The new handrail on the path leading from the Giant’s Garden

New Safety Rail on

Giant’s Garden

A new handrail has been placed by the path at the bottom of the Giant’s Garden to prevent walkers slipping on the steep slope in wintry conditions. A sincere thank you to Councillor John Sheahan who not only acquired the funding for the project from Limerick Council but actually employed the contractor to do it. It will now be far safer for all who use the path.


Community Council A.G.M.

This A.G.M., continued from last week,  will take place in the Community Council Office this Thursday night at 8.00 pm

Everybody welcome, especially new members

The Way I See It

By Domhnall de Barra

That time has come again when we can’t travel the roads and streets without being beamed down upon by political “wannabees”, all looking radiant as they plead with us for our No 1 in the forthcoming elections.  The photos of the candidates are very professional and mostly flattering to them  but do they really make all that difference.?  It is not, after all, a beauty contest where one might be inclined to vote for the best looking and it is easy to get turned off when you have seen the same poster a few hundred times. Then there is all the literature coming thorough the letter boxes and the stream of people to the doorbells seeking our votes. I think the whole thing is a bit of a circus and there should be serious thought given to changing the whole system of canvassing before elections. First of all there should be a ban on posters in public places. They cost a fortune and are just defacing the countryside. There should also be no need for candidates to have to knock on every door in the constituency, even the ones where they know they are not in with a chance of a vote.  I think it is asking too much and whereas it might be an opportunity for voters to ask questions, there is a much simpler way of doing it. I have no problem with a simple flyer telling us who is standing and what they stand for but there should be no need to canvass from door to door. I would like to see a series of discussion forums in the various towns and villages where each candidate would outline their intentions and be open to questioning from the public. We would then have an opportunity to see who would be the best candidate to represent us on councils and in government. At the moment they must put up expensive posters simply because everyone else is doing it and one can’t afford to be the odd one out. Many of the candidates are funded by political parties but there are a good few independents who have to dip into their own pockets and it isn’t fair on them. People will not make up their minds because the candidate has a nice poster, it is the bread and butter issues that will decide how we vote, especially at local elections. Once upon a time people were very loyal to particular political parties and voted upon those lines regardless of how good or bad the candidate was. It was said one time that if Fianna Fáil put up a dog in Abbeyfeale it would get elected!  It might seem funny but there was an element of truth in that. In those days there were no big posters but we did have the speeches from the backs of lorries outside the church gates  after Mass on Sunday mornings. Big crowds attending Mass back then, unlike today. They could be very entertaining with a lot of heckling from opposing party members, sometimes leading to fisticuffs. I remember two neighbouring families who got on well together all year but when it came to the voting season they became deadly enemies. After the election the supporter of the winner would light a bonfire at the cross and the other would pour water over it and quench it. Those days, thank God, are gone and younger voters don’t follow party lines anymore and rightly so. We should vote for the person we think can do the best job for us, regardless of party or gender. There is a clamour to have  gender balance in everything nowadays. I think it is not right. The person most suitable for the position should get it even if there is a gender unbalance in either direction. It wouldn’t bother me in the slightest if all our representatives were female or male as long as they were the best. I have great sympathy for those who are running for office. I don’t think I would be able for the constant criticism and abuse some of them have to suffer or to have patience with those who want to have something “pulled” for them even if they are not entitled to it. They also have to be available to the public at all times. I remember Dick Spring telling of a time when his father Dan, who was a Labour Tralee, had to leave his Christmas dinner to talk to a constituent who came to the door. They should be entitled to a private life as well and their families should not have to suffer intimidation or abuse. This abuse and threatening behaviour towards politicians is to be deplored. Social media gives an opportunity to some, who would not have the guts otherwise, to post hateful and harmful content. It is difficult not to be affected by this. Most of them are just annoying but there are some dangerous people out there who are capable of criminal activity. There should be a way of identifying everybody who posts any content online. The “right to privacy” brigade will be up in arms just as they were when they forced the authorities to remove CCTV cameras from public places. My thoughts on this have not changed. If I am doing nothing wrong, why should I object to being on camera? The safety of the general public far outweighs any “right to privacy” criminals seem to be entitled to. We should treat our public representatives with respect. If we don’t like what they are doing we have the option of not voting for them next time around. We are so lucky to live in a democracy that gives us the choice of who we are governed by and we should never take it for granted. That is why we should all make use of our votes on polling day. There are so many places in the world where the public have no say in who they are governed by and I’ll bet they would make sure they would register their preferences if they had the opportunity so, go to the polling stations, cast your votes and, unlike trump and his supporters,  accept the verdict!

Church Notices

Parish Pastoral Unit (Athea, Abbeyfeale, Mountcollins, Templeglantine and Tournafulla).

Canon Tony Mullins 087 2600414, Fr. Willie Russell 087 2272825, Fr. Denis Mullane 087 2621911 and Fr Dan Lane 087 2533030 (retired).

Masses this week- Tuesday morning 9.30am and Friday evening 7pm.

Eucharistic Adoration and The Devine Mercy Chaplet on Tuesday morning after mass.

Mass Intentions: Fri May 24th 7pm – Marian, Elena & Ide White.

Sat May 25th 7.30pm: Mary Dalton and Sr. Liam O’Sullivan. Michael (Mick) McCoy. John Byrnes.

Patsy O’Connor (South Keale) , his parents Ann & William and his brothers John & joe.

All masses are streamed live on

Baptisms take place on the fourth weekend of the month. The next baptismal preparation meeting takes place in the sacristy Templeglantine on Tuesday evening June 11th at 8pm.

Parents who wish to baptise their child in the next few months should contact Siobhan on

087-3331459 for further details. First Holy Communion takes place in Athea next Saturday May 25th at 11am. Corpus Christi Procession through the village will take place on Sat June 9th.

Parish Administration: Tues-Fri 11am-1pm. call Siobhan on 087-3331459, outside these hours text or email [email protected]


Athea Community Council

Lucky Numbers Draw   20/05/2024

No’s Drawn: 6, 7, 12, 19.  No Winner

Lucky Dips

Michael O’Connor,        Athea

Brenda McMahon,         Athea

Ned White,                        Athea

Jerry Brouder, Gale View

Sellers Prize: Eileesh Geoghegan & White’s Bar

Next Draw:  27/05/’24  Venue:  Batt’s Bar

Jackpot €20,900