Archive for 2025

News – 11/2/25

The Cast of “Sharon’s Grave”

Athea Drama Group 

The count down is on to Athea Drama Group’s 2025 production of ‘Sharon’s Grave’ by John B. Keane. The play will be staged at Con Colbert Memorial Hall on Feb 27th, March 1st, 2nd, 6th, 8th & 9th. The booking line is currently open and very busy. Text / Whatsapp booking to 087 6926746


Save the date-We’re on the Run

Knockdown Vintage are holding their Annual Vintage Charity Run on 30th March 2025 in Knockdown Arms, Athea. This year our two worthy beneficiaries are: Cystic Fibrosis Ireland and the Little Blue Heroe’s.

Following the run, we will hold our customary Auction and Raffle.

Anyone wishing to make a donation towards the Auction and Raffle would be much appreciated.

For further information contact Margaret Culhane on 087 2303918

Carol Noonan on 087 6535029

Mairead Langan on 087 6407026


Men’s Shed

Members of Glin men’s shed will be in Athea on Friday 14th. Displaying some of their produce


The Way I See It

By Domhnall de Barra

The drama season is upon us again with many local groups taking to the stage with their latest productions. There is a great following for plays because people want to experience live performances after all the artificial entertainment we receive on our screens.  Members of local drama groups have been rehearsing since  October preparing for the curtain-up and great credit is due to them and all the people who work so hard behind the scenes to bring the works of some playwright into our local hall. It is hard work but so rewarding when you are taking that extra bow at the end of the first performance.  I remember well my own days acting and how nervous I used to be before going on stage, wondering if I was going to forget my lines or be in the wrong place at the wrong time. I thought this was abnormal until I was talking to a seasoned performer who told me that if I wasn’t tensed up before the performance things would not go smoothly. I found that a couple of draughts of brandy would help but I wouldn’t advise it for everybody!  Our local play this year is one of John B’s finest “Sharon’s Grave”. It has a big cast and we can look forward to the usual high standard from our local “stars”.

One good thing about Donald Trump: he gives us plenty to comment on. Sometimes I think I am watching a comedy and I will wake up at any minute but, no, what is happening is real and when I heard he was meeting with the Israeli Prime Minister  I knew there was going to be another bombshell. I looked at the two of them together and I couldn’t help asking myself the question: how are these two convicted felons still running countries?  It is only the seal of office that has kept them out of jail but that does not stop them. The latest proposal from Trump is that the US will take over Gaza after the war and redevelop it as a tourist attraction sending the rightful owners of the lad, the Palestinians, to other countries.  There is no other way to describe this than “ethnic cleansing” and it will not and should not be tolerated. The Palestinians have a right to their own land even if it has been raised to the ground by the Israeli army. America has no business in the Middle East and should be very careful about using their might to try and achieve their goals. They may think they have the best equipped army in the world but their record in overseas wars is not good. Look how they fared in the wars in Iraq, Afghanistan and Vietnam. They had to go home with their tails between their legs after loosing thousands of young Americans so Trump should be very careful about using force on Panama, Greenland or any other part of the world. It is hard to believe how the people of America have given their president such power, He must have a pain in his hand from signing executive orders since he was elected. The latest one targets the International Criminal Court and any of its members who were involved in the warrant for the arrest of  the Israeli Prime minister for war crimes.  The people targeted are only doing their jobs and deserve more respect from a nation that prides itself on being the leader of the “free” world. It is vindictive just like what he is trying to do to people in the justice department who had anything to do with the trials against him before his election. He wants revenge and it is hard to see anyone stopping him because the Republican Party haven’t the guts to stand up to him. It is a sad reflection on a people who were the envy of the world and once offered a ray of hope to people from all nations. I’m afraid the worst is yet to come.

Our own government have not covered themselves in glory since they took over either. The row about speaking rights on opposition benches for a group supporting the government made us the laughing stock of the world. Even a child in first class could see that you can’t be on both sides at the same time but the real pity is that it took so long for common sense to prevail. They also left themselves down during the recent storm and the devastation it caused, particularly in the western part of the country. They did not take decisive action and were conspicuous by their absence. I don’t think the electorate will forgive them at the next election unless they have very short memories. That some houses are still without electricity is hard to comprehend. I know it is difficult to get to some remote houses and the repair crews are doing a fantastic job but why were they not better prepared.? Where were the generators that could be loaned to people without power and why were trees allowed to be grown so closes to power lines?  It gives a boost to those who want to get rid of rural housing and put us all into urban boxes where we can easily be managed. I think people who live in the country are going to have to look out for themselves. Firstly, get a generator that will come to your rescue in a crisis. Don’t put all your eggs in one basket. Have a fireplace or a stove that will burn wood etc. or have a gas fire and cooker. With these a normal household will be able to survive for as long as it takes to get power back.

There is a bit of common sense at last with the adjustment in speed limits on minor roads in the country. It was ridiculous that anyone could legally drive at 80 km an hour on what I can only describe as “bothreens”.  There are also some major roads that have 100 on them that could be reduced. We are told this is done in the interest of saving lives and , if it saves just one life, it is good but the problem is that a lot of people take no notice of speed limits anyway.  I drive on small back roads with my heart in my mouth because there are those who will come around a bend towards you at speed and there is nowhere to go to evade them. Enforcement is the answer but I won’t hold my breath waiting for a speed van on the road over to Keale or back Parkanna. The truth is, it is impossible to monitor every movement of vehicles in the country so it is up to ourselves to have a bit of cop on and slow down. What is all the hurry for anyway?  It is only minutes at the end of a long journey.


Church Notices

Priests: Fr. Tom Mangan 087-2348226, Fr. Willie Russell 087 2272825, Fr. Dan Lane 087 2621911.

Masses this week- Tuesday morning 9.30am, Friday evening 7pm and Sunday 11am.

Eucharistic Adoration and the Devine Mercy Chaplet every Tuesday morning after mass.

Mass Intentions: Friday 14th (7pm) Philomena Keily -1st A/v. Ned & Mary O’Keeffe.

Sunday 16th (11am) Thomas Griffin (months mind). James O’Mahony. Eamon & Una Mulvihill & all deceased members of the Mulvihill family. Michael Ambrose

To book a Mass intention contact the sacristy after mass or contact Siobhan on 087-3331459.

All masses are streamed live on

Baptisms take place on the fourth weekend of the month. Parents who wish to baptise their child in the next few months should contact Siobhan on 087-3331459.

ALONE are seeking volunteers in the ATHEA area. Full training and support provided. If interested, please contact Caroline on 086-4040910 or apply via the ALONE website at or for further information please contact Aoife Dennehy on 086-0120221 or via email [email protected]

Parish Administration: Tues-Fri 11am-1pm. call Siobhan on 087-3331459, outside of these hours text or email [email protected]     Facebook:  Athea Parish Church Community


Athea Community Council

 Lucky Numbers Draw  17/02/2025   No’s Drawn: 17,  19,  22,  25.

No Winner

Lucky Dips

Charlie, Sarah & Caroline, H/Side Drive

Donie McGrath,                 Glin

Siobhán Reidy,                  c/o Collins’ Shop

Noel & Ann, Cratloe

Sellers Prize:  Eileen Fitzgerald & Lal Browne

Next Draw:  17/02/’25   Venue:  White’s

Jackpot €24,300



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By Carrig Side – 11/2/25

by Tom Aherne

NANCY DALY: The death has taken place of Nancy (Hannah) Daly (nee Hartigan) Coolcranogue, Ardagh, peacefully on Saturday (St Bridgit’s Day)February 1, at Milford Care Centre. Predeceased by her husband John and sisters Kathleen and Bridie. Reposing  was held at St Molua’s Church, Ardagh on Monday  February 3, from 5pm until 7.30pm. The Requiem Mass was concelebrated on Tuesday at 11.30am by Fr Paddy Bowen, Fr Willie Russell and Canon Frank O’Dea and a large crowd attended. Family members participated in the readings, prayers of the faithful, offertory, reflection and eulogy. Symbols associated with  Nancy’s life were brought to the altar before Mass commenced. They included items to show her love for religion, cooking, entertainment etc. A family member paid a lovely tribute to Nancy before the ceremony concluded.

Nancy was a native of Clounleharde, Ballyhahill, born in 1942 and from a family of five. Married John in 1960 and they moved to Ardagh in 1968. They were blessed with a family of 13, and Nancy was a homemaker as well as helping with the outdoor work in bog and meadow. John died in 1993, and Nancy continued to raise her family and also worked outside the home in later years. She was a strong-willed lady who outside of family liked her style, dancing, card playing and visits to the Desmond Complex. She brightened the lives of so many with her personality and stories and will be sadly missed by all who were lucky to know her. Nancy was laid to rest afterwards in the local cemetery. Sympathy to her 9 sons and 4 daughters, her 2 brothers Pat and John, daughters-in-law, sons-in-law, 38 grandchildren, 24 great-grandchildren, nephews, nieces, other relatives and friends. May she rest In Peace.

WREN PRESENTATION: The Carrigkerry Wrenboy Group held their Presentation evening at the Flag Floor Rambling House, Carrigkerry on Friday January 31. This year’s chosen charitable groups and organisations who received donations included, Carrigkerry National School, Coolcappa National School, Old Mill Ladies Football Club, Irish Cancer Society Night Nursing Service, Eadha Hayes, daughter of Catherine and Chris, Kilcolman who was born in June 2024 four weeks premature and faces several significant health challenges, which require two full-time caregivers, Nano Nagle Special School, Listowel which caters for pupils throughout West Limerick aged between 4 and 18 years who have been assessed to have a general learning disability including: Autism, Sensory Impairments, Physical Disabilities and significant medical care needs,  Brú Columbanus Cork, who provide accommodation to the relatives of seriously ill patients in Cork Hospitals enabling relatives to provide comfort and support to their loved ones. This accommodation is provided free of charge, they rely on donations and fundraising initiatives to cover their running costs. Many thanks to everyone who supported the Group on St. Stephen’s Day in the wren.

CHRISTMAS WREATHS: Thanks to everyone who purchased Christmas wreaths for graves and door hangers. The proceeds were donated to Plan International Ireland -supporting projects in Zimbabwe Redemptorist Limerick – food appeal fund Unicef – Gaza emergency appeal.

LOTTERY DRAW: The Ardagh Development Association and Saint Kieran’s GAA joint weekly lottery   draw took place on Monday February 3.The numbers drawn were 1,3,11,27, and  there was no  winner of the €5,400 Jackpot. Congratulations to the five lucky dip winners who received  € 40 each: Bernie O’Connell Ardagh, M and S c/o Tom Harnett Ardagh, Mairead Adams, Mike Beasley Shanagolden, Ciarán Duignan Roscommon c/o Neary’s. Next week’s  Jackpot will be €5,500. People can play online using club force on the club’s Facebook page, with 6pm on Monday evening the deadline. The tickets are also on sale at the usual outlets, and all support will be appreciated.  Both organisations wish to thank all the people for their continued support.

RADIO DRAW: Congratulations to Jessica O’Shea, Rathkeale who won €215 in the West Limerick 102fm 50/50 draw,  held on Friday February 7. The tickets cost € 2, or 3 for € 5 and they are available from volunteers, in local shops, (including Moloneys Carrigkerry,  and from the radio station.  All support will be appreciated. The station can be contacted at 069-66200 if people have news of interest to the West Limerick area.

SPLIT THE POT: Congratulations to Marion O’Connor, who won €450 in the January Creeves Celtic FC Split the Pot monthly draw held at the Thatch Newbridge on Friday February 7. Tickets to enter the draw are available from committee members, club managers, at Neary’s Ardagh,  Inver five crossroads Rathkeale and the Thatch Newbridge. All support will be greatly appreciated.

RUN/WALK: Kilcolman Rovers held their family fun  run/walk on Sunday February 2, Congratulations to the prize winners, Karl Lenihan, Michael Guiney, James Morrisroe, first three males’ home and Grace O’Donnell, Aisling Fitzgerald and Gillian O’Regan, first three females’ home.

LADIES FOOTBALL: Róisín Ambrose (Captain)and Iris Kennelly (1-4) from the Old Mill ladies club were members of the Limerick team defeated by Wexford 1-12 to 1-6 in Division 3 of the National Football League played at Mick Neville Park  on Sunday February 2.

SOCCER NEWS: Creeves Celtic lost 2-0 away to Ballingarry in the Premier Division of the Desmond League on Friday January 31. In Division 2 Carrig Celtic defeated Breska Rovers B 4-2 at home with goals from Pa Brouder, Sean Kelly, Adam Bennett and an own goal. Kilcolman Rovers had no match. In the Desmond Ladies League Creeves Celtic defeated Ballingarry B 3-0 away with goals from Laura O’Shaughnessy 2, and Caoimhe O’Connell.

SHOP REOPENS: Welcome back to Mullane’s Quik Pick Shop Knockdown, Athea which reopened on Monday February 10. Opened by his late father Danny it was accidently burnt down on June 9, 2023. It will be open seven days a week from 8am to 9pm, offering a great service to the local community. Best wishes to Ta, Ita and family in the future.

CLUB DRAW: The Limerick GAA Club draw for 2025 is now open for membership. The Saint Kieran’s club are promoting it, and the first draw will be held  in late March. The entry fee for the ten draws is € 100, and € 21,000 will be given out in prize money each month. The first prize is € 10,000, 2nd prize € 3,000, 3rd prize € 2,000, 4th prize € 1,000, 5th prize is an exclusive star prize, and 4  prizes of € 500, four prizes € 250, and 17 prizes of € 100. To join contact the local St Kieran’s club members in person, or online through the Club force App with direct options available. The club will receive 50% of all membership received which is vital for the running of it over the year.

HISTORY TALK: Rathkeale Historical Society continue their winter season of  free talks on Friday February 14, at 8-30pm in the Community Arts Centre, upstairs in Rathkeale Library. ”What has happened in this house? Brian Friel and his mothers people” Breandán Mac Suibhne University of Galway, or Dr Susan Halvey will speak about ”The remarkable story of Charlotte Grace O’Brien” and all are welcome Membership of Rathkeale Historical Society for the year is € 10.

CAR BOOT SALE: A fundraising car

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(By Carrigside continued)

boot sale will be held in Newcastle West Community Centre on Saturday February 15. Contact 069-69584 for all the details.

MILFORD WALK: The annual Milford Care Centre 10km walk/run takes place on Sunday February 16. Their fundraising department have all the details and can be contacted at 061-485859 or fundraising

TAYLORS CROSS:  Donie Nolan and Taylor’s Cross Céilí band will be playing in Mealagh Valley Community Centre Bantry, Cork on Sunday February 16, from 2.30pm to 5.30pm and in Milltown Malbay Community Centre on Friday February 21 from 9pm to midnight. They will be playing in Tournafulla on Sunday March 16 and Athea on Sunday April 6.

RAMBLING HOUSE:  A rambling house will be held at Ballyhahill Hall on Wednesday February 19, at 8.00pm and teas served.  All musicians, singers, storytellers, dancers and listeners  are welcome to attend for a great night’s enjoyment.

ITAS NIGHT: Ita’s rambling house will be held in the Desmond Complex Newcastle West on Friday  February 21, at 8pm. All musicians, singers, storytellers, dancers and listeners  are welcome to attend both for a great night’s enjoyment.

COUNTY SCÓR: The County Senior Scór Finals will be held in the Community Centre Askeaton on Friday March 7 at 7.30pm. The question time final will be held in St Paul’s GAA Pavilion on Thursday March 6 at 6.30pm.

CHARITY CÉILÍ: A Charity  Céilí in aid of Down Syndrome Limerick will be held in the Community Centre Monagea on Saturday March 22, from 9pm. Music by Mountain Road Céili Band and admission is € 12.  Refreshments will be served, and all support will be greatly appreciated. Down Syndrome Limerick have provided support for those with Down Syndrome and their families throughout the city and county since 1971.


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Kathleens Corner – 11/2/25

by Kathleen Mullane


As St. Valentine’s Day is about to be celebrated this weekend, it’s a moment to honour someone who loved others so profoundly that he sacrificed his life. His story serves as a powerful lesson, encouraging us all to be kind, loving, and steadfast, standing up for our beliefs no matter how daunting the circumstances. His enduring example of love continues to inspire us and resonate with us still today. Valentine’s Day is not just about flowers, chocolates, and cards; it’s an opportunity to express true love by lending a hand, showing kindness and compassion, and considering the well-being of our entire Athea community.

The death took place recently of Nancy Daly of Coolcranogue, Ardagh. A huge crowd came to St. Molua’s Church in Ardagh last Monday evening to offer sympathy to her 13 family members along with her many beloved grandchildren and great-grandkids. Requiem Mass on Monday was concelebrated, with the main celebrant being her good friend Fr. Paddy Bowen. Burial followed Mass in the adjoining cemetery. Sincere sympathy to her family, relatives, and many friends, and to her daughter Anne Tierney, son-in-law John Joe, and boys in Templeathea. May she rest in everlasting peace.

The death has taken place in Romford, Essex, UK, of Ben Rao, son of Nora Flynn of Templeathea and Nick Rao, and brother of Katherine, her partner Miguel, and uncle to Isabelle. Ben passed away at a young age after a brief illness and was the grandson of Jack Flynn and the late Kit of Templeathea. Sincere condolences to all Ben’s family, relatives, and friends. May the Light of Heaven be his. R.I.P.

The passing of Anne-Mai Joy of Listowel, who was in her 90s, was deeply regretted by all who knew her. She reposed at Lyons Funeral Parlour on Sunday evening last, where many came to pay their final respects. Burial followed Requiem Mass on Monday in Finuge. Sympathy to her family and her daughter Mary McGrath, Lower Athea, and her grandchildren. Go ndeana Dia trócaire ar a hanam

ALONE are seeking volunteers in the Athea area who would be willing to provide companionship to an older person locally. Full training and support are provided. If interested, contact Caroline on 086-4040910 or apply on their website at

Congrats and well done to Athea NS who were chosen as part of PEACE PROMS CHOIR to perform at the Sports Arena in UL on Saturday night, a massive honour as it’s difficult to be selected.

Margaret Ahearn, Donna and Marie Horgan trained the children from 4th class upwards. who went to UL for a few practice sessions with the conductor. They put on a magnificent display of singing and dancing. Music was provided by a full orchestra and about 1,000 children took part on the night performing 15 pieces in all , including songs , dancing and instrumentals. Well done to all.


Thought for the Week

Happiness is not about getting all you want,

it is about enjoying all you have.


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