by Marian Harnett

PROLOGUE:  “He who fears he will suffer, already suffers because he fears”.

FREE VOICE TRAINING:  Sing Cois Feile is delighted to let our community  know that a highly experienced singing coach will be here in Abbeyfeale for three voice training sessions  running from Tuesday evening 7.30 to 8.30 pm on November 26 next through Tuesday, December 3and finishing on 10 December next. West Limerick Resources and Limerick County Council Arts are involved. Funding has been obtained, and all three sessions will be held in the newly furnished St Ita’s community hall. There will be time for a chat and tea / coffee before sessions end. All sessions are free to those attending. You are invited to make contact, have a go and surprise yourself.  For further information contact Jimmy Dennison 087 7997907 or Dearbhla Conlon Ahern WLR 06962222.

WEST LIMERICK SINGING CLUB:  Theresa Walsh is the guest artist on Friday, December 6 at 8.30pm in the Ramble Inn.  All welcome.

NOONAN’S CHRISTMAS LIGHTS:  The annual lighting up ceremony took place Sunday last and the hills around Templeglantine are ablaze every evening from dusk.

SCAM ALERT:  If you get a text ‘mar ya’ from GOV.IE telling you that you are eligible for a discounted electricity bill under the emergency benefit scheme.  IGNORE AND DELETE.  The same applies for the offer of half prices on a closing down sale from a shop in Kildare.  I am still smarting over the loss of £50.

SONGS FROM OUR YOUTH:  John Nelligan continues his research of songs from his youth and this week he tells us the story behind one his favourites;  “ Abbeyfeale valley was hushed and white with snow for a time last week and for a lot of people the sixth line of the opening verse will have struck a chord.  Stories on Danny Boy are many and varied – however, what’s not in doubt is that the lyrics were written around 1910 by Frederic Weatherly, an Englishman, and Jane Ross of Limavady is credited with collecting the melody from a fiddle player during her travels around County Derry in the 1850s. She passed the melody on to George Petrie (1790-1866) who, subsequently, published it as part of his “The Petrie Collection of the Ancient Music of Ireland”. It is said that the melody was composed by Rory Dall O’Cahan of Coleraine, chief harpist to Hugh O’Neill, Earlof Tyrone, who departed these shores in 1607 along with about 90 others in what became known as the “Flight of the Earls”. It was first recorded by Madame Ernestine Schumann-Heink in 1917, with the melody being described as an adaptation from an “Old Irish Air”. This arrangement was copyrighted, by Boosey & Co of New York and London, some years earlier in 1913. Elsie Griffin, a favourite singer of the troops during the 1914-1918 Great War, also, helped to popularise the song around the same time. For as long as Humankind continues to find solace in music, Danny Boy will have a special place in our hearts and minds. Who can forget Sinead O’Connor’s unaccompanied and slightly adapted version of the song on The Late Late Show of December 24, 1993? Or, indeed Eva Cassidy’s recording on her 2002 album release “Imagine”.The song is, understandably, popular for funerals – in particular Irish America where it is a particular favourite, as is evidenced by it being sung at the funeral service of Republican Senator John McCain on September 1st, 2018, at the National Cathedral in Washington D. C.

Danny Boy

Oh, Danny Boy, the pipes, the pipes are calling,

From glen to glen and down the mountainside,

The summer’s gone and all the roses falling,

‘Tis you, ‘tis you must go, and I must bide,

But come ye back when summer’s in the meadow,

Or when the valley’s hushed and white with snow,

‘Tis I’ll be there in sunshine or in shadow,

Oh, Danny boy, Oh, Danny boy, I love you so.

And when you come and all the flowers are dying,

If I am dead, as dead I well may be,

Ye’ll come and find a place where I am lying,

And kneel and say an Ave there for me;

And I shall hear, though soft you tread above me,

And all my grave shall warmer, sweeter be,

For you will bend and tell me that you love me,

And I shall live in peace, until you come to me.

IRISH RAMBLING HOUSE: concert in Siamsa Tire Tralee on Wednesday November 27, at 8pm. The three-hour show will feature the cast members plus special guests Sean O’Sé,  Elle Marie O ‘Dwyer, Caroline O’Callaghan, John Kinsella, Sonny Egan, Noel Joyce, Breen’s. Tickets can be booked on or call the Box Office on  066-7123055.


ATHEA PLAYGROUND FUNDRAISER:   Flavour Of The Month Productions staging of ‘The Beauty Queen of Leenane ‘ by Martin McDonagh on Saturday, November 30th at Con Colbert Hall at 8pm. This production will be staged for one night only & is not suitable for minors. Bookings via text / whatsapp 087 6926746.

EU COUNCIL POSITIVE ACTION PROGRAMME:  Each year, the EU Council offers paid traineeships to EU nationals with a disability.  Trainees in the positive action programme will receive a monthly grant of 2,065.32 euros net.  Traineeships are offering twice a year, with each traineeship lasting five months.  For information contact + 32 22813677 traineeships@ consilium.

NIGHT VIGIL:  Please note the time change.   A night vigil to Knock will take place on Saturday December 7. Bus leaving the Bus stop across from the church at 4.45pm.  40 euros per person. Vigil Programme;  Midnight – 12:30am: Rosary, 12:45am – 1:15am:  Guest Speaker: Fr Shaun Doherty  (Fr. Shaun Doherty is curate at St.Eugene’s Cathedral in Derry. He was formerly a presenter with Highland Radio for almost 30 years, was ordained to the priesthood in 2023.)  1:30am – 2:15am Stations of the Cross ( led by students of St Louis Community School, Kiltimagh).  2:30am– 3:30am: HolyHour.4am:  Mass.

Contact Theresa O’Connor 087 2673663 to reserve.

MAUREEN’S OFF TO THE PANTO:   The Killorglin Panto Players are putting on their 61st Pantomime – Rumpelstiltskin and if there are enough people interested we will book tickets for the afternoon of January 26. We will go to the Matinee performance 3pm. and afterwards on the homeward journey we will stop off for dinner. This is a very popular event and many adults love to go, it is a family day out and a lot of the children attend with parents or grandparents – everyone most welcome.  By booking early we ensure seats at the front.  On our way home we will have dinner in the River Island Hotel Castleisland, dinners for children special price.  For more information and booking contact Maureen 087 9845102.  We will pick up en route starting in Listowel, Abbeyfeale and Newcastle West.


ADORATION IN THE BLESSED SACRAMENT CHAPEL:  Eucharistic Adoration takes place in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel every Friday after 10am morning Mass until 7pm.  In these troubled times it would be great if more people would commit to spending an hour or even 10 minutes in adoration praying for peace.  There is a list on the altar rails where people can write in their names.

ABBEYFEALE FOR AFRICA FUNDRAISER:  The annual cake sale with proceeds to the late Fr. Tim Galvin’s Mission will take place on Saturday, November 30 at St. Ita’s Day Care Centre from 10- 1pm.  Teas and Coffee will be served.  Your donations of home baking and jams will be so welcome.  We are delighted that Fran Leahy, New Street who has been working with Fr. Blessing (Fr. Tim’s successor) will be home and in attendance to give a short talk about the wonderful work that continues in South Sudan and which is enabled in part by the donations from Abbeyfeale, North Kerry and West Limerick.

BRIDGE CLUB:  Abbeyfeale Bridge Club meet on Thursday evenings in St. Ita’s Day Centre.  New members very welcome.  Contact Nora Quirke 087 7615480.

IMPORTANT NOTICE:   The Church Yard will be locked on the evening before a Funeral in the Parish to facilitate parking for families.


CANCELLATIONS DUE TO THE WEATHER LAST WEEEK:  West Limerick Mental Health Association talk with John Lonergan was a casualty as was the Community Alert Christmas Lunch.  Both will be re scheduled.

.GLIN FAIR DAY:   Fair Day in Glin returns on the first Saturday in December (7th), bringing fun, entertainment, and nostalgia as the village revives traditional animal trading. The streets and square will be filled with vendors offering various goods, including Christmas items. Vendors must provide their own tables and coverings. The Christmas Craft Fair at Ceol Corbrai Hall will also be held that day. Booking a table is essential due to limited space. Secure your spot by calling John at 087-207-9268.

CHURCH RADIO:  A new Church radio system has been installed in the church which will allow parishioners who are confined to home to listen into Mass and other services.  Tune in on 105.900 FM.

BIRTH MOTHERS:  Information and Support for Birth Mothers whose babies were placed for adoption may be found at or by calling the relevant section of TUSLA at +353 818 445 500.

DANCING CLASSES:  Learn to Waltz, Jive, Line dancing etc. in The Plaza Hall, Listowel.  Beginners from 7-8 pm and Advanced 8 -9.30pm.  For more information call 087 7451631.

AFTERNOON TEA DANCE: Tea Dance for Milford Hospice and the Symptomatic Breast Unit at UHL with time and venue to be confirmed.  Tickets €10.  Raffle.  Dancing 3-6pm.  Tickets sold for the cancelled dance will be honoured.

LISTOWEL KARATE CLASSES: Kerry Martial Arts School are continuing karate and self-defence classes in Presentation Secondary School Hall on Monday evenings. All ages from 4 to adults welcome at 6pm. Contact 0858403898 for further information or search Kerry Martial Arts School on Facebook.



FUNDRAISER: Radio Maria Ireland Christmas Fundraiser! On Friday, December 13 in The Meadowlands Hotel, Tralee. Doors open 5:30pm followed by a four-course meal, live music, information about Radio Maria including its mission, vision and how it can help support the faithful in Ireland today.  Book your ticket (€65 per person) on or over the phone or for more information call the studio on 01-4123 456 or online on

ROCKCHAPEL NEWS:  Card game Wednesday nights at 8.30pm in the Community Centre.

YOUTH MUSIC CLUB IN ABBEYFEALE:  Foroige have set up a club for 3rd and 4th year Secondary School students every Tuesday 4 -6pm in St. Ita’s Hall.  Registration €10 with a weekly charge of €3.  For more information contact Emma on 086 4134777.

YOUTH CHESS CLUB:  Additional Volunteers are needed to help open a Foróige Youth Chess Club in  Abbeyfeale which will run every second week.  If you know how to play chess and are available to be Garda vetted and can give an hour and a half twice a month then get in touch with Emma Browne Foróige on [email protected] or call her on 086 4134777.


SWITCH ON OF CHRISTMAS LIGHTS ON FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 29:  ARA coffee morning at Leens Hotel from 10am to 12.30pm with a great raffle with fantastic spot prizes. There will be a Craft fair in the square from 3pm to 6pm. Cantata from Scoil Mhathair De from 5.15pm to 5.45pm followed by the annual visit of Santa and Mrs Claus and the festive tractors and switch-on of lights at 6pm.


ABBEYFEALE YOUTH CLUBS:  Calling all parents of current 1st and 2nd year students to help out for an hour and a half one evening a week to get our youth clubs up and running.  Without the help of parents it is not possible to have youth clubs.  Contact Noreen Cullinane 087 2353306.


DANCING WITH TIMMY:  Set dancing classes with Timmy Woulfe have started in the Marian Hall, Moyvane on Monday nights at 8pm.  Everyone welcome.

ABBEYFEALE MARKET:  “Abbeyfeale Market is a group of traders and crafters from Abbeyfeale and surrounding areas bring you a wide range of gifts, hand crafted products, home baking and so much more.  They can be contacted through the Abbeyfeale Community page on FB. Coming to you the second Friday of the month Friday 10 am – 2pm.  Also the last Saturday of the month from 11am – 3pm.

BIBLE STUDY:   Study the Sunday Mass Readings which will prepare your Heart and Mind for Mass by studying the Word of God, will take place in Athea Library on Wednesday evenings at 7.30pm


CAROLS FROM THE CATHEDRAL: by Kerry Scotia Ensemble & Dr Sharon Lyons, Charity Concert in Aid of Kerry Hospice Foundation on Sunday, December 1 at 7.30pm in St Mary’s Cathedral, Killarney, Tickets available on the door or from Eventbrite.

BALLYHAHILL SET DANCING CLASSES:  Every Monday night 8-9.30pm in the Hall.  Everyone welcome.

WL102FM NEW PRESENTERS REQUIRED:  People who are interested in getting involved in radio presentation, sound production, research etc. should take this opportunity to learn a new skill and have something different to put on their CV –  contact 069 66200.  Free training will be provided.


DIOCESAN PILGRIMAGE TO ROME: The Diocese of Limerick is running a Jubilee Year Pilgrimage to Rome from March 20 -26, 2025. Bishop Leahy will lead the pilgrimage. For further details contact MYRIAM TOURS on 057 –9355050.


CHILDREN’S CHOIR:   Children can be brought to the Blessed Sacrament Chapel at 5.30pm for practice before Mass. It is open to children from 1st to 6th Class. New Members are most welcome. Contact Noreen Cotter 087/4158722.   The new choir really enhances our Saturday evening Mass and we have to congratulate Riona Curtin and all the children on the work they put in from 5.30pm every week to have new hymns beautifully sung.


BAPTISMS:  Baptisms in Abbeyfeale are celebrated on the first Saturday of each month at 5.00pm. And on the second Sunday of the month after the 12noon Mass. Contact the Sacristy 068/51915 during Mass Times to book.


POSTAGE STAMPS AND CANDLES: We still need these especially the candles. There are homes in Ukraine that have no electricity.  Things are still very bad in Myanmar  so please keep up the good  work  You are all wonderful the  way you continue to collect these items and we are very grateful and thank you all most sincerely.   Maureen 087 9845102.


PRAYER FOR SAFE TRAVEL TO ST. CHRISTOPHER:   Dear Saint Christopher, protect me today, in all my travels, along the road’s way. Give your warning sign, if danger is near so that I may stop, while the path is clear. Be at my window, and direct me through when the vision blurs, from out of the blue. Carry me safely, to my destined place, as you carried Christ, in your close embrace. Amen.


SOCIAL DANCING IN DUAGH SPORTS AND LEISURE COMPLEX V31K659:  There’s a lovely floor and a fine crowd in attendance from all over North Kerry every Friday night from 9-11pm.  Next Friday it’s dancing to The Singing Jarvey.


VIGIL FOR PALESTINE:  Abbeyfeale’s Vigil takes place on Wednesday from 6-7pm in the Square, Abbeyfeale. The weekly Listowel Vigil for Palestine takes place every Tuesday, 6pm – 7pm in The Square, Listowel.  All Welcome.  For information email [email protected]


COLLEGE OF FET ABBEYFEALE:  Courses available include childcare, local history, computers, Payroll Manual and Computerised, Bookkeeping Computerised and Manual, Upholstery, Furniture Upcycling, Woodturning, Local History and much much more.  Phone 06831198 to find out more.


SHANNONDOC NCW:  Monday Midnight – 8am, 6pm – midnight.  Tuesday, midnight -8am, 6pm –midnight.  Wednesday, midnight – 8am, 6pm to midnight.  Thursday, midnight – 8am, 6pm to midnight.  Friday, midnight – 8am, 6pm – midnight.  Saturday 24 hours, Sunday 24 hours. Public Holidays 24 hours. The GP out-of-hours is for all ages.  It is by appointment only.  There is no walk in service.  Telephone 061 459500/0818 123500.  Email: info  When you phone the service they will take your details, such as;  name and date of birth, address and phone no., a description of the medical issue, your medical card or GP visit no.  Your call will be referred to a triage nurse.  They will phone you back.  Keep your line free so you do not miss their call.


RAMBLING HOUSE; Listowel on last Thursday of the month and Knockanure on the first Thursday of the month.  Ita’s Rambling House at the Desmond Complex is on the 3rd. Friday each month.  Knocalucka is on the 3rd. Tuesday of the month.  Josie’s Brosna 2nd Thursday of the month.  Ballyhahill 3rd Wednesday in the Community Centre.  John Barrett’s Bar, Glin 4th Tuesday.  Tarbert last Saturday of the month at the Community Centre.


BLOOD DONATIONS:  3,000 units needed per week to maintain the national blood supply.  Phone 1800222111 for details of local clinics.  The hospital requirements are 6% higher than this time last year. New donors are welcome. Please phone 1800 222 111 for an

appointment. They are urgently seeking an additional 2,000 blood donations over the next four weeks.


RADIO MARIA: Radio Maria is a Catholic radio station, available via Saorview on television, – Saorview channel 210. It can also be listened to via their website   Each day they have Mass, Rosary and other prayers, and Christian music and hymns. Also, discussions and talks on all aspects of the Christian faith and the Catholic Church. It is run by many dedicated people and deserves our support. Tune in and find programmes that you enjoy.


ST.ITA’S DAY CARE AND SHELTERED HOUSING:  Meals on Wheels – Available to Everyone.  Collect from the Centre or have it delivered.  Wednesday, November 27 Beef Stew or Roast Pork.   Thursday, November 27 Chicken and Mushroom Vol au Vent or Braised Steak.   Friday, November 29 Fish or Meat Alternative.   Please let us know if you require a Gluten Free or Vegetarian option.  Price List Soup €1, Main Meal €7, half portion €5.  Plate of Vegetables and Potatoes €3.  Dessert €2.  Contact 068 51850.  The ladies who lunch had a most enjoyable few hours at the open day on Tuesday, October 8 and thoroughly enjoyed the lunch.  We’ll be going again on the second Tuesday in November (the 12th) and anyone is welcome to join us.


GRINDS AVAILABLE:  Maths and all Science Subjects grinds available online or in person – Junior Cycle or Leaving Cert.  Contact Tiernan 089 4391334 [email protected]

LEARN HOW TO MAKE FILMS at Kerry College: Learn Screenwriting, Directing & Producing; Develop Film & Television Content; Coached & Mentored By Industry Professionals; Get Your Projects Industry Ready; Full Time Course, 40 Weeks Meet the instructors;

GROW MENTAL HEALTH GROUP meets in Seanchaí Centre, Listowel every Wednesday evening at 8:00 pm. No referrals necessary. Just come along or telephone Jerry at 086-0271990.

BOXES FOR DISTRIBUTION:   The annual church donation boxes are available at the church for collection. We ask our usual distributors or volunteers willing to help deliver some to call after any mass at the weekend or during to week to collect the boxes for your area. Contact Anne at the sacristy. We are grateful to all who continue to contribute to the weekly offertory collection. Most contributors use the weekly envelopes to make their donation. Parishioners who do not use the weekly envelopes are encouraged to make a weekly donation and place their offering into the collections baskets. We would also like to acknowledge the contributions we receive from parishioners through the donate button on the parish website, by direct debit at the bank and by annual contributions. Your ongoing support is very much appreciated. All weekly donations go towards the ongoing maintenance of the Church. Special envelopes boxes are available for Priests dues, Clerks, Diocesan needs, Missions and other collections. If you wish to receive a box of envelopes contact the sacristy 068/51915.

HOLY SPIRIT MINSTRY: Holy Spirit Prayer Meeting last Sunday of each month at the Desmond Complex at 3pm.   Everyone welcome. Rosary, Divine Mercy, Scripture and healing.  The world is so in need of prayers.


SENIOR LINE:   Would you like someone to talk to?  Senior Line is Ireland’s national telephone service for older people open every day of the year 10am-10pm, Freephone 1800 80 4591.


CHURCH NOTES:  Co Parish Priests of the Pastoral Area:   Fr Denis Mullane

087/2621911.  Fr. Tom Mangan. 087/2348226.  Fr Willie Russell 087/2272825. Fr Dan Lane (Retired) 087/2533030. Fr James Ambrose (Retired) Tel 087/7740753.   Divine Mercy Meetings will take place every Monday evening after 7 pm Mass. Baptisms in Abbeyfeale will be celebrated on the first Saturday of each month at 5.00pm. Also, on the second Sunday of the month after the 12noon Mass. Contact the Sacristy 068/51915 during Mass Times.

To book a Mass intention contact the sacristy during Mass times.  Mass Intentions:  Saturday 6.30pm Sean Enright New York / Purt.   Nick & Eleanor Cotter Upper Anniversary. Pam McCarthy, Bridgemount Months mind. ICA members and deceased members.  Sunday 10am Lena & Patrick Flynn Duagh.

Baptisms Time in the Pastoral Area Abbeyfeale First Saturday of the month @ 5pm Second Sunday of the month @12.45 Athea: November for winter time to the fourth Sunday @12 noon Templeglantine: First Saturday of month @ 4pm Tournafulla: Second Sunday of the month @ 11.45am Mountcollins: Third Sunday of the month.  The next meeting of the Baptismal Team will take place in Abbeyfeale on the 10th December. Parents who intend to baptize their child are encouraged to attend. Tel the sacristy for details. 068/51915Depression & Bipolar Disorder Support Tel: Freephone 1800 80 48 48 (available 7 days, 10am-10pm). Email: [email protected] Bodywhys Eating Disorders Associations of Ireland Email: [email protected] 01 2107906. Information and Support for Birth Mothers – whose babies were placed for adoption may be found at or by calling the relevant section of TUSLA at +353 818 445 500.   Parish Envelopes The collection envelopes for our parish were delivered in January. If there is anybody who wishes to use the envelopes system and did not receive a box please contact Anne 0868661651 at the office or the church. 068/51915. If you are new to the parish or would like to receive a box contact Anne also. Online Donations Donate through the Parish Website You can now make your weekly offering to the parish, through the parish website. Click on to the parish website at and you will see a Donate button on the right-hand side on the front page of the website. Just follow the instructions and you will be able to make your donation to the parish collection. Your continued support is very much appreciated.


ABBEYFEALE COMMUNITY ALERT:  Do you have a European Health Insurance Card (EHIC).  The EHIC lets you access public healthcare in other EU and EEA countries for free, or at a reduced rate.  The card lasts for up to 4 years and can be renewed online. 

Be Winter Ready; Keep warm, eat well and avoid unnecessary travel.  Eat regular hot meals, drink plenty of fluids and avoid unnecessary travel. If you’re struggling with electricity and gas bills, you can’t be disconnected during winter:  1-11-2024 -31-3-2025(vulnerable customers).  9-12 2024 -17-1-2025 (all other domestic customers).  You are a priority service customer if you register with the CRU as being critically dependent on electrically powered assistive devices.

Before the winter sets in check that you have a working smoke alarm and a carbon alarm.  Once you reach the age of 65 and live alone or with a person/s aged over 65 you are entitled to receive a monitored alarm system. But if you have younger people living in the house who are out for long periods of the day then because you are spending hours alone you are also entitled to the system provided that you are over 65.  The free equipment is provided by Pobal following an application from Abbeyfeale Community Alert, there will be a monitoring fee to be paid from the second year of installation to the installing company of €72.  Please note that this fee has increased by €6 and is payable in a lump sum each year after year one.  Should you not have a landline the installing company Task provide a sim card at a rate of €7.50 per month payable from day one.  Committee members are Michael O’Kelly N.T., Seamus Stack, Mossie Gleeson, Kathleen Collins, Mary McArthur, John O’Sullivan, Billy Quirke N.T., Cllr. Francis Foley, Susan Daly, Catherine Daly, Marian Harnett .Annette Collins.

CONTACT DETAILS FOR NOTES:  087 6866450. [email protected]

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