by Jer Kennelly

DRIVER: Knockanure Community Centre are currently looking for a driver/2 drivers to deliver the Meals on Wheels. Monday and Wednesday from 11.30-2.30ish, roughly 3 hours p/day. This would be voluntary, as we are a non-profit organisation. Help would be greatly appreciated. Please contact 068-49799.

MEALS: Did you know that you can have meals delivered Monday, Wednesday and Friday from Knockanure Community Centre, for more information contact Centre on 068-49799 or Mary on 087-6328104.

PARISH Office: Weds.10.00am-12.00noon, Thurs. & Fri. 10.00am-1.00pm, Presbytery/Office: 068 49308, Web: 2nd Collection at Masses weekend 20th & 21st Jan. for the Needs of the Holy Land.

MISSION: Diocesan Mission 2024, Hope Alive! will take place from Sun. Jan 21st – Weds. Jan 24th. Each day, you are invited to join in the Mission Talk, Prayer, Mass, Prayer Petition and Family Time. Speakers include Adi Roche, CEO of Chernobyl Children Ireland on Welcoming the Stranger. Dr Michael Conway teaches Faith and Culture at St Patrick’s College, Maynooth will speak on Church in Today’s World. Dr Keith Gaynor, clinical pyschologist and parent will speak on Wellbeing, and Jane Mellett, Trócaire will speak on Seeds of Hope. To participate please register on,

Engaging Young People in Our Parishes – You are invited to join us online via zoom on Weds. 17th January at 7.30pm, to further explore our conversation to progress this work.  Register on  for the link to join.

The meeting is aimed at adults who have a heart for young people, those who have previously worked with youth in parish life or those who may be interested in engaging with young people in parish life now.

DEATH of Father Tom Relihan, late of Kilcara, Foildarrig, Duagh and California. Funeral for Fr.Tom Relihan  took place in California. Fr. Tom celebrated his 100th birthday last May.

Father Thomas J. Relihan, a priest of the Diocese of Sacramento for more than 76 years, died on Jan. 6 in Ione. At the time of his death, he was the oldest living priest of the diocese. He celebrated his 100th birthday on May 11, 2023. A vigil service will be held on Sunday, Jan. 14, from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. at Sacred Heart of Jesus Mission Church at 20 Relihan Dr. in Ione. The vigil will follow at 6 p.m.

Bishop Jaime Soto presided at a funeral Mass, with Bishop Emeritus William K. Weigand as concelebrant, on Monday, Jan. 15 at 11 a.m. in St. Katharine Drexel Church at 11361 Prospect Dr. in Martell. A reception followed the Mass. The burial in Sacred Heart of Jesus Cemetery in Ione.

DEATH of Nora (Norry) Hartney, (Nee O’Connor), Carmel, New York and formerly of The Lane, Upper Athea, on the 3rd January, 2024. Predeceased by her husband Michael Hartney, late of Kildimo.  Mother to Michael and his wife Anne Marie, Kevin and his wife Eileen and Mary, grandmother to Lauren, Kayla and Fiona. Predeceased by her parents Jer O’Connor and Bridget O’Connor (Nee McMahon), her brothers Patrick and his wife Maisie in New York, Mike and his wife Phyllis, Joe, Martin and his wife Marie, sister Mary and her husband Dan (All in Ireland). Survived by her sister-in-law Mary and many nieces and nephews. Funeral Mass was celebrated on Friday, 12th January, 2024 at St. James the Apostle Church in Carmel, N.Y. Burial at Raymond Hill Cemetery in Carmel, N.Y.

ANNIVERSARIES: Mairead McDermott, Hannah Stack, Mary Collins, Jackie Walsh, Teddy Dore, Canon Michael O Doherty, Danny Hannon, John Carmody, Fr. Michael Buckley, Michael Walsh, Mary Barry, Paddy Ryan, Mary Nolan, Tom Mulvihill, Denis Moore,

MASS INTENTIONS: Sat.13th Jan.’24- Moyvane for Johnny Quinn (Aniv.) Leitrim Middle at 7.30pm;

Sun.14th Jan.’24- Knockanure for Michelle Foley & grandfather Michael Keane & uncle Tim Keane (Aniv.’s) at 9.30am, Mass Moyvane for Dick & Donal Cunningham and Breda & Andrew Thomas (Aniv.’s) at 11.00am; Tues.16th Jan.’24-Moyvane for John Gregg (Aniv.) & deceased members of the Gregg and Hanrahan families at 10.00am; Weds.17th Jan.’24 –Knockanure a Private Intention at 10.00am; Thurs.18th Jan.’24- Moyvane for Ned Moore (Aniv.) Glenalappa at 10.00am; Fri.19th Jan.’24- Knockanure a Private Intention at 10.00am; Sat.20th Jan.’24- Moyvane for John Moloney (3rd Aniv.) & his parents Mick and Mary Moloney at 7.30pm; Sun.21st Jan.’24 – Knockanure for Irene O’Keeffe (Aniv.) at 9.30am, and Mass Moyvane a Special Intention at 11.00am.

CONGRATULATIONS to Ted Hunt of Athea, who recently received the Plunkett Award for Co-operative Endeavour.

Congratulations to Gerard MacElligott on coming 2nd in the Irish Senior Chess Championships recently. Gerard has many local connections.

BEST Wishes to Marie Deenihan of Ballybunion and Tim Leahy of Kilmorna who were recently married. Best Wishes also to Jacinta Sheehy of Athea and John Cunningham of Newcastlewest on their marriage.

Best wishes to Dienna Ferris and Gerald Scanlon of Moyvane who recently announced their engagement.

CHRISTENED in Moyvane church recently was baby Saorlaith, daughter of Sean and Deborah O’Mahony of Coolaclarig. Christened in Listowel recently was Baby Mia, daughter of Ian Stackpoole and Marguerite Corridan of Listowel.

HAPPY retirement to Mairead Moore who recently retired from Scoil Mhathair De, Abbeyfeale.

BT Young Scientist Exhibition; the following local projects have qualified for the BT Young Scientist & Technology Exhibition, 10-13 January 2024.    Kerry -Tarbert Comprehensive School- CPR Pedal Chest Compression Device Mark II -Technology – Group; Presentation Secondary School Listowel- Does the menstrual cycle affect 13-14 year old girls concentration levels at school- Health & Wellbeing- Group; Presentation Secondary School Listowel- Would people move to an island if given the necessities? – Social & Behavioural Sciences- Group.

TEA DANCE in Asdee Community Centre on Sunday, February 4 fro 2.30 – 5.30pm. – Fundraiser in aid of Cenacolo Community, Knock.  A community of people with addiction.  Prizes and Raffle.  Prizes include – Return trip to Medjugorje for 1 person in 2024.  Overnight stay for 2 people & evening meal in Adare Manor.  B. & B. for 2 people at the Woodlands Hotel, Adare.  Raffle will take place at the Tea Dance.

Adult Social Dance Classes:  in Tarbert Community Centre Starting Thursday 25th January 7pm till 9pm. All levels of Dancers. If interested text 087 1829702.

DANCING CLASSES FOR ADULTS commencing on Mon. 15th Jan.  Beginners – 7.00 – 8.00pm., Advanced – 8.00 – 9.00pm. in the Plaza Hall, Listowel. For Bookings – contact 0877541631.

PARKRUN in Listowel takes place every Saturday morning from 9:30am.

BUS: Currently there are in excess of 150 regular bus routes operating all over Kerry under the management of TFI Local Link Kerry. You can contact 066 7147002 or emailing [email protected]


BALYDONOGHUE Parish magazine is available in some local shops.

FEAST of St Ita. Monday 15th January. St Ita was born in Co. Waterford of noble and Christian parents. Early on she set her mind on serving Christ in religious life. She founded a monastery in Kileedy. She was given the title ‘Foster –Mother of the Saints of Ireland.’ She died in 570. St Ita’s feast day celebrated in the parish of Kileedy on Monday 15th January.

SCRIBBLING FOR CHARITY:  West Limerick author, Pat McLoughlin recently launched his 6th book ‘The Unbreakable Dream’. It was launched by Minister, Patrick O’ Donovan at Longcourt House Hotel in Newcastle West.  The proceeds from the novel will go to Milford Care Centre/Hospice to whom Pat has already presented a cheque for €1250.00.


ART: classes with artist Damian Daly in Kerry Writers’ Museum in Listowel, starting Tuesday 16th January. Join us in Kerry Writers’ Museum in Listowel for a new series of art classes led by experienced artist and lecturer Damian Daly, and professional life model and artist, Montserrat Benet Morella. These classes will include detailed guidance, demonstrations, critiques, and helpful advice.

Classes due to begin next week include;

1. Life Drawing for Beginners: Dive into the world of life drawing with this 5-week course starting on Tuesday 16th January 2024. The classes run for 2 hours from 6.30pm to 8.30pm, with a maximum of 7 participants. The cost is €150 per person.

2. Portrait Painting: Unleash your creativity with this 2-week course starting on Wednesday 17th January 2024. The classes run for 3 hours from 6.30pm to 9.30pm, with a maximum of 12 participants. The cost is €60 per person.

3. Life Drawing for Intermediate: Take your life drawing skills to the next level with this 5-week course starting on Thursday 18th January 2024. The classes run for 2 hours from 6.30pm to 8.30pm, with a maximum of 7 participants. The cost is €150 per person.

Materials will be provided, although artists are welcome to bring their own easels and materials if they prefer. To secure your place contact Kerry Writers’ Museum Ticket Office on 068 22212.

‘New Beginnings’ by the Listowel Visual Artists’ Collective is available to view in St John’s Theatre & Arts Centre in Listowel until the end of January. To view the exhibition, St. John’s is open from Monday to Friday and from 10am to 5pm.

SINGING Group: This newly formed group has grown in numbers and sees them return to the Library, Glin every Tuesday morning from 11.30am (note time change), starting on Tuesday 30th.

POETRY in the Park, Listowel on Sunday 14th January  from 2pm to 4pm in Kerry Writers’ Museum, Listowel. Their first monthly open-mic poetry reading event of 2024.

COMPUTER SKILLS COURSE FOR ADULTS every Tuesday from 2pm to 4pm in The Bulter Centre, Listowel.  Please call Vivienne 086 0749758.

LISTOWEL KARATE CLASSES: Kerry Martial Arts School are resuming karate and self-defence classes in St. Michael’s College gym on Saturdays for all ages from 5 to Adult at 10:00a.m. Contact (087) 2636820 for further information

SUPPORT: Recovery Haven Kerry (cancer support house) will have a Designer Fashion Showcase event taking place in the Gleneagle INEC Arena on Feb. 1st ‘24. The event will be MC’d by legendary RTE broadcaster, Mary Kennedy. Tickets €30, for sale at Recovery Haven Kerry 5 Haigs Terrace Tralee, Gleneagle INEC box office, also purchased online.  Further information please ring 066 7192122


JOBS: Applications until January 15, with the Back for Business programme running from February to June. Contact

REPAIRS: there were 2,000 requests for housing maintenance repairs from tenants of Kerry County Council in 2023. Also over 2,000 requests for housing maintenance repairs were made by Council tenants in the Tralee Municipal District.

MEETING: Diocesan Eucharistic Adoration Committee will be holding their monthly meeting in the Parish meeting room St. Mary’s Church Listowel Thurs. 25th Jan.’24 7.30p.m. Covering the Parishes of the Pastoral areas of Listowel and North Kerry.  The committee would very much appreciate representative from each Parish of Listowel, Moyvane/Knockanure, Tarbert, Ballybunion,  Lixnaw/Rathea/Irremore, Duagh/Lyreacrompane, Ballylongford/Asdee, Ballydonoghue, with a view to establishing Adoration and getting Adorer’s back to the numbers before Covid. Deacon Thady O’Connor will be in attendance as our Chaplain. “Jesus said” Could you not Come and Watch one Hour with ME” Info from: Margaret 087 2976304/ Maureen 087 951 4352

The EU has set itself the target of making 25 percent of its farmland organic by 2030.

FARMERS in the ACRES CP co-operation scheme are invited to meet with the cooperation team staff with any queries they may have; Camp Old School Building, Camp, V93 F854, Mon.15th Jan.’24, 14.30-20.30. Kilcummin GAA Club, V93 X459, Tues. 23rd Jan.’24, 14.30-20.30.

Any queries contact Marianah Sahmad 064-6624607/ [email protected]

Patrick & Paula O’Hanlon’s farm in Tarbert, is one of five farms in Co. Kerry partaking in the Teagasc Signpost Programme. A farm walk was held recently on their farm. Méabh Dore, Teagasc Dairy advisor recounts the most notable changes on the farm and the biggest learning outcomes from the day. More at–events/daily/environment/signpost-programme-farm-walk-patrick–paula-ohanlon-kerry.php


ST JOHN’S: The Spirit of Johnny Cash on Saturday January 27th @ 8pm. More from 068 22566.

CHURCH:  Details of two upcoming programmes on RTE: RTÉ One broadcast on Monday 15 January at 9.30pm: The Last Priests in Ireland – the documentary will be followed by Upfront with Katie Hannon, which will host a live studio discussion. RTÉ One broadcast on Mon 22 January at 9.30pm: The Last Nuns in Ireland -the role of religious in Ireland from the 12th century, and contemporary themes.  Week of Prayer for Christian Unity 2024. Each year from 18 – 25 January the different Christian Churches throughout the world celebrate the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity. It’s a week in which we pray for unity among all the followers of Jesus Christ. The theme for this year is based on a text from the Gospel of St Luke: ‘You shall love the Lord your God … and your neighbour as yourself’. (Luke 10:27)

CONSIDERING a Postgraduate or Mission & Ministers Programme in 2024?  Studying at St. Patrick’s Pontifical University, Maynooth offers you Programmes from Certificate, Diploma, Higher Diploma & Masters to Decorate level in Theology, Philosophy, Divinity & Liturgical Music.  Visit us on sppu/courses for more information.

ACCORD counsellors are very experienced in working with individuals and couples and offers counselling on a wide range of issues and difficulties that arise in relationships. Contact the Tralee Office on 066 7122280.

COURSING in Abbeyfeale celebrated their centenary over the Christmas Season.

CRAFTS: 100 companies, as part of the Local Enterprise Showcase at the 2024 Craft Showcase event in the RDS, from January 21-23.

MILK: ICMSA Dairy Committee chair Noel Murphy has said that co-ops “can and should” pay 39c/L for milk supplied in December.

FERTILISER: Farmers in Zone B will be permitted to spread organic fertilisers from Tuesday, January 16. Farmers in Zone B will be permitted to spread chemical fertiliser from Tuesday, January 30,2024

IFA poultry chairperson Nigel Sweetnam said: “Supermarkets are demanding premium product at world commodity prices with little or no regard to producers’ or processors’ costs of production, which are still substantially higher than the last time we were in negotiations.


UKRAINE: In a joint statement the Association of Poultry Processors and Poultry Trade (AVEC), the European Association of Sugar Manufacturers (CEFS), the European Confederation of Maize Production (CEPM), the International Confederation of European Beet Growers (CIBE), COPA-COGECA and the European Union of Wholesale with Eggs, Egg Products, Poultry and Game (EUWEP) warned that the agricultural sector “must not become a reason for wavering support to Ukraine”.

The associations said: “What is happening in Ukraine is intolerable and as the EU it is our duty and our interest to continue supporting them.

“We as producers, are ready to continue doing our part in the EU efforts to help Ukraine. Unfortunately, we believe that this effort is currently inequitably shared, with the agricultural sector bearing a disproportionate and unsustainable burden.”

GRASS is the Irish dairy sector’s only competitive advantage, says Tadhg Buckley, director of policy with the IFA.

LIMERICK: ‘The Blacksmith of Limerick’ he said.   Yes, I said and quoted that poem from my National School days. He grasped his ponderous hammer; he could not stand it more To hear the bombshells bursting and the thundering battle’s roar …

‘No. No. No.  This man said, ‘not that Blacksmith – the Radio City Music Hall New York blacksmith.   A fellow called Peter Clarke, a blacksmith from Limerick – ‘twas he designed the stage there.’


KITE POWER: The Hunt Museum is organising a county and city-wide Kite Power Festival as part of its current exhibition to highlight the power of wind as an energy resource.  The museum is calling on Kite enthusiasts and novices to get creative with recyclable materials and paint the sky of Limerick and Shannon, Co Clare with vibrant kites on 11 February 2024.   B

CAMPING: Whether you’re trying to survive in the frigid wilderness or you’re camping out in the winter for fun, building a quinzee is a great option for creating a shelter from the elements. All you need for its construction is a big pile of snow, which you then hollow out. Because it lacks a skeletal support structure, you’ll want to keep your quinzee relatively small — ideally building it for three people at the most. Shoveling all that snow works up a sweat, and snow will fall on you as you hollow out the inside, so be sure to change into dry clothes when you’re done to prevent hypothermia.


MEDJUGORJE PILGRIMAGES 2024 1st—8th May 2024 & 18th—25th Sept 2024. Cost €510. For further information contact Tom Collins: 086 8380406 .


GLOBAL Warming: There is no one-size-fits-all approach to stopping or slowing global warming, and each individual, business, municipal, state, tribal, and federal entity must weigh their options in light of their own unique set of circumstances. Experts say it is likely many strategies working together will be needed. Generally speaking, here are some examples of mitigation strategies we can use to slow or stop the human-caused global warming


ARSONS: The failing public broadcaster finally got around to “investigating” the string of arsons against churches beginning in 2021, but in typical CBC fashion, they claim the attacks were justified as a “response to Canada’s colonial history”. The CBC’s “investigation” was simply an exercise in excusing arson and vandalism targeting Christians in Canada.


RECYCLE: The metalworkers of the Roman Empire produced prodigious amounts of iron, cooper, and lead. The resulting pollution can still be traced as far away as the ice of Greenland. After the collapse of the imperium at the beginning of the fifth century CE, Europe would not produce as much copper-smelting pollution until the nineteenth century.



A threatening phone call

Why did The Telgraph wait so long to tell us about the call? This should have been disclosed immediately so that the public would be aware of the MHRA’s true objectives.


Video link


Abbeydorney and more January 2024.
