by Marian Harnett
PROLOGUE: The world is full of kind people, If you can’t find one – Be One.
WELCOME FR. TOM: This weekend we warmly welcome Fr Tom Mangan to Abbeyfeale and to the Pastoral Area of Parishes. Fr Tom is a native of Carrigkerry/Ardagh parish. He has worked in Mungret, St Mary’s and St Joseph’s parishes in Limerick City and most recently in Donoughmore Knockea Parish which is located to the south east of Limerick City. We wish Fr Tom every blessing and best wishes as he takes up his new appointment in Abbeyfeale. It’s tough on priests who have to leave their homes and start all over again every few years in a new parish so we’ll be praying for you Fr. Tom.
FAREWELL FROM FR. TONY:” Míle Buíochas As I take my leave from you I want to express my sincere thanks and gratitude to you all for the amazing send-off you gave me last Saturday night. My heartfelt thanks to all who were involved in organising the Mass of Thanksgiving and the celebration in Coláiste Íde agus Iosef. Thanks to everyone who gave me cards best wishes and generous gifts. Thanks for your prayerful best wishes. I am overwhelmed by it all. As I said last weekend I have loved being part of your community and I thank you for accepting me so generously into your lives. I have prepared a prayer card as a little gift from me to you. It is available at the door as you leave Mass today. Hopefully it will remind you of me and indeed all priests and you might include us in your prayers every now and again. I will do the same for you. I wish Fr Tom Mangan every best wish and blessing as he arrives to the Pastoral Area. I know you will give him a warm welcome and help him to settle in to his work here. I want to thank Fr Willie, Fr Dan and Fr Denis for their kindness and the spirit of goodwill among us as a team. As I take the road to Clare I wish you and your families every blessing. No doubt our paths will cross again, so until then, God Bless you all. Slán go foil”.
BRIDGE RESUMES: Abbeyfeale Bridge Club resumed on Thursday, September 12 in St. Ita’s Day Centre. New members very welcome. Contact Nora Quirke 087 7615480.
IMPORTANT NOTICE: The Church Yard will be locked on the evening before a Funeral in the Parish to facilitate parking for families.
JON KENNY AT THE GLÓRACH: Glórach PRO Lorcan Curtin reports: “ East meets West next month as Hospital Native Jon Kenny brings his show “Words, Lies & Songs” to the Glórach Theatre, a performance that reflects on significant moments in his life. And what a life it’s been, from the Working Men’s Clubs in England, to reggae versions of ‘The Fields of Athenry’, to d’Unbelievables Fame to his most recent film appearance in ‘The Banshees of Inisheerin. Jon is no stranger to the Abbeyfeale venue, with a magnificent and measured performance in the poignant one man show ‘Crowman’, which took place just before a certain pandemic spread across the world. Different times, we always look forward to any event at the theatre but particularly looking forward to this show given Jon’s recent recovery from illness. Saturday, October 5th is the date for an evening of songs, music and stories, curtains up at 8 pm and tickets can be booked at 0871383940”. or
FIFTY YEARS OF THE MART IN ABBEYFEALE: A note from Lorcan Curtin – “Change and flux are continuous so therefore it’s important to have some constants that provide anchorage in our lives. Cattle have been sold at Abbeyfeale Mart since the 1970s, continuing and ultimately replacing the traditional Fair Day sale and calf markets on the street. A momentous occasion will be held at the mart on Saturday, October 5th at 11 am as it celebrates 50 years in existence. Looking forward to reminiscing on past memories and remembering all of those who were involved down the years, prior to, of course, the regular Saturday Cattle sale.”
CHURCH RADIO: A new Church radio system has been installed in the church which will allow parishioners who are confined to home to listen into Mass and other services. Tune in on 105.900 FM.
CANCER AWARNESS EVENTS: The Marie Keating van will visit the Con Colbert Hall Athea from 11-2pm on Friday, October 11. There will also be a coffee morning in the Hall with all proceeds going to the Marie Keating Foundation. Then on Sunday, October 13 there will be a Breakfast morning in memory of three ladies who did so much to promote Healthy Athea and the Irish Cancer Society – Angela Cafferky Leach RIP, Philomena Kelly RIP and Ann O’Keeffe RIP. All proceeds will go towards Breast Cancer Awareness/Irish Cancer Society.
LOST SOULS IN CONCERT: Reserve your seat on 087 1383940 for the concert in the Glórach on Saturday, October 19.
DANCING CLASSES: Learn to Waltz, Jive, Line dancing etc. in The Plaza Hall, Listowel beginning on Monday, September 30. Beginners from 7-8 pm and Advanced 8 -9.30pm. For more information call 087 7451631.
AFTERNOON TEA DANCE: Sunday, October 20 in Fr. Casey’s for Milford Hospice . Details to follow.
MILFORD CARE CENTRE: We wish to express our sincere gratitude to the Parishioners of Abbeyfeale and Templeglantine who supported the recent Church gate Collections held €2,917.72 was raised in Abbeyfeale and €366.55 in Templeglantine. Our sincerest thanks to everyone who donated and supports the work of Milford Care Centre.
RECOVERY HAVEN AND KERRY HOSPICE: Organiser Mary McArthur send a note to say “Thanks to everyone who supported the Tea Dance on Sunday last in Fr Casey’s GAA club. The event raised €1,100 which has been shared by Recovery Haven Cancer Support House and Kerry Hospice Foundation. Thanks also to everyone who brought donations of cakes, prizes for the raffle, your kindness is greatly appreciated”
SOCIAL DANCING CLASS IN FR. CASEY’S: Every Tuesday night from 8pm.
NEW YOUTH MUSIC CLUB IN ABBEYFEALE: Foroige have set up a club for 3rd and 4th year Secondary School students every Tuesday 4 -6pm in St. Ita’s Hall. Registration €10 with a weekly charge of €3. For more information contact Emma on 086 4134777.
EIGSE MICHAEL HARTNETT LITERARY AND ARTS FESTIVAL: Newcastlewest Film Club present ‘That They May Face The Rising Sun’ from the book by Leitrim native John McGahern. Director Pat Collins 2023 Ireland, UK 111 mins. Starring Barry Ward, Anna Bederke, Lalor Roddy, Sean McGinley. Language: English. “Simpler life in different times” Reminder again note change of time 8.30p.m. Friday next, October 4 in the Desmond Complex.FINUCANE FILM PRODUCTION invites you to a film reunion. A celebration of 30 years of film making in North Kerry/ West Limerick. Featuring a special screening Red Haired Mary made in 2003. This event will take place in the North Kerry Writers Museum Listowel on Friday 11th October, doors open at 7pm, admission E10. Refreshments will be served.
CAR BOOT sale NCW on 19th of Oct. from 8.30am to 1pm.
FATIMA CONFERENCE: A special First Saturdays Conference, Saturday October12th, 10am-4pm, the Firgrove Hotel in Mitchelstown. Sr Lucia of Fatima explained the importance of this devotion by saying that whether there is peace or war in the world depends on the practise of this devotion. There will be Mass and speakers. We will also pray the Rosary, and do the 15 minute meditation together. Bring your own lunch or eat in the hotel carvery. For more details see
DANCING WITH TIMMY: Set dancing classes with Timmy Woulfe have started in the Marian Hall, Moyvane on Monday nights at 8pm. Everyone welcome.
ABBEYFEALE MARKET: Coming to you the second Friday of the month Friday 10 am – 2pm. Also the last Saturday of the month from 11am – 3pm.
BIBLE STUDY: Study the Sunday Mass Readings which will prepare your Heart and Mind for Mass by studying the Word Of God, will take place in Athea Library starting on Wednesday October 2nd.
MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER: Reignite the Spark in Your Marriage! Looking to deepen your connection and bring more joy, romance, and intimacy to your relationship? Join the Catholic Marriage Encounter Weekend and rediscover the fun and passion in your marriage. Dates: Friday, 8th – Sunday,
10th November 2024; Venue: Focolare Centre, Prosperous, Co. Kildare.
Booking: Online only at
TRIP TO WESTPORT: Maureen Finnegan writes; Please take note of the time Fitzpatrick’s bus will be picking you up starting in Listowel the Square 9am. Abbeyfeale bus stop opposite the Church 9.15am. Devon Inn at.9.20am. Newcastle West bus stop opposite the Longcourt House Hotel at 9.30am.. Rathkeale House Hotel 9.45am. Adare Heritage Centre and Southcourt Car Park at.10.15am. Our next stop will be for breakfast, Sullivan’s Hotel, Gort. Contact Maureen 087 98 45 102.;. Make a note in the Diary we are heading to the Galway Markets on Sunday 10th November.”
BRIDGE RESUMES: Abbeyfeale Bridge Club has resumed on Thursday, September 12 in St. Ita’s Day Centre. New members very welcome. Contact Nora Quirke 087 7615480.
BALLYHAHILL SET DANCING CLASSES: Every Monday night 8-9.30pm.
FASHION SHOW: Rockchapel Parents Association are holding a Fashion Show on Friday, October 4th at 8pm in the Community Centre, Rockchapel. Admission €10.
YOUTH CHESS CLUB: Additional Volunteers are needed to help open a Foróige Youth Chess Club in September in Abbeyfeale which will run every second week. If you know how to play chess and available to be Garda vetted and can give an hour and a half twice a month then get in touch with Emma Browne Foróige on [email protected] or call her on 086 4134777.
PILGRIMAGE TO MEDJUGORE: 10th October ex Dublin. 849 Euro pp Sharing/1024 Euro Single room. Hotel Leone half board seven nights. Deposit 300 non-refundable. Contact: Listowel Travel.
DROMTRASNA CHALLENGE: Saturday, October 19. All proceeds to Milford Hospice. Register on www. dromtrasna
ABBEYFEALE MARKET: “Abbeyfeale Market is a group of traders and crafters from Abbeyfeale and surrounding areas bring you a wide range of gifts, hand crafted products, home baking and so much more. We will be set up in Abbeyfeale Square on every second Friday and the last Saturday of each month.” They can be contacted through the Abbeyfeale Community page on FB.
ABBEYFEALE RUGBY CLUB: The club are looking to provide an option for girls in the Abbeyfeale area to play rugby. To make a start they plan to train an U14 side for the coming season. Áine Reidy and Mike Nash will coach the team and Áine has also arranged to have a guest coach from Munster Rugby once a month. A Give it a Try session is also planned for the coming weeks and the dates will be posted on social media.MARATHON: The 2024 Cook Medical Mini Marathon will return to the University of Limerick on Sunday 6th October. In 2022 we saw the name changed from “Women’s Mini Marathon” to “Mini Marathon” in an effort to welcome everyone to come together to take part. Over the last three years, the event has raised over €150,000 for local charities.
EIGSE: This year’s festival marks the 25th anniversary of Michael Hartnett’s death in October, 1999. Gala Opening, Thursday, October 3, festival continues till Sunday 6th of October. Call on 087 483 4329.
DINGLE Irish Food Awards runs from October 3-5.
COFFEE MORNING: To celebrate Positive Ageing Week, Local Link & WLR are hosting a Coffee Morning in association with the Wednesday Club. The morning is planned for Wednesday October 2nd @ 11am in the newly refurbished St Ita’s Hall in Abbeyfeale V94 HXR2.
WL102FM NEW PRESENTERS REQUIRED: People who are interested in getting involved in radio presentation, sound production, research etc. should take this opportunity to learn a new skill, contact 069 66200. Free training will be provided.
GLIN KNIGHTS VISITOR CENTRE: The Centre welcomes visitors from 10 am to 5 pm. Located on Lower Main Street in Glin, adjacent to Glin Library, entry is free for all. Come explore the rich history and legacy of the Knights of Glin.
DIOCESAN PILGRIMAGE TO ROME: The Diocese of Limerick is running a Jubilee Year Pilgrimage to Rome from March 20 -26, 2025. Bishop Leahy will lead the pilgrimage. For further details contact MYRIAM TOURS on 057 –9355050.
CHILDREN’S CHOIR: The children’s choir has resumed. Children can be brought to the Blessed Sacrament Chapel at 5.30pm for practice before Mass. It is open to children from 1st to 6th Class. New Members are most welcome. Contact Noreen Cotter 087/4158722
BAPTISMS : Baptisms in Abbeyfeale are celebrated on the first Saturday of each month at 5.00pm. And on the second Sunday of the month after the 12noon Mass. Contact the Sacristy 068/51915 during Mass Times to book.
WEST LIMERICK SINGING CLUB: The Garry McMahon Traditional Singing Weekend will take place in Abbeyfeale on October 11-14 next.
POSTAGE STAMPS AND CANDLES; We still need these especially the candles. There are homes in Ukraine that have no electricity. Things are still very bad in Myanmar so please keep up the good work You are all wonderful the way you continue to collect these items and we are very grateful and thank you all most sincerely. Maureen 087 9845102.
PRAYER FOR SAFE TRAVEL TO ST. CHRISTOPHER: Dear Saint Christopher, protect me today, in all my travels, along the road’s way. Give your warning sign, if danger is near so that I may stop, while the path is clear. Be at my window, and direct me through when the vision blurs, from out of the blue. Carry me safely, to my destined place, as you carried Christ, in your close embrace. Amen.
SOCIAL DANCING IN DUAGH SPORTS AND LEISURE COMPLEX V31K659: There’s a lovely floor and a fine crowd in attendance from all over North Kerry every Friday night from 9-11pm. This Friday it’s Noreen Nash.
VIGIL FOR PALESTINE: Abbeyfeale’s Vigil takes place on Wednesday from 6-7pm in the Square, Abbeyfeale. The weekly Listowel Vigil for Palestine takes place every Tuesday, 6pm – 7pm in The Square, Listowel. All Welcome. For information email [email protected]
COLLEGE OF FET ABBEYFEALE: Courses available include childcare, local history, computers and much more. Phone 06831198 to find out more.
PEER SUPPORT: Grow mental health for anyone experiencing mental health issues through group peer support. Meetings in Croom and 33 Henry Street, Limerick
COMMUNITY BASED PROGRAMMES: Community Based Ongoing Programmes
Aqua Aerobics Mondays West Limerick Sports Complex, Newcastle West. Registration is essential contact Rachel 061-524973.
Weekly Walk : Join us every Tuesday for walk and chat at 11am. Explore a different venue each week. Meet at the entrance to the Desmense. Further information from Maureen 087 9845102.
SHANNONDOC NCW: Monday Midnight – 8am, 6pm – midnight. Tuesday, midnight -8am, 6pm –midnight. Wednesday, midnight – 8am, 6pm to midnight. Thursday, midnight – 8am, 6pm to midnight. Friday, midnight – 8am, 6pm – midnight. Saturday 24 hours, Sunday 24 hours. Public Holidays 24 hours. The GP out-of-hours is for all ages. It is by appointment only. There is no walk in service. Telephone 061 459500/0818 123500. Email: info When you phone the service they will take your details, such as; name and date of birth, address and phone no., a description of the medical issue, your medical card or GP visit no. Your call will be referred to a triage nurse. They will phone you back. Keep your line free so you do not miss their call.
RAMBLING HOUSE; Listowel on last Thursday of the month and Knockanure on the first Thursday of the month. Ita’s Rambling House at the Desmond Complex is on the 3rd. Friday each month. Knocalucka is on the 3rd. Tuesday of the month. Josie’s Brosna 2nd Thursday of the month. Ballyhahill 3rd Wednesday in the Community Centre. John Barrett’s Bar, Glin 4th Tuesday. Tarbert last Saturday of the month at the Community Centre.
PRAYER IN THANKSGIVING FOR THE IMPROVEMENT IN THE WEATHER: The Lord says ask and you shall receive so we continue to pray even as the weather improves and in thanksgiving too for the recent good weather: “Loving God, we pray to you in good times and also in difficult ones too. We give thanks for the blessings of our countryside and for the lovely evenings and daily sunshine. Amen.
BLOOD DONATIONS: 3,000 units needed per week to maintain the national blood supply. Phone 1800222111 for details of local clinics. The hospital requirements are 6% higher than this time last year.
RADIO MARIA: Radio Maria is a Catholic radio station, available via Saorview on television, – Saorview channel 210. It can also be listened to via their website Each day they have Mass, Rosary and other prayers, and Christian music and hymns. Also, discussions and talks on all aspects of the Christian faith and the Catholic Church. It is run by many dedicated people and deserves our support. Tune in and find programmes that you enjoy.
CARDS: There is a weekly Card Game at Athea GAA Clubhouse on Tuesday evenings from 8pm – 10.30pm. All welcome, come along & bring a friend.
GROW MENTAL HEALTH: Friendly Community based groups for anyone experiencing mental health issue through 12 Step Program of connection, hope, identity by empowering people to nurture their positive wellbeing by supporting personal growth through education, peer support and self-teaching. Contact Celia 086-1526966/ Danielle 086-1588626/
ST.ITA’S DAY CARE AND SHELTERED HOUSING: Meals on Wheels – Available to Everyone. Collect from the Centre or have it delivered. Wednesday, October 2 Baked Ham or Beef Stirfry with Rice. Thursday, October 3 Chicken stuffed with black pudding or Lasagne Roast Pork or Chicken Stirfry with Rice. Friday, October 4 Fish or Meat Alternative. Please let us know if you require a Gluten Free or Vegetarian option. Price List Soup €1, Main Meal €7, half portion €5. Plate of Vegetables and Potatoes €3. Dessert €2. Contact 068 51850.
GROW MENTAL HEALTH GROUP meets in Seanchaí Centre, Listowel every Wednesday evening at 8:00 pm. No referrals necessary. Just come along or telephone Jerry at 086-0271990.
JANICE CARRIG MINSTRY: Holy Spirit Prayer Meeting last Sunday of each month at the Desmond Complex at 3pm. Everyone welcome. Rosary, Divine Mercy, Scripture and healing. The world is so in need of prayers.
SENIOR LINE: Would you like someone to talk to? Senior Line is Ireland’s national telephone service for older people open every day of the year 10am-10pm, Freephone 1800 80 4591.
CHURCH NOTES: Co Parish Priests of the Pastoral Area: Fr Denis Mullane
087/2621911 Fr Tony Mullins 087/2600414 Fr Willie Russell 087/2272825 Fr Dan Lane (Retired) 087/2533030 Fr James Ambrose (Retired) Tel 087/7740753. Divine Mercy Meetings will take place every Monday evening after 7 pm Mass. Baptisms in Abbeyfeale will be celebrated on the first Saturday of each month at 5.00pm. Also, on the second Sunday of the month after the 12noon Mass. Contact the Sacristy 068/51915 during Mass Times.
To book a Mass intention contact the sacristy during Mass times. Mass Intentions: Wednesday 10am Terry Morissey and deceased family members. Saturday October 5th.11am Funeral Mass for Joan Warran nee Healy England 6.30pm Margaret Culhane, Knockbrack Anniversary. Mossie McEnery, Dromtrasna Collins Anniversary. Eamonn Sheehy, New Street & Glin Months Mind. Neilie Flynn Belfry Heights 4th Anniversary. Bridget Murphy, St Ita Road 3rd Anniversary. Sunday 10am Richie Woulfe Cratloe 7th Anniversary. Johnny & Peggy Stack Craughatouke Anniversary. Eileen & Timothy Donoghue Ballybehy Anniversary. 12noon Ann Nash Knocknasna 1st Anniversary. Ned O’Connell, Kilconlea Lower. Monday 7th Oct Marian Shannnon Murphy 10th Anniversary.
Aware Depression & Bipolar Disorder Support Tel: Freephone 1800 80 48 48 (available 7 days, 10am-10pm). Email: [email protected] Bodywhys Eating Disorders Associations of Ireland Email: [email protected] 01 2107906. Information and Support for Birth Mothers – whose babies were placed for adoption may be found at or by calling the relevant section of TUSLA at +353 818 445 500. Parish Envelopes The collection envelopes for our parish were delivered in January. If there is anybody who wishes to use the envelopes system and did not receive a box please contact Anne 0868661651 at the office or the church. 068/51915. If you are new to the parish or would like to receive a box contact Anne also. Pastoral Council – the present council has come to the end of its term and Fr. Tony and Fr. Willie have issued a call out for new members. Online Donations Donate through the Parish Website You can now make your weekly offering to the parish, through the parish website. Click on to the parish website at and you will see a Donate button on the right-hand side on the front page of the website. Just follow the instructions and you will be able to make your donation to the parish collection. Your continued support is very much appreciated.
Fraud is everywhere, we are all at risk of losing our money every day. Last year, across Ireland, people had €98.6 million stolen from their bank accounts, an increase of over 16% when compared to 2022, according to Fraud Smart and the Banking and Payments Federation of Ireland. Criminals transfer the stolen money through bank accounts to conceal their crime. They can trick anyone into using their accounts. Without access to your account, criminals will not be successful. Being a money mule is a criminal offence. They may approach you online, in person, on social medial or through fake job adverts asking to move money through your accounts. They may tell you that you can keep some of the money as payment. They may even ask you to open a bank account in your name for them to use. This is a crime and by taking part even if you don’t where the money has come from or is going to, you are becoming a money mule. This may result in your bank account being closed or a criminal conviction for money laundering. Don’t forget that a young person with a criminal conviction will not get a visa to enter the US, Canada or Australia – a rite of passage denied. Remember: Treat promises that you’ll receive money with suspicion. Don’t allow money to be moved through your bank account. Don’t open a bank account in your name for anyone. Check that advertised jobs are legitimate. Don’t accept friend request on social media from someone you don’t know. Always keep your login details and cards in your possession. Don’t let anyone use your account to accept or send payments. Parents be aware: Teenagers and young adults are often targeted by criminals who may be attracted by the promise of quick cash. Protect your smartphone – be streetwise. Dial *#06# and save a screenshot of your IMEI number. Email the image to yourself. Keep your phone locked and enable the PIN security and phone finder features. Keep your phone out of view. Don’t text or call while on the street, apart from all the obvious reasons you could cause an accident by walking out into traffic.. . Log onto Hi Digital – the step by step course to learn some digital skills and it’s free. Ring them on 1800203030. There are classes available at the Adult Education Centre to learn how to use smart phones and also in beginners’ computers. Ring 068 31198 to register for the classes beginning again in September. Tips for road safety; Never walk on the public road without a hi viz jacket. Always face oncoming traffic. Once you reach the age of 65 and live alone or with a person/s aged over 65 you are entitled to receive a monitored alarm system. But if you have younger people living in the house who are out for long periods of the day then because you are spending hours alone you are also entitled to the system provided that you are over 65. The free equipment is provided by Pobal following an application from Abbeyfeale Community Alert, there will be a monitoring fee to be paid from the second year of installation to the installing company of €72. Please note that this fee has increased by €6 and is payable in a lump sum each year after year one. Should you not have a landline the installing company Task provide a sim card at a rate of €7.50 per month payable from day one. Committee members are Michael O’Kelly N.T., Seamus Stack, Mossie Gleeson, Kathleen Collins, Mary McArthur, John O’Sullivan, Billy Quirke N.T., Cllr. Francis Foley, Susan Daly, Catherine Daly, Marian Harnett .Annette Collins.