by Marian Harnett

PROLOGUE: Don’t worry about getting old, worry about thinking old.

DEATH:  The death has taken place of Sr. Rosarii (Margaret) O’ Sullivan (O.L.A. Sisters, Ardfoyle Convent, Cork) formerly from Athea.  Sr. Rosarii celebrated her 100th birthday some time ago and was one of many young women from the Abbeyfeale/Athea area who entered the OLA Sisters – the Missionary Sisters of Our Lady of Apostles and went all over Africa as Missionaries.  May she rest in peace.

WEEK OF PRAYER for Christian Unity 18th to 25th Jan., Feast of the Conversion of St Paul)   God is love – love one another, – surely a theme that unites all Christians.

COFFEE MORNING AT FEALE FIT SATURDAY, JANUARY 27:  A coffee morning will take place at FealeFit from 10am – 12noon to support St. Ita’s Day Care.  Everyone welcome.

 GALA CONCERT:  A fundraising concert in aid of Tournafulla Community Hall on Saturday, February 10 will star Denis Curtin, Donie Nolan and friends, The Wright Sisters, Willie and John Larkin, Tournafulla Church Choir and the local Wrenboy Group. Tickets are available from The Homestead.  Doors open at 8pm.

“THE BANSHHEE OF CROKEY HILL”  Abbeyfeale Drama Group present “The Banshee of Crokey Hill” by Tommy Marren at the Glórach on Tuesday, February 13, Thursday 15, Saturday 17, Sunday 18 and the following week.

DRAMA AND WELLBEING CLASSES 5-12 YEAR OLDS:  Glórach Theatre starting February 3 from 3 – 4.30pm.

SOCIAL DANCING CLASSES:  Waltzing, jiving etc have started in the Plaza Hall, Listowel on Monday, January 22 for Beginners: 7.00-8.00 pm, Advanced: 8.00-9.00 pm. For bookings, please contact 087 7541631.

AFTERNOON TEA DANCE:   at Plaza Listowel on Monday, February 5, dancing from 3pm to 5.30pm.

FRENCH FILM AT THE GLÓRACH:  PRO Lorcan Curtin tells us about the planned screening of a French film at the end of the month:  “Our first film screening of the New Year takes place on Sunday, January 28th with our screening of the French film, ‘Driving Madeline’ by Christian Carion.  A heart-warming film that charts the journey across Paris of taxi driver Charles and the elderly Madeline, who is set to enter a nursing home but has one last glorious look back at her life in the course of the drive across the city.  The film kicks off at 7.30 pm and tickets can be booked at or at the door on the night.”

BINGO IN MOUNTCOLLINS:  A fundraising Mega Bingo with €2,000 in prize money as well as a huge raffle takes place in the Community Centre on Sunday, February 11 at 3pm sharp.

FUNDRAISER FOR ALL WEATHER ASTROTURF PITCH :  Abbeyfeale United are hosting a fundraiser based on the show “ I’m a celebrity, get me out of here” and it will be launched on Friday, February 2 in the Cellar Bar from 8 – 10pm.  Every one welcome.

SCRIBBLING FOR CHARITY:  West Limerick author, Pat McLoughlin recently launched his 6th book ‘The Unbreakable Dream’. It was launched by Minister, Patrick O’ Donovan at Longcourt House Hotel in Newcastle West.  The proceeds from the novel will go to Milford Care Centre/Hospice to whom Pat has already presented a cheque for €1250.00.  A few remaining copies of the book are still available at Siopa Milsean.

 KATIE GOING ON TOUR:  Written by Therése Prendeville, granddaughter of the great MaryJo whose appearances on stage in Abbeyfeale back in the day are the stuff of legend “Katie” will be in St. John’s on Thursday, April 11, the Schoolyard Theatre, Charleville on Saturday, April 20 and back in the Glórach on Sunday, April 21.  I saw this play in the Glórach before Christmas and the very thought of it sends shivers down my spine – the storyline and the acting are just so powerful.  Take any chance you get to see it.

 THE HUNT MUSEUM LAUNCES THE KITE POWER FESTIVAL:  FUN WITH WIND ENERGY:  Inspiring Creativity,pril Community, Recycling and Clean Energy Advocacy.

  • Kite-Making Workshops reusing Christmas packaging to take place across the County in January
  • Kite Power Festival takes place on Sunday 11thFebruary in Limerick and Shannon, Co Clare.

The Hunt Museum is organising a county and city-wide Kite Power Festival as part of its current exhibition to highlight the power of wind as an energy resource.  The museum is calling on Kite enthusiasts and novices to get creative with recyclable materials and paint the sky of Limerick and Shannon, Co Clare with vibrant kites on 11 February 2024.   The Kite Power Festival takes the Hunt Museum’s Climate Change exhibition “Night’s Candles are Burnt Out: Climate, Culture, Change & Community”, outside its walls and onto the streets and hills of Limerick as it showcases the power of wind through art, culture and a fun community event.  In a visually captivating and eco-friendly manner, this unique family experience, sponsored by The Shannon Airport Group in collaboration with the Festivals scheme, encourages participants to reuse their Christmas wrapping paper and tinsel and give it new life in the skies powered by the abundant wind in the Mid-West. To help people get involved, Lumen Street Theatre will host a series of Kite Making Workshops across Limerick City and County and in Shannon Town.  Some Men’s Shed groups will also host their own Kite Making days.   Speaking at the launch, Jill Cousins, Director, Hunt Museum said, “We want to continue to engage people emotionally through art and creativity in campaigning for change to renewable energy sources.  The idea behind “Nights Candles are Burnt Out” is the use of culture to develop real understanding of the need to change both personally and nationally.  We want to be able to achieve Climate Action 2021 targets by 2030. By promoting clean energy in a fun and unique way, we hope to inspire individuals and communities to embrace sustainable energy solutions.”   Sinéad Murphy, Head of Sustainability at The Shannon Airport Group said, “We are delighted to sponsor this exciting event that will raise awareness in a fun and engaging way of the power of wind as a clean energy resource. Ireland, and the west coast in particular, has one of the world’s leading wind resources, so raising awareness of the opportunities this brings to our region is really key.  We would encourage everyone, schools, families, community groups to get involved to promote this great initiative”. Prizes will be given in each location for:

  • The best flyer
  • The best use of recycled Christmas packaging and decoration
  • The best artistic design

After the festival, all Kites can be lent to The Hunt Museum for a post Festival exhibition.

 Save the Date – Festival Highlights

Saturday, January 27: Lumen Workshop in Newcastle West

Tuesday, January 30: Lumen Workshop in Limerick Learning Hub

Saturday, February 3: Lumen Workshop in Abbeyfeale

Saturday, February 3: Hunt Museum Kite Making Day

Saturday, February 3: Men’s Shed Kite Making Day

Sunday, February 11: Kite Power Festival across Limerick & Shannon .

ST JOHN’S LISTOWEL; host the “The Spirit of Johnny Cash” on Saturday January 27th @ 8pm. More from 068 22566.

AFTERNOON TEA DANCE:  It’s on in Asdee Community Centre on Sunday, February 4 from 2.30 – 5.30pm. – Fundraiser in aid of Cenacolo Community, Knock.

FARMING: Tralee Chamber Alliance, in association with AIB, Kerry Group and the IFA will host ‘Building a Sustainable Agri Enterprise’ at The Meadowlands Hotel on Wednesday, January 24 at 7.30pm. Panellists include Pat Murphy, CEO Kerry Dairy Ireland Kerry Group; Tadhg Buckley, Director of Policy/ Chief Economist with the IFA and Donal Whelton, Head of Agri AIB Food & Fishing.

COLAISTE IDE DINGLE OPEN DAY: Saturday, February 24 from 10.00am to 3pm. Call 066 915 1211.

GOLDILOCKS AND THE THREE BEARS:  Do you want a great day out that won’t break the bank?  We are leaving in Fitzpatrick’s bus from Listowel The Square at 11.45am then NCW 12noon opposite the Longcourt house hotel and Abbyfeale at from the bus stop outside the Church.  All seats must be confirmed by payment before Friday. We have a couple of seats available going to print.  Contact Maureen for all the details and booking 087 9845102.

PARKINSON’S INFORMATION:  Dr. Helena Moore, Consultant Neurologist & Clinical Director at the Bons Secours Hospital, Tralee will give a 1-hour presentation followed by a Q & A session in The Meadowlands Hotel, Tralee at 6.30pm–8pm Thursday, January 25. Free event open to people affected by Parkinson’s, their friends, families and wider community.

YOGA CLASSES:  Yoga classes are held in Fr. Casey’s Club house every Monday evening from-8.30pm with Mike Houlihan.

 RECOVERY HAVEN: Kerry Cancer Support House will have a Designer Fashion Showcase event taking place in the Gleneagle INEC Arena on February 1st, 2024. The date – St Brigid’s Day – is particularly poignant for those involved, with the show set to incorporate the extraordinary Irish saint and mark her 1500th anniversary. Renowned fashion designer Colin Horgan will be the star attraction of the event, showcasing several pieces from his new collection, while beloved Ballyheigue designer Don O’Neill – the charity’s newly appointed Patron – will showcase a select few pieces from his fashion archive. The event will be MC’d by legendary RTE broadcaster, Mary Kennedy. Tickets are only €30 and are for sale at Recovery Haven Kerry, 5 Haigs Terrace Tralee or at the Gleneagle INEC box office, they can also be purchased online or by contacting local volunteers Mary McGill or Marion Drummond.  For further information please ring 066 7192122.

CELEBRATE WITH THE HEALY RAE’S:  A dance will be held at The Gleneagle Killarney celebrating 50 years in Politics by the Healy Rae’s on Friday, February 9 at 8.30pm.

 LOUGH DERG PILGRIMAGES: Three Day Pilgrimage begins Friday, May 31 until Thursday 15th August.

CAMINO: A group from Athea are hoping to do 100km of the Camino Frances from Sarria to Santiago from June 12-19. Average walk 20km per day, please contact Denise on 086-6095716.

ST.ITA’S DAY CARE AND SHELTERED HOUSING:  Meals on Wheels – Available to Everyone.  Collect from the Centre or have it delivered.  Monday, January 22 Pork Chop or Chicken Tender.  Tuesday, January 23 Beef Stew or Toddy’s Homemade Sausages.  Wednesday, January 24 Lamb Chop or Lasagne.    Thursday, January 25Chicken Curry or Braised Steak.  Friday, January 26.  Fish of the Day or Meat Alternative.  Please let us know if you require a Gluten Free option.  Price List Soup €1, Main Meal €7, Half portion €5.  Plate of Vegetables and Potatoes €3.  Dessert €2.  Contact 068 51850.

GETTING TO KNOW SAINT BRIGID:  Ardfert Historical society are hosting a workshop dedicated to her, entitled: St Brigid: Exploring the folklore and legend. Tom Dillon, Listowel historian will deliver what promises to be a very interesting day of folklore, St. Brigid’s Crosses & various other stories of her life etc. The event will be held on

Saturday January 27 at Ardfert Community Centre from 10.30 to 3pm. There will be a fee of €25 to attend & a light lunch, tea/coffee break will be included. We can be contacted by email at [email protected] or ring 0879292919 to book a place.

CHURCH NOTES:  Co Parish Priests of the Pastoral Area:   Fr Denis Mullane 087/2621911 Fr Tony Mullins 087/2600414 Fr Willie Russell 087/2272825 Fr Dan Lane (Retired) 087/2533030 Fr James Ambrose (Retired) Tel 087/7740753.   Divine Mercy Meetings will take place every Monday evening after 7 pm Mass.. Baptisms in Abbeyfeale will be celebrated on the first Saturday of each month at 5.00pm. Also, on the second Sunday of the month after the 12noon Mass. Contact the Sacristy 068/51915 during Mass Times.

Mass Intentions for the coming week: Advice Helpline Are open to dealing with your queries Monday to Friday. You can contact between 9:30am and 4:15pm by phone on 0761-07-5780, or by email at [email protected] Aware Depression & Bipolar Disorder Support Tel: Freephone 1800 80 48 48 (available 7 days, 10am-10pm). Email: [email protected] Bodywhys Eating Disorders Associations of Ireland Email: [email protected] 01 2107906. Information and Support for Birth Mothers – whose babies were placed for adoption may be found at or by calling the relevant section of TUSLA at +353 818 445 500.  Grow Mental Health- Friendly Community based groups for anyone experiencing mental health issue through 12 Step Program of connection, hope, identity by empowering people to nurture their positive wellbeing by supporting personal growth through education, peer support and self-teaching. Based in 33 Henry Street and Croom, several meetings including new meeting on Monday 11-1pm. Contact Michael 086-6063182/Celia 0861526966/   Diocesan Lourdes Pilgrimage is back in its full capacity for 2024, bringing a full team of workers and assisted pilgrims. If you know someone (family member, neighbour, friend etc.) who would like to travel as part of our assisted pilgrim section please let them know. Further information available from Limerick Diocesan Office on 061-350000.

 ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT:  Takes place each Friday in the Sacristy in Duagh Church from 3pm until public rosary at 7pm followed by Mass at 7.30pm.  It also takes place in Abbeyfeale Blessed Sacrament Chapel following Mass in the church at 10am and continues until 7pm.

USED CANDLES:  Thank you to  each and every one of you who have already sent stamps and collected used candles.  Can I please point out that plastic
ornamental candles are of no use.    Please continue the good work and again many, many thanks.  Please mention to the Sacristan in your church about the used candles, the Christmas Wreath candles are only used for that year and new candles are used next year.   God Bless,Maureen   087 9845102.

TEA DANCE in Asdee Community Centre on Sunday, February 4 from 2.30 – 5.30pm. – Fundraiser in aid of Cenacolo Community, Knock.  A community of people with addiction.  Prizes and Raffle.  Prizes include – Return trip to Medjugorje for 1 person in 2024.  Overnight stay for 2 people & evening meal in Adare Manor.  B. & B. for 2 people at the Woodlands Hotel, Adare.  Raffle will take place at the Tea Dance.

DRAMA:  Granagh Players will perform ‘The Hucklebuck’ by Jack Reardon, in the Community Centre V35C584 at 8.00pm on Friday, January 26, Saturday 27, Sunday 28 and the following weekend Friday, February 2, Saturday 3 and Sunday 4.  Admission Adults €10, Students €5.  Shop & Raffle nightly.

PARKRUN in Listowel takes place every Saturday morning from 9:30am.

MEDJUGORJE PILGRIMAGES 2024 1st—8th May 2024 & 18th—25th Sept 2024. Cost €510. For further information contact Tom Collins: 086 8380406.

ABBEYFEALE COMMUNITY ALERT: With the weather alert active check in on your elderly neighbours.   Don’t share any bank codes.  Hang up on callers wanting to fix your computer.  Don’t make investment decisions – get independent financial advice. Be wary of requests for money from family members – ring them and check it out. Unfortunately, some people send emails pretending to be from the bank.  They are usually looking for security details.  The bank will never ask customers to provide details of debit or credit card details through email or links in an email.  Try to advise young members of your family of the dangers of drug taking; risk of addiction, running up drug debts to dealers, if caught and receive a conviction in the courts foreign travel at risk and we all wanted to spread our wings when we were young – I thought I was great heading off from the East to the West Coast on the Greyhound Bus in 1970 – such an adventure!