The Cast of “Sharon’s Grave”
Athea Drama Group
The count down is on to Athea Drama Group’s 2025 production of ‘Sharon’s Grave’ by John B. Keane. The play will be staged at Con Colbert Memorial Hall on Feb 27th, March 1st, 2nd, 6th, 8th & 9th. The booking line is currently open and very busy. Text / Whatsapp booking to 087 6926746
Save the date-We’re on the Run
Knockdown Vintage are holding their Annual Vintage Charity Run on 30th March 2025 in Knockdown Arms, Athea. This year our two worthy beneficiaries are: Cystic Fibrosis Ireland and the Little Blue Heroe’s.
Following the run, we will hold our customary Auction and Raffle.
Anyone wishing to make a donation towards the Auction and Raffle would be much appreciated.
For further information contact Margaret Culhane on 087 2303918
Carol Noonan on 087 6535029
Mairead Langan on 087 6407026
Men’s Shed
Members of Glin men’s shed will be in Athea on Friday 14th. Displaying some of their produce
The Way I See It
By Domhnall de Barra
The drama season is upon us again with many local groups taking to the stage with their latest productions. There is a great following for plays because people want to experience live performances after all the artificial entertainment we receive on our screens. Members of local drama groups have been rehearsing since October preparing for the curtain-up and great credit is due to them and all the people who work so hard behind the scenes to bring the works of some playwright into our local hall. It is hard work but so rewarding when you are taking that extra bow at the end of the first performance. I remember well my own days acting and how nervous I used to be before going on stage, wondering if I was going to forget my lines or be in the wrong place at the wrong time. I thought this was abnormal until I was talking to a seasoned performer who told me that if I wasn’t tensed up before the performance things would not go smoothly. I found that a couple of draughts of brandy would help but I wouldn’t advise it for everybody! Our local play this year is one of John B’s finest “Sharon’s Grave”. It has a big cast and we can look forward to the usual high standard from our local “stars”.
One good thing about Donald Trump: he gives us plenty to comment on. Sometimes I think I am watching a comedy and I will wake up at any minute but, no, what is happening is real and when I heard he was meeting with the Israeli Prime Minister I knew there was going to be another bombshell. I looked at the two of them together and I couldn’t help asking myself the question: how are these two convicted felons still running countries? It is only the seal of office that has kept them out of jail but that does not stop them. The latest proposal from Trump is that the US will take over Gaza after the war and redevelop it as a tourist attraction sending the rightful owners of the lad, the Palestinians, to other countries. There is no other way to describe this than “ethnic cleansing” and it will not and should not be tolerated. The Palestinians have a right to their own land even if it has been raised to the ground by the Israeli army. America has no business in the Middle East and should be very careful about using their might to try and achieve their goals. They may think they have the best equipped army in the world but their record in overseas wars is not good. Look how they fared in the wars in Iraq, Afghanistan and Vietnam. They had to go home with their tails between their legs after loosing thousands of young Americans so Trump should be very careful about using force on Panama, Greenland or any other part of the world. It is hard to believe how the people of America have given their president such power, He must have a pain in his hand from signing executive orders since he was elected. The latest one targets the International Criminal Court and any of its members who were involved in the warrant for the arrest of the Israeli Prime minister for war crimes. The people targeted are only doing their jobs and deserve more respect from a nation that prides itself on being the leader of the “free” world. It is vindictive just like what he is trying to do to people in the justice department who had anything to do with the trials against him before his election. He wants revenge and it is hard to see anyone stopping him because the Republican Party haven’t the guts to stand up to him. It is a sad reflection on a people who were the envy of the world and once offered a ray of hope to people from all nations. I’m afraid the worst is yet to come.
Our own government have not covered themselves in glory since they took over either. The row about speaking rights on opposition benches for a group supporting the government made us the laughing stock of the world. Even a child in first class could see that you can’t be on both sides at the same time but the real pity is that it took so long for common sense to prevail. They also left themselves down during the recent storm and the devastation it caused, particularly in the western part of the country. They did not take decisive action and were conspicuous by their absence. I don’t think the electorate will forgive them at the next election unless they have very short memories. That some houses are still without electricity is hard to comprehend. I know it is difficult to get to some remote houses and the repair crews are doing a fantastic job but why were they not better prepared.? Where were the generators that could be loaned to people without power and why were trees allowed to be grown so closes to power lines? It gives a boost to those who want to get rid of rural housing and put us all into urban boxes where we can easily be managed. I think people who live in the country are going to have to look out for themselves. Firstly, get a generator that will come to your rescue in a crisis. Don’t put all your eggs in one basket. Have a fireplace or a stove that will burn wood etc. or have a gas fire and cooker. With these a normal household will be able to survive for as long as it takes to get power back.
There is a bit of common sense at last with the adjustment in speed limits on minor roads in the country. It was ridiculous that anyone could legally drive at 80 km an hour on what I can only describe as “bothreens”. There are also some major roads that have 100 on them that could be reduced. We are told this is done in the interest of saving lives and , if it saves just one life, it is good but the problem is that a lot of people take no notice of speed limits anyway. I drive on small back roads with my heart in my mouth because there are those who will come around a bend towards you at speed and there is nowhere to go to evade them. Enforcement is the answer but I won’t hold my breath waiting for a speed van on the road over to Keale or back Parkanna. The truth is, it is impossible to monitor every movement of vehicles in the country so it is up to ourselves to have a bit of cop on and slow down. What is all the hurry for anyway? It is only minutes at the end of a long journey.
Church Notices
Priests: Fr. Tom Mangan 087-2348226, Fr. Willie Russell 087 2272825, Fr. Dan Lane 087 2621911.
Masses this week- Tuesday morning 9.30am, Friday evening 7pm and Sunday 11am.
Eucharistic Adoration and the Devine Mercy Chaplet every Tuesday morning after mass.
Mass Intentions: Friday 14th (7pm) Philomena Keily -1st A/v. Ned & Mary O’Keeffe.
Sunday 16th (11am) Thomas Griffin (months mind). James O’Mahony. Eamon & Una Mulvihill & all deceased members of the Mulvihill family. Michael Ambrose
To book a Mass intention contact the sacristy after mass or contact Siobhan on 087-3331459.
All masses are streamed live on https://www.churchservices.tv/athea
Baptisms take place on the fourth weekend of the month. Parents who wish to baptise their child in the next few months should contact Siobhan on 087-3331459.
ALONE are seeking volunteers in the ATHEA area. Full training and support provided. If interested, please contact Caroline on 086-4040910 or apply via the ALONE website at www.alone.ie or for further information please contact Aoife Dennehy on 086-0120221 or via email [email protected]
Parish Administration: Tues-Fri 11am-1pm. call Siobhan on 087-3331459, outside of these hours text or email [email protected] Facebook: Athea Parish Church Community
Athea Community Council
Lucky Numbers Draw 17/02/2025 No’s Drawn: 17, 19, 22, 25.
No Winner
Lucky Dips
Charlie, Sarah & Caroline, H/Side Drive
Donie McGrath, Glin
Siobhán Reidy, c/o Collins’ Shop
Noel & Ann, Cratloe
Sellers Prize: Eileen Fitzgerald & Lal Browne
Next Draw: 17/02/’25 Venue: White’s
Jackpot €24,300