by Peg Prendeville

Last week I asked for prayers for Lucy who was due her spinal surgery last Friday BUT IT WAS CANCELLED! So upsetting for the family especially Lucy. No further date given at the moment. So we wait … and we wait.

A little bit of good news though. Granddaughter Saibh Prendeville, has qualified for the Irish Pony club National Eventing Championships in Tattersalls in August. Saibh is a complete horse lover who gets up early every morning before school to feed her pony. We are delighted to see she is living her dream and wish her well

A lively weekend is in store for the village of Ballyhahill who will be celebrating the 150th anniversary of the old school which is now the Parish Hall. On Saturday evening Mass will be celebrated by Fr Mikie O’Connor at 5pm after which everybody will be invited back to the Hall for refreshments and music. But the main emphasis will be on old school pals meeting up and exchanging stories – good and bad. A little booklet has been put together also to commemorate the occasion.  Well done to the committee members who have been working hard in the background to organise the event.

We are all in mourning after Limerick losing to Cork at the weekend but all good things come to an end at some stage, I suppose.

There have been lots of tributes to Micheál Ó Muircheartaigh since he died; all well deserved as he had such a wonderful voice and personality. Back in 2010 he was the guest speaker at the Awards night in Tarbert school. At the time we had a German student staying with us; she had come to Ireland to learn English! Micheál stood up and spoke fluent Irish for about fifteen minutes. Sophie, our German girl  – who had more English than we had German – looked at me in horror and said she could not understand a word. She thought he was speaking English and that she was so bad she could not understand. Needless to say she did not really appreciate his long Irish speech. Below is a photo with Micheál, Sophie and our daughter Sarah Prendeville.