by Marian Harnett

PROLOGUE:   Let people judge you.  Let them misunderstand you, let them gossip about you. What they think of you isn’t your problem.

DEATH:  We offer our sympathy to the family of Esther Sweeney, Dromtrasna Harnett whose funeral took place during the week.  May she rest in peace.

 TIMELY REMINDER:  Remember all the local businesses that you’ve asked over the years to donate to local teams, clubs and organisations. They need you to support them now and do your Christmas Shopping locally, give vouchers as gifts, have coffee,eat lunch, dinner or a few drinks in their premises and if possible pay with cash.

 CHRISTMAS LUNCH:  We had a fine crowd and a lovely meal served in Fr. Casey’s Clubhouse last Sunday for the annual Community Alert Christmas lunch and dancing to Paddy Quilligan.  Huge thanks to Mary Mc Arthur, Susan and Catherine Daly who did the organising and all the hard slog and to Conor McCarthy who catered the meal.  Roll on 2024.

ABBEYFEALE FOR AFRICA:  Our annual cake sale in aid of the late Fr. Tim Galvin’s Mission in South Sudan was held in St. Ita’s Day Care Centre on Sunday, November 26 from 10-1pm. Teas, Coffee and scones were provided by the staff of St. Ita’s who voluntarily gave of their time to open up the Centre and serve all the people who sat down and enjoyed the goodies that they spent an early morning baking.  A heartfelt thank you to everyone who baked and made jams and scones and not forgetting Julie’s caramel slices which were to die for.  The account for Abbeyfeale for Africa remains open at the Credit Union.

CHRISTMAS CONCERT:  Popular singing group Celtic Brothers, formally known as the Willoughby Brothers are returning to Our Lady of the Assumption Church Abbeyfeale, on Friday 15th of December for what promises to be a feast of festive music and song. The brothers from County Wicklow, made their first visit to Abbeyfeale last Christmas and gave a memorable performance of Irish Ballads, popular classics, contemporary songs and Christmas favourites. Their passion for singing and performing, combined with a genuine closeness, stems from a childhood filled with music and singing, a love they have carried with them throughout the years and into their adulthood. The funds raised from the concert in Abbeyfeale will go towards the St Ita’s Hall (Hall Ide Naofa), Renovation Fund. The work on the hall began in the second week of September 2023 and it is hope to have it completed by early Spring 2023. The project is being funded by grant aid from the Community Centre Investment Fund, provided by theDepartment of Rural and Community Development and by funds raised locally. €100,000 needs to be raised locally towards the project and we are almost half way towards achieving that goal. Tickets for our Christmas Concert go on sale this weekend and are available in the sacristy and at various shops and outlets in Abbeyfeale and throughout West Limerick.  For further information on ticket sales contact 089-2646772.

If any business or individual would like to help with the costs of staging the Christmas Concert, sponsorship will be very welcome. For more information, contact Fr Tony on 087-2600414 or Fr Willie on 087-2272825.  All support will be gratefully received.

MARY COUGHLAN COMES TO THE GLÓRACH:  Set the date of Saturday, 9th December aside as Mary Coughlan makes her debut at the Glórach Theatre.  The famed Galwegian blues singer has a long association with Limerick, including a stint in the Arts College many moons ago, and numerous gigs in the city and county throughout the years.  Always honest and soulful in her renditions, Mary will be joined on the night by Ultan Conlon.  A gig not to be missed, and maybe a possible early Christmas present.  Curtains up at 8 pm, and tickets can be booked at 0871383940 or

ADVENT RETREATS. Fr Frank Duhig will lead a short day of retreat with prayer and time for reflection in preparation for the Holy Season of Advent (11.00am to 4.00pm) in Monagea Community Centre on Saturday, December 2nd.   If you would like to make this retreat contact Trish at the Parish Office, Newcastle West at 069- 61816 or email [email protected]. There is a charge of €10 to cover costs etc. Participants are asked to bring a packed lunch. An Advent Retreat Day will take place on Saturday 2nd of December, 10.30am4.00pm at Deebert House, Hotel, Kilmallock (V35KV62). The Retreat will be facilitated by Sr. Therese Fitzgerald, Sister of Our Lady of Sion. Register your place at: https:/ Waiting Advent Desert Day ‘Making Room at the Inn’ Silent Retreat with Eucharist and Reconciliation, Saturday 2nd December, 10.30am to 5.00pm. Venue: Limerick Diocesan Centre, St Munchin’s Corbally, V94 9250. Facilitated by Sr Phyllis Moynihan RSM and Ann Mulcahy. For more information, telephone 087-9636893.

 WEST LIMERICK SINGING CLUB:  Our last Singing Session of 2023 will take place on Friday, December 1 at the Ramble Inn with guest artist Brigid Delaney from 8.30pm.

ARA COFFEE MORNING|;  Abbeyfeale Active Retirment Group will hold a coffee morning in Leens Hotel on Friday, December 8 from 10.30am to 12 noon with all proceeds going to help  Light up the town.

DIGITAL LEARNING HUB every Friday from 10:00 to 11:00 in Listowel Library. For more information or booking, please contact Mary Swaine, Kerry ETB ALL Team, 086 7969627.

ABBEYFEALE BRIDGE CLUB:  Abbeyfeale Bridge club is on Thursday nights in the Day Care Centre at 7.30pm.  New Members welcome.

ABBEYFEALE CHRISTMAS LIGHTS:  You are asked to support the following fundraising events to help fund the Christmas Lights;   1st and 2nd December Bag Pack at Twohigs 1st December Pub quiz at The Winners Circle 8th December Coffee morning at Leens Hotel from 10.30 until 12pm.

 ALONE: ‘Would you be willing to provide companionship to an older person locally? ALONE are seeking volunteers in your area. Full training and support provided. If interested, please apply via the ALONE website at or for further information please contact Caroline on 086-0591399 or via email [email protected] If you are over 60 and would like to know more about the services ALONE can offer you, please call 0818 222 024.’

PRESIDENTIAL CONTEST:  Voting will end on December 3, –  two candidates are to run for the Presidency of IFA. Francie Gorman from Laois and Martin Stapleton from Limerick. Candidates for the Deputy Presidency of IFA. Alice Doyle from Wexford and Pat Murphy from Galway. Mark Connors from Waterford, Francis Foley from Kerry and Conor O’Leary from Cork Central are to run for Munster regional chair. The Election Count will take place on Dec 12th.

CRIB:  IFA President Tim Cullinan welcomed the decision to return the Live Animal Crib to the Mansion House. Blessing of the Live Animal Crib, will take place on December 6th.

 CRAFT FAIR, CAR BOOT SALE & SANTA. Sunday, December 3 at Duagh Sports Complex from 12.00pm to 4.30pm. Contact Geraldine on 087 2684540 to book a table, lots of Christmas Hampers and Spot Prizes to be won. Santa and Mrs Claus will attend also. Booking for Santa is essential. Sensory friendly times available. Contact 087 6618881.

PARKINSON’S IRELAND:  Kerry Branches will host an Information event Thursday, November 30th 30th in the Meadowlands Hotel, Tralee 6.30pm–8pm. Free event open to people affected by Parkinson’s, their families, friends and wider community. For more info.

RETREAT: “Youth 2000 Ireland” annual Christmas retreat in Dominican College, Newbridge, Co Kildare, December 8 -10  for ages 16-35. Talks, music, prayer, Masses, Reconciliation. Free buses from all over the country. Donation only. Register

OPEN DAY AT THE DAY CARE CENTRE:  There’s always a welcome at St. Ita’s Day Care Centre every Tuesday to come along and socialize with your friends.  Join them for tea and scones, bingo, a card game or two, 4 course lunch, music, singing, poetry, a story or two before you head off sustained by more tea and some goodies.  Call Manager Jane 068 51850 for more information.  Chiropody Services have restarted at St Ita’s Day Care Centre on Monday 20th November and every 6 weeks thereafter.  For appointments ring 068 51850.

POST: Last Christmas Posting Dates for the USA: Parcels – December 6th, Registered Post- December 6th, Standard Letter Post- December 11th, Express Post- December 11th.

GLIN: The Glin Knights Centre: is now closed until next Spring.

OLD FAIR DAY GLIN:  Old Fair Day Glin Saturday 2nd December in the Square. Please provide your own stall & coverings. All are welcome. The Craft Fair takes place in Ceol Corbrai Community Hall, table spaces are limited and are on a ‘first come first served’ basis. To book your table, for all details please Contact John on 087-207-9268

 FERRY:   Winter Schedule Ferry Time Change: The winter sailing schedule commenced Sunday, 1st October 2023 with sailings from Killimer every hour on the hour from 7.00am to 7.00pm and sailings from Tarbert every hour on the half hour from 7.30am to 7.30pm. Sunday sailings commence two hours later at 9.00am from Killimer and 9.30am from Tarbert.

SET DANCING IN MONAGAE:  Fiona 086 3510774 has two classes in Monagae – Tuesday 8.30pm and Thursdays 9pm.

GROW MENTAL HEALTH GROUP meets in Seanchaí Centre, Listowel every Wednesday evening at 8:00 pm. No referrals necessary. Just come along or telephone Jerry at 086-0271990.

DANCE CLASSES IN FR. CASEY’S:  Every Tuesday from 8-10pm.

 CHURCH NEWS:  Contact numbers for the Parish Priests of the Pastoral Area: Fr Denis Mullane 087/2621911.Fr Tony Mullins 087/2600414. Fr Willie Russell 087/2272825.  Fr Dan Lane (Retired) 087/2533030.  Fr James Ambrose (Retired) Tel 087/774075.   Baptisms in Abbeyfeale will be celebrated on the first Saturday of each month at 5.00pm. Also, on the second Sunday of the month after the 12noon Mass.  Contact the Sacristy 068/51915 during Mass Times.  Parish office 086/8661651 Anne Secretary 11am to 1pm. Eucharist Adoration every Friday in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel from 10.30am – 7pm. Baptisms in Abbeyfeale will be celebrated on the first Saturday of each month at 5.00pm. Also, on the second Sunday of the month after the 12noon Mass.  Contact the Sacristy 068/51915 during Mass Times.  Eucharistic Adoration takes place in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel every Friday after morning Mass until 7pm. Divine Mercy Meeting takes place every Monday evening after the 7pm Mass Confessions on Saturday evenings at 6.00pm and after Mass Thursday before the First Friday. A priest will be available after Mass on weekdays if a parishioner wishes to celebrate the sacrament.  Mass Intentions: Wednesday. 10am Thomas McEntee and deceased family members.   Friday 10am Purgatorial Intentions for next weekend. Saturday 6.30pm Michael Collins Purt. Anniversary. place on Friday. May she rest in peace. Baptisms in Abbeyfeale will be celebrated on the first Saturday of each month at 5.00pm. Also, on the second Sunday of the month after the 12noon Mass. Contact the Sacristy 068/51915 during Mass Times. Information and Support for Birth Mothers – whose babies were placed for adoption may be found at or by calling the relevant section of TUSLA at +353 818 445 500 St Vincent de Paul: The Annual Church Gate Christmas Collection in support of the work of St Vincent de Paul will be held on the weekend of the 9th – 10th of December. All support appreciated. Limerick Diocese Overview Report: Additional copies of the Diocesan Overview Report are available this weekend. We encourage you to take one home and share it with family and friends.  Bishop Leahy asks people to take copies of it not just for themselves but perhaps also for sons or daughters not coming regularly to Church but nevertheless still in some way in contact through baptism, First Holy Communion and Confirmation ceremonies. The Overview is a snapshot of the life of our Diocese. In reading the Overview you’ll find statistics of where things are at today, giving a greater understanding of the profile of clergy, financial arrangements and the challenges facing us in the Diocese.  Altar Servers:  Our Parish here in Abbeyfeale has always had a great tradition of children being involved in the Ministry of Altar Serving.  During Covid this Ministry stopped.  At this stage we would like to get the Ministry back and would like to invite boys and girls from the Parish who have made their First Holy Communion to consider becoming Altar Servers.  Time Commitment – You would be asked to serve at Mass at weekends on one of the following times. Saturday evening at 6.30pm or on Sunday at 10.00am or 12noon. You will be invited to come for some training before you would serve at Mass. Wish to volunteer for this Ministry? If you are interested in your child becoming an Altar Server, you can ask for a form in the Sacristy. At all times our Child Protection Guidelines will be followed for the safety of our young people. If you would like any further information, please contact Anne in the sacristy.  Tel 068-51915 or email the parish office at [email protected]   Week of Witness Campaign • 20-27 November 2023 Remembering Christians around the world who have been persecuted because of their faith. Prayer for Persecuted Christians O God of all the nations, the One God who is and was and always will be, in your providence you willed that your Church be united to the suffering of your Son. Look with mercy on your servants who are persecuted for their faith in you. Grant them perseverance and courage to be worthy imitators of Christ. Bring your wisdom upon leaders of nations to work for peace among all peoples. May your Spirit open conversion for those who contradict Your will that we may live in harmony.

 USED STAMPS: Your used stamps can do so much and it is worth taking the time to keep them cut approximately l” around them and drop them into a box provided in the Church in NCW under the table in the porch Sacristy side entrance.  There are 120 girls in St. Mary’s Home Mynmar, the Servite sisters look after them providing food, shelter and education up until 2020 they were going to school but since then schools are closed.  They live in a regime now that is controlling, dangerous along with prices escalating for rice, oil and food, struggling as are the poor people in Mynmar.  We manage to get money out to Sister Salette in person from friends who are travelling home to their district where the sisters live.  With the used stamps we collected we give them to a stamp collector who gives us €5 per kilo so the more stamps we can get the more funds we receive.  If you wish to post stamps to me my name is Maureen Finnegan please give me a call 087 9845102.   Thank you for helping.

KNOCK: O’Shea’s of Kerry coach to Knock Shrine Night Vigil for the Feast of Immaculate Conception Thursday,  December 7th.  Coaches depart Listowel 4.30pm (The Bridge) and Abbeyfeale 4.45pm (The Church).  €40p/person. Contact 066-7180123.

PILGRIMAGE TO MEDJUGORJE:  Pilgrimage to Medjugorje Departing from Shannon to Mostar on May 22nd and August 28th 50-euro discount for bookings received before 2nd of February early booking advisable Contact Group Leader John O Brien 086 8586304 Christmas vouchers also available .

KEEP FIT:  classes in Athea every Tuesday morning at 11.30am. Details Ring 087 9459971.

GOLDIE LOCKS AND THE THREE BEARS: Killorglin’s annual panto will be on Sunday 28th January, 2024 Matinee 3pm. If there are sufficient people interested we will book a bus and on the homeward journey we would call to The River Island Hotel for dinner.
Please contact Maureen 087 9845102 for booking and more details.

MASS SCHEDULES FOR THE WINTER; Weekend Mass in Tournafulla is on Saturdays at 7.30pm and in Mountcollins on Sundays at 11am.

FAIR DAY Glin: Saturday 2nd December in the Square. All are welcome. The Craft Fair takes place in Ceol Corbrai Community Hall, table spaces are limited. To book your table, please Contact John on 087-207-9268.

PRAYER MEETING IN THE DESMOND COMPLEX:  Janice Carraig hosts a prayer meeting on the last Sunday of each month at the Desmond Complex.

  1. JOSEPH’S YOUNG PRIEST SOCIETY: The monthly meeting of the society takes place on the first Tuesday of the month in the parish office.

SOCIAL DANCING IN DUAGH:  “Social dancing has commenced in the Duagh Sports and Leisure Complex on Friday nights 8:30 – 10:30pm.   €8 entry fee. Complimentary teas and coffee. Door prize on the night”.

MEALS ON WHEELS:  Available from St. Ita’s Day Care, Convent St.  Collect or have delivered.    Order before 11am.  Phone 068 51850.  Monday, November 27 Pork Chop or Spaghetti Bolognese.    Tuesday, November 28 Roast Beef or Chicken Fillet.   Wednesday November 29 Chicken Casserole or Lamb Chop.    Thursday November 30th Braised Steak or Turkey Steak. Friday November 31 Fish of the Day or Meat Alternative.  Price List:  Soup 1 euro, Main Course 7 euro, Half portion 5 euro, Plate of Vegetables and Potatoes 3 euro.

DANCING Classes with Timmy Woulfe in the Marian Hall Moyvane Monday nights at 8pm.

PILGRIMAGE To Medjugorje Spiritual Director: Fr. Francis Nolan. 11 – 18 Sept 2024. Return flights from Cork to Dubrovnik. Cost €879. Book and pay before 1 December and save €100 per person. For details & bookings contact: Group Leader – Maura O’Keeffe Harcksen (Tralee),Tel: 066 7127143 or 087 1517696.

RAMBLING House in Tarbert on last Saturday of the month.  Listowel the last Thursday of the month.  Knockanure Rambling House first Thursday in the month.  Ita’s Rambling House at the Desmond Complex is on the 3rd. Friday each month.  Knocalucka is on the 3rd. Tuesday of the month.

 GRINDS:  Eimhear Flannery 086 8822215 is offering grinds to 5th years and Leaving Certs in Biology and Chemistry.

COMMUNITY ALERT:  Forecast is for snow and ice so try and stay indoors once it is dark.  Press your panic button to check that it is in working order before the winter. No matter how many texts you get threatening you with large fines do not click on any links or engage in any way.  If something sounds too good to be true then more than likely it is so be careful out there. Warn your teenagers about how easy it is to become a money mule but if they receive a criminal record it could affect their chances of travelling or taking out a morgage. Take care on the roads and make sure that you are visible to other road users so if walking wear a high viz jacket and after dusk carry a torch and if driving turn on your lights if the wipers are on.  Lock the doors of your car when you are inside, do not leave a handbag visible on the seat.  When you are at home keep the two doors locked so that if someone calls a second person cannot enter the house through the back door while you are occupied at the front door. Whether at home or going out, turn on some lights, use timer switches.  Lock all doors and windows and get into the habit of never leaving the house without setting the house alarm.  Store keys safely away from windows and letterboxes and never leave one under the mat outside.  Record details of valuables and don’t keep large cash amounts at home.  Once you reach the age of 65 and live alone or with a person/s aged over 65 you are entitled to receive a monitored alarm system. But if you have younger people living in the house who are out for long periods of the day then because you are spending hours alone you are also entitled to the system provided that you are over 65.  The free equipment is provided by Pobal following an application from Abbeyfeale Community Alert, there will be a monitoring fee to be paid from the second year of installation to the installing company of €72.  Please note that this fee has increased by €6 and is payable in a lump sum each year after year one.  Should you not have a landline the installing company Task provide a sim card at a rate of €7.50 per month payable from day one.  Committee members are Michael O’Kelly N.T., Seamus Stack, Mossie Gleeson, Kathleen Collins, Mary McArthur,  John O’Sullivan, Billy Quirke N.T., Cllr. Francis Foley, Susan Daly, Catherine Daly, Marian Harnett.