage then Accord wishes to hear from you! Contact Aisling on 01 505 3112 or by email to[email protected] and for further information see


GROW MENTAL HEALTH Support Group meetings are returning on Wednesday
15th January in the Shanchai Centre, 24 The Square, Listowel. V31
RD93 at 8pm, it was well supported in 2024, for more information
contact Jerry Cronin 0860271990.

SOCIAL DANCE CLASSES:  Mondays at the Plaza
Hall, Listowel.  Classes include waltzing, jiving, quick step, line
dancing and much more.  Beginners 7p.m. – 8p.m. Advanced 9 p.m. For
bookings call or text 087-7451631.

TINTEAN THEATRE, BALLYBUNION:  Kilfenora Ceili Band on 1st February 2025.


CANDLEMAS DAY – Sunday, 2nd Feb. Donations of candles gratefully accepted.

SENIOR LINE is Ireland’s national telephone service for older people
open every day of the year 10am-10pm, Freephone 1800 80 4591.

BRIDGE CLUB:  Abbeyfeale Bridge Club meet on Thursday evenings in St. Ita’s Day Centre.  New members very welcome.  Contact Nora Quirke 087 7615480.

IMPORTANT NOTICE:   The Church Yard will be locked on the evening before a Funeral in the Parish to facilitate parking for families.

TEACH SIAMSA FINUGE – is offering a 10 week Irish language course for adults on Wednesday evenings from  February 5.. The course is aimed at beginners and intermediate level learners, but advanced learners can be accommodated. The cost is €50 and you can book a place on eventbrite (search for Blas Beo).

GETTING MARRIED IN 2025:   We wish to express our congratulations and best wishes to all couples who plan to get married this coming year. Many have already booked into the Church for the celebration of the Sacrament of Marriage. For most couples getting married is one of the biggest decisions they will make in their lives. It is something that deserves and needs a lot of thought, a lot of discussion and when it comes to the wedding day, a lot of planning. We want to offer whatever assistance we can as couples prepare for the celebration of the Sacrament of Marriage. ACCORD is the Catholic Marriage Care Service and is the main provider of Pre-Marriage Preparation courses for couples choosing to get married in the Catholic Church. The Marriage Preparation Course offered by ACORD, presents the couple the opportunity to reflect on how they communicate, to explore their understanding of commitment, how to manage conflict, how to be responsible parents and to live the sacrament of marriage. To book a place on the ACCORD Pre-Marriage course telephone ACCORD West Limerick 069-61000, Limerick City 061 343000 or ACCORD Tralee 066 7120194. Log on to

CHURCH RADIO:  A new Church radio system has been installed in the church which will allow parishioners who are confined to home to listen into Mass and other services.  Tune in on 105.900 FM.

KERRY DIOCESAN PILGRIMAGE TO FATIMA 2025: will take place with a return coach from Kerry via Shannon Airport on Sunday, 11th May and return on Thursday, 15th May. Contact Karen at Barters Travelnet, Cork at 021 – 4851700 or email: [email protected] Spiritual Director: Fr.Noel Spring.


BIRTH MOTHERS:  Information and Support for Birth Mothers whose babies were placed for adoption may be found at or by calling the relevant section of TUSLA at +353 818 445 500.

LISTOWEL KARATE CLASSES: Kerry Martial Arts School are continuing karate and self-defence classes in Presentation Secondary School Hall on Monday evenings. All ages from 4 to adults welcome at 6pm. Contact 0858403898 for further information or search Kerry Martial Arts School on Facebook.


SOCIAL DANCING AT THE DAYCARE:  Classes have started at St. Ita’s Day Care Centre on Tuesday nights.


ROCKCHAPEL NEWS:  Card game Wednesday nights at 8.30pm in the Community Centre.

PILGRIMAGE:  Pilgrimage to Medjugorje 10 – 17 Sept 2025 Cork to Dubrovnik. Ph 01
6852244/ email: [email protected]. Further information from Group
Leader Maura O’Keeffe Harcksen 087 1517696. Spiritual Director Fr Francis
Nolan 087 2100 273.

YOUTH MUSIC CLUB IN ABBEYFEALE:  Foroige have set up a club for 3rd and 4th year Secondary School students every Tuesday 4 -6pm in St. Ita’s Hall.  Registration €10 with a weekly charge of €3.  For more information contact Emma on 086 4134777.

YOUTH CHESS CLUB:  Additional Volunteers are needed to help open a Foróige Youth Chess Club in  Abbeyfeale which will run every second week.  If you know how to play chess and are available to be Garda vetted and can give an hour and a half twice a month then get in touch with Emma Browne Foróige on [email protected] or call her on 086 4134777.

ABBEYFEALE YOUTH CLUBS:  Calling all parents of current 1st and 2nd year students to help out for an hour and a half one evening a week to get our youth clubs up and running.  Without the help of parents it is not possible to have youth clubs.  Contact Noreen Cullinane 087 2353306.


DANCING WITH TIMMY:  Set dancing classes with Timmy Woulfe continue in the Marian Hall, Moyvane on Monday nights at 8pm.  Everyone welcome.

ABBEYFEALE MARKET:  “Abbeyfeale Market is a group of traders and crafters from Abbeyfeale and surrounding areas bring you a wide range of gifts, hand crafted products, home baking and so much more.  They can be contacted through the Abbeyfeale Community page on FB. Coming to you the second Friday of the month Friday 10 am – 2pm.  Also the last Saturday of the month from 11am – 3pm.

BIBLE STUDY:   Study the Sunday Mass Readings which will prepare your Heart and Mind for Mass by studying the Word of God, will take place in Athea Library on Wednesday evenings at 7.30pm


BALLYHAHILL SET DANCING CLASSES:  Every Monday night 8-9.30pm in the Hall.  Everyone welcome.

WL102FM NEW PRESENTERS REQUIRED:  People who are interested in getting involved in radio presentation, sound production, research etc. should take this opportunity to learn a new skill and have something different to put on their CV –  contact 069 66200.  Free training will be provided.


PLOUGHING Championships in 2025 will take place at Screggan, Tullamore, from 16-18 September.


DIOCESAN PILGRIMAGE TO ROME: The Diocese of Limerick is running a Jubilee Year Pilgrimage to Rome from March 20 -26, 2025. Bishop Leahy will lead the pilgrimage. For further details contact MYRIAM TOURS on 057 –9355050.


CHILDREN’S CHOIR:   Children can be brought to the Blessed Sacrament Chapel at 5.30pm for practice before Mass. It is open to children from 1st to 6th Class. New Members are most welcome. Contact Noreen Cotter 087/4158722.   The new choir really enhances our Saturday evening Mass and we have to congratulate Riona Curtin and all the children on the work they put in from 5.30pm every week to have new hymns beautifully sung.


BAPTISMS:  Baptisms in Abbeyfeale are celebrated on the first Saturday of each month at 5.00pm. And on the second Sunday of the month after the 12noon Mass. Contact the Sacristy 068/51915 during Mass Times to book.


PRAYER FOR SAFE TRAVEL TO ST. CHRISTOPHER:   Dear Saint Christopher, protect me today, in all my travels, along the road’s way. Give your warning sign, if danger is near so that I may stop, while the path is clear. Be at my window, and direct me through when the vision blurs, from out of the blue. Carry me safely, to my destined place, as you carried Christ, in your close embrace. Amen.


SOCIAL DANCING IN DUAGH SPORTS AND LEISURE COMPLEX V31K659:  There’s a lovely floor and a fine crowd in attendance from all over North Kerry every Friday night from 9-11.30pm.  Dancing next Friday night to Noreen Ashe.


VIGIL FOR PALESTINE:  Abbeyfeale’s Vigil takes place on Wednesday from 6-7pm in the Square, Abbeyfeale. The weekly Listowel Vigil for Palestine takes place every Tuesday, 6pm – 7pm in The Square, Listowel.  All Welcome.  For information email [email protected]


COLLEGE OF FET ABBEYFEALE:  Courses available include childcare, local history, computers, Payroll Manual and Computerised, Bookkeeping Computerised and Manual, Upholstery, Furniture Upcycling, Woodturning, Local History and much much more.  Phone 06831198 to find out more.


SHANNONDOC NCW:  Monday Midnight – 8am, 6pm – midnight.  Tuesday, midnight -8am, 6pm –midnight.  Wednesday, midnight – 8am, 6pm to midnight.  Thursday, midnight – 8am, 6pm to midnight.  Friday, midnight – 8am, 6pm – midnight.  Saturday 24 hours, Sunday 24 hours. Public Holidays 24 hours. The GP out-of-hours is for all ages.  It is by appointment only.  There is no walk in service.  Telephone 061 459500/0818 123500.  Email: info  When you phone the service they will take your details, such as;  name and date of birth, address and phone no., a description of the medical issue, your medical card or GP visit no.  Your call will be referred to a triage nurse.  They will phone you back.  Keep your line free so you do not miss their call.


WANTED: THE Camogie Association appeal for historical materials to
contribute to the GAA Library and Archives. GAA Archivist Adam
Staunton can be contacted at [email protected] or 01 8192350.


RAMBLING HOUSE; Listowel on last Thursday of the month and Knockanure on the first Thursday of the month.  Ita’s Rambling House at the Desmond Complex is on the 3rd. Friday each month.  Knocalucka is on the 3rd. Tuesday of the month.  Josie’s Brosna 2nd Thursday of the month.  Ballyhahill 3rd Wednesday in the Community Centre.  John Barrett’s Bar, Glin 4th Tuesday.  Tarbert last Saturday of the month at the Community Centre.


BLOOD DONATIONS:  3,000 units needed per week to maintain the national blood supply.  Phone 1800222111 for details of local clinics.  The hospital requirements are 6% higher than this time last year. New donors are welcome. Please phone 1800 222 111 for an

appointment. They are urgently seeking an additional 2,000 blood donations over the next four weeks.


RADIO MARIA: Radio Maria is a Catholic radio station, available via Saorview on television, – Saorview channel 210. It can also be listened to via their website   Each day they have Mass, Rosary and other prayers, and Christian music and hymns. Also, discussions and talks on all aspects of the Christian faith and the Catholic Church. It is run by many dedicated people and deserves our support. Tune in and find programmes that you enjoy.


ST.ITA’S DAY CARE AND SHELTERED HOUSING:  Wednesday January 29 Baked Ham or Lasagne.   Thursday, January 30 Shepherd’s Pie or Pork Chop.  Friday January 31 Fish or Meat Alternative.  Collect from the Centre or have it delivered.  Please let us know if you require a Gluten Free or Vegetarian option.  Price List Soup €1, Main Meal €7, half portion €5.  Plate of Vegetables and Potatoes €3.  Dessert €2.  Contact 068 51850.


GRINDS AVAILABLE:  Maths and all Science Subjects grinds available online or in person – Junior Cycle or Leaving Cert.  Contact Tiernan 089 4391334 [email protected]

LEARN HOW TO MAKE FILMS at Kerry College: Learn Screenwriting, Directing & Producing; Develop Film & Television Content; Coached & Mentored By Industry Professionals; Get Your Projects Industry Ready; Full Time Course, 40 Weeks Meet the instructors;

HOLY SPIRIT MINSTRY: Holy Spirit Prayer Meeting last Sunday of each month at the Desmond Complex at 3pm.   Everyone welcome. Rosary, Divine Mercy, Scripture and healing.  The world is so in need of prayers.


SENIOR LINE:   Would you like someone to talk to?  Senior Line is Ireland’s national telephone service for older people open every day of the year 10am-10pm, Freephone 1800 80 4591.


CHURCH NOTES:  Co Parish Priests of the Pastoral Area:   Fr Denis Mullane

087/2621911.  Fr. Tom Mangan. 087/2348226.  Fr Willie Russell 087/2272825. Fr Dan Lane (Retired) 087/2533030. Fr James Ambrose (Retired) Tel 087/7740753.   Divine Mercy Meetings will take place every Monday evening after 7 pm Mass. Baptisms in Abbeyfeale will be celebrated on the first Saturday of each month at 5.00pm. Also, on the second Sunday of the month after the 12noon Mass. Contact the Sacristy 068/51915 during Mass Times.

To book a Mass intention contact the sacristy during Mass times. Mass Intentions:  Wednesday 10am Daniel Sheehy.  Friday 10am Mass for the feast of St. Brigid. Saturday 6.30pm Mary Ann Quirke, Kilconlea Upr Months Mind.  Paddy and Nancy Fitzgerald, Meenahala.  Bridget Rowley, 3rd Anniversary. Kathleen Fitzgerald, New St.  Sunday 10am David Ward, Ballaugh.  12 noon Aoife Collins 8th Anniversary.  Mrs Eily Lane, New St. Anniversary.  Dick Murphy and Ita Lewis,Knocknasna. Anniversary..Bipolar Disorder Support Tel: Freephone 1800 80 48 48 (available 7 days, 10am-10pm). Email: [email protected] Bodywhys Eating Disorders Associations of Ireland Email: [email protected] 01 2107906. Information and Support for Birth Mothers – whose babies were placed for adoption may be found at or by calling the relevant section of TUSLA at +353 818 445 500.   Parish Envelopes The collection envelopes for our parish were delivered in January. If there is anybody who wishes to use the envelopes system and did not receive a box please contact Anne 0868661651 at the office or the church. 068/51915. If you are new to the parish or would like to receive a box contact Anne also. Online Donations Donate through the Parish Website You can now make your weekly offering to the parish, through the parish website. Click on to the parish website at and you will see a Donate button on the right-hand side on the front page of the website. Just follow the instructions and you will be able to make your donation to the parish collection. Your continued support is very much appreciated.


ABBEYFEALE COMMUNITY ALERT:  Do you have a European Health Insurance Card (EHIC).  The EHIC lets you access public healthcare in other EU and EEA countries for free, or at a reduced rate.  The card lasts for up to 4 years and can be renewed online.

.  The postponed Christmas Lunch will take place in the Day Care Centre on Sunday, February 23 next.  Do not answer calls from numbers you do not recognise – if they want you they’ll leave a message.  Do not give any personal or banking details no matter what pressure is applied.

Be Winter Ready; Try to avoid going out in wind or when there is ice or floods. Keep warm, eat well and avoid unnecessary travel.  Eat regular hot meals, drink plenty of fluids and avoid unnecessary travel. If you’re struggling with electricity and gas bills, you can’t be disconnected during winter:  1-11-2024 -31-3-2025(vulnerable customers).  9-12 2024 -17-1-2025 (all other domestic customers).  You are a priority service customer if you register with the CRU as being critically dependent on electrically powered assistive devices.

Check that you have a working smoke alarm and a carbon alarm.  Once you reach the age of 65 and live alone or with a person/s aged over 65 you are entitled to receive a monitored alarm system. But if you have younger people living in the house who are out for long periods of the day then because you are spending hours alone you are also entitled to the system provided that you are over 65.  The free equipment is provided by Pobal following an application from Abbeyfeale Community Alert, there will be a monitoring fee to be paid from the second year of installation to the installing company of €72.  Please note that this fee has increased by €6 and is payable in a lump sum each year after year one.  Should you not have a landline the installing company Task provide a sim card at a rate of €7.50 per month payable from day one.  Committee members are Michael O’Kelly N.T., Seamus Stack, Mossie Gleeson, Kathleen Collins, Mary McArthur, John O’Sullivan, Billy Quirke N.T., Cllr. Francis Foley, Susan Daly, Catherine Daly, Marian Harnett .Annette Collins.

CONTACT DETAILS FOR NOTES:  087 6866450. [email protected]


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MEET YOUR INSTRUCTOR // Content Development for Film & TV // Screenwriting // Kerry College