by Marian Harnett

PROLOGUE:  Time is like a river.  You cannot touch the same water twice, because the flow that has passed will never pass again.  Enjoy every moment in life.
ADORATION FOR PEACE:  There will be Adoration every Tuesday after the 10am Mass until 12noon in the Main Church to Pray for peace in our world. All are welcome.  Tuesdays 14th, 21st and 28th of November.
Names to cover each hour can be written on the chart by the tabernacle. ABBEYFEALE FOR AFRICA:  Our annual cake sale in aid of the late Fr. Tim Galvin’s Mission in South Sudan will be held in St. Ita’s Day Care Centre on Sunday, November 26 from 10-1pm.  We’re sending out a call to our bakers and those who would like to donate home baking to drop their offerings to Batt in the Square before Saturday, November 25 or directly to the Day Care Centre. The account for Abbeyfeale for Africa remains open at the Credit Union.
SAVE THE DATE!:  We are delighted to announce that the singing group Celtic Brothers are returning to Abbeyfeale for our annual Christmas Concert which will be held on Friday 15th December.  All proceeds in aid of St Ita’s Hall renovation work.
ABBEYFEALE AFTERSCHOOLS:  Jobs available for Afterschool Assistants, Fetac Mary Coughlan concert at the Glórach
MARY COUGHLAN COMES TO THE GLÓRACH:  Set the date of Saturday, 9th December aside as Mary Coughlan makes her debut at the Glórach Theatre.  The famed Galwegian blues singer has a long association with Limerick, including a stint in the Arts College many moons ago, and numerous gigs in the city and county throughout the years.  Always honest and soulful in her renditions, Mary will be joined on the night by Ultan Conlon.  A gig not to be missed, and maybe a possible early Christmas present.  Curtains up at 8 pm, and tickets can be booked at 0871383940 or
SONG & STORY EVENING:  Templeglantine Comhaltas will hold a song and story evening will be held at Halla Inse Bhán on Sunday, November 26th, 4-6pm and there will be a Céad Míle Fáilte for singers, storytellers as well as those who might recite a verse or two. There will be a mug of Inse Bhán Tae for everybody. Those who would like to come along and just listen will be very welcome also.

CONGRATULATIONS:  The boys from St. Mary’s BNS have had their music video selected by Galway Film Fleadh for screening as part of Generation Fleadh’s shorts programme.

CHRISTMAS LUNCH:  Abbeyfeale Community Alert would like to invite you to our annual Christmas Luncheon and Social Afternoon with dancing to the wonderful smooth mellow sound of Paddy Quilligan.  Tickets at €20 are on sale in Kathleen’s Food Store, Batt’s in the Square and An Siopa Milsean this week and in order to be able to confirm numbers with the caterers will be removed on Monday, November 20th.  There will be no reserved tickets so all tickets must be bought and paid for.

WEST LIMERICK SINGING CLUB:  Our last Singing Session of 2023 will take place on Friday, December 1 at the Ramble Inn with guest artist Brigid Delaney from 8.30pm.

NOONAN’S LIGHTS:  Nicky Quaid, the Limerick goalkeeper will switch on Noonan’s Lights on Sunday, November 19.

FUNDRAISING BINGO:  Mountccollins NS Parents Association are hosting their annual bingo in Mountcollins Community Centre on Sunday, November 26 at 3pm sharp.  Prize money €2,000.
Christmas lights fundraising
CHRISTMAS LIGHTS;  As usual the volunteers are getting busy in town decorating for Santas visit to Abbeyfeale,  18/19th November Church gate Collection. Christmas Lights.  Noember24th Santas visit to town at 6pm to greet everyone.  Dec 1st and 2nd Bagpacking at Twohigs.  Dec 1st pub quiz at The Winners Circle.
Dec 8th ARA will host a coffee morning at Leens Hotel at 10.30am to12pm.
Nov 24th There will be a Christmas Market in the square.

INVITATION TO JOIN THE CHURCH CHOIR:  Join the Abbeyfeale Church Choir just in time for the Christmas Season! Are you a male singer looking to be a part of something truly special this holiday   season? Abbeyfeale Church Choir is thrilled to invite talented male vocalists like you to join us as we prepare for the festive and joyous Christmas celebrations!  We welcome male singers of all ages and experience levels to be a part of our choir. Whether you’re a tenor, baritone, or bass, if you have a passion for singing and want to add your voice to our harmonious ensemble, we would love to have you!
Our rehearsals take place every Wednesday evening from 7.30-8.  To express your interest please email Rebecca at [email protected]. Alternatively, you can also visit the sacristy during church hours to sign up.  Don’t miss your chance to be a part of this wonderful musical journey as we prepare for the Christmas Season. We can’t wait to welcome you and make beautiful memories together!

DIGITAL LEARNING HUB every Friday from 10:00 to 11:00 in Listowel Library. For more information or booking, please contact Mary Swaine, Kerry ETB ALL Team, 086 7969627.
SSE RENEWABLES AIRTRICITY COMMUNITY FUND IS NOW OPEN:  Through Tournafulla, Rathcahill, Dromada and Athea wind farms in West Limerick and Lenamore projects.  Eligibility: Applications are welcome from local community groups and not for profit organisations  located within 20 kilometres of the wind farms with priority given to groups within 5 kilometres.  Closing date for applications is November 17 th, 2023. For further information please
CANCER: Recovery Haven Kerry (Cancer Support House) are starting a 6 week Thriving and Surviving course on Wednesday, November 8th – to Wednesday, December 13th from 10.30 am – 1 pm.  This course is to help support people recovering after cancer treatment.  This will be held at the Primary Care Centre in Listowel.  If you are interested, please ring Reception on 066 7192122.
ABBEYFEALE BRIDGE:  Abbeyfeale Bridge is on Thursday nights in the Day Care Centre at 7.30pm.  New Members welcome.
HEALING:  Service with Eddie Stones from Emmanuel House of Prayer, Clonfert; Rosary, Celebration of the Eucharist, Confession on Friday, November 17th at 7pm in the Church of the Immaculate Conception, Newcastlewest. All Welcome.
MARKET IN KNOCKNAGOSHEL:  Knocknagoshel Over 55’S Services annual Christmas Market on Sunday, November 19 at 12 noon in the Community Centre V92 WV70.  Contact Noreen to book a table 0863487298.
OPEN DAY AT THE DAY CARE CENTRE:  There’s always a welcome at St. Ita’s Day Care Centre every Tuesday to come along and socialise with your friends.  Join them for tea and scones, bingo, a card game or two, 4 course lunch, music, singing, poetry, a story or two before you head off sustained by more tea and some goodies.  Call Manager Jane 068 51850 for more information.  Chiropody Services restarting at St Ita’s Day Care Centre on Monday 20th November and every 6 weeks thereafter.  For appointments ring 068 51850.
FERRY:   Winter Schedule Ferry Time Change: The winter sailing schedule commenced Sunday, 1st October 2023 with sailings from Killimer every hour on the hour from 7.00am to 7.00pm and sailings from Tarbert every hour on the half hour from 7.30am to 7.30pm. Sunday sailings commence two hours later at 9.00am from Killimer and 9.30am from Tarbert.

SET DANCING IN MONAGAE:  Fiona 086 3510774 has two classes in Monagae – Tuesday 8.30pm and Thursdays 9pm.
GROW MENTAL HEALTH GROUP meets in Seanchaí Centre, Listowel every Wednesday evening at 8:00 pm. No referrals necessary. Just come along or telephone Jerry at 086-0271990.
ST. ITA’S HALL RENOVATION WORKS:  O’Callaghan Contractors have begun work in St Ita’s Hall. They were awarded the contract following a Public Procurement Process. All works are scheduled to be finished by the 31st January 2024.
DANCE CLASSES IN FR. CASEY’S:  Every Tuesday from 8-10pm.
CHURCH NEWS:  Contact numbers for the Parish Priests of the Pastoral Area: Fr Denis Mullane 087/2621911.Fr Tony Mullins 087/2600414. Fr Willie Russell 087/2272825.  Fr Dan Lane (Retired) 087/2533030.  Fr James Ambrose (Retired) Tel 087/774075.   Baptisms in Abbeyfeale will be celebrated on the first Saturday of each month at 5.00pm. Also, on the second Sunday of the month after the 12noon Mass.  Contact the Sacristy 068/51915 during Mass Times.  Parish office 086/8661651 Anne Secretary 11am to 1pm. Eucharist Adoration every Friday in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel from 10.30am – 7pm.
Baptisms in Abbeyfeale will be celebrated on the first Saturday of each month at 5.00pm. Also, on the second Sunday of the month after the 12noon Mass.  Contact the Sacristy 068/51915 during Mass Times.  Eucharistic  Adoration takes place in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel every Friday after morning Mass until 7pm. Divine Mercy Meeting takes place every Monday evening after the 7pm Mass Confessions on Saturday evenings at 6.00pm and after Mass  Thursday before the First Friday. A priest will be available after Mass on weekdays if a parishioner wishes to celebrate the sacrament.  Mass Intentions:Wednesday 10am Thomas O’Brien Collins Park Birthday remembrance.  Thursdat 10am Lawrence Cree 1st Anniversary.  Friday 7pm Mass for all those who died since this time last year. Saturday 6.30pm Connie Harnett, Collins Park Anniversary.  Mary & Jack McKenna, Knockbrack Anniversary.  Donal, Nell & Patrick Fitzgerald Knockbrack Anniversary.  Mary Kelly, Co Down Anniversary.  Sunday 10am Eileen & Patrick Roche, Killarney Road Anniversary. Michael Reidy& Josephine Reidy Shanbally and their daughter Margaret.  Tommy & Delia Nelligan, Bridge Street.  Mary Nelligan Collins Park.  12noon Michael Reidy Meenkilly 10th Anniversary.  Shelia O’Connell, Kilconlea Lower. Peggy & Dan O’Riordan Anniversary.  Michael O’Shea, Coolaneelig Anniversary.  Raj Anandi late of UK. Danfrancis & Eileen O’Connor Main Street Anniversary.  Justin John McCarthy Moynsha. Invitation from Bishop Brendan Leahy;  In the coming weeks Bishop Leahy will be holding a number of “conversation” gatherings across the Diocese, to offer people a chance to open up questions andissues regarding the future of our faith community, its mission arrangements and structures. It is an occasion to present to people some of the data about our parishes and the diocese and to enter into an informal conversation. In announcingthese gatherings, Bishop Leahy said, “We won’t make big decisions immediately but we’ll be moving along the pathway of community discernment. I would ask you to spread the word about these meetings, everyone is welcome to attend.”  The meeting for our Pastoral Unit will be held in the Longcourt Hotel, Newcastle West, on Thursday 22nd of November at 7.30p.m. All who are concerned about the future of our faith community in this area of the diocese are encouraged to attend. For further information, contact and any of the priests in the area.

ANNUAL MASS FOR ALL THOSE WHO DIED IN 2023: The Annual Mass for all those who died since this time last year will be celebrated on Friday 17th of November at 7.00pm. During Mass a candle will be lit for each person who has died during the past twelve months and a member of their family will be invited to bring the candle to the altar.  For those whose relatives died outside of the parish and you wish to remember them on that evening please call into the church and give their name to be added to the list.  It is a holy and wholesome thought to pray for the dead.  We have loved them in life, let us not forget them in death. St Ambrose
USED STAMPS: Your used stamps can do so much and it is worth taking the time to keep them cut approximately l” around them and drop them into a box provided in the Church in NCW under the table in the porch Sacristy side entrance.  There are 120 girls in St. Mary’s Home Mynmar the Servite sisters look after them providing food, shelter and education up until 2020 they were going to school but since then schools are closed.  They live in a regime now that is controlling, dangerous along with prices escalating for rice, oil and food, struggling as are the poor people in Mynmar.  We manage to get money out to Sister Salette in person from friends who are travelling home to their district where the sisters live.  With the used stamps we collected we give them to a stamp collector who gives us €5 per kilo so the more stamps we can get the more funds we receive.  If you wish to post stamps to me my name is Maureen Finnegan please give me  a call 087 9845102.   Thank you for helping.
KEEP FIT:  classes in Athea every Tuesday morning at 11.30am. Details Ring 087 9459971.
MASS SCHEDULES FOR THE WINTER; Weekend Mass in Tournafulla is on Saturdays at 7.30pm and in Mountcollins on Sundays at 11am.
PRAYER MEETING IN THE DESMOND COMPLEX:  Janice Carraig hosts a prayer meeting on the last Sunday of each month at the Desmond Complex.
ST. JOSEPH’S YOUNG PRIEST SOCIETY: The monthly meeting of the society takes place on the first Tuesday of the month in the parish office.
SOCIAL DANCING IN DUAGH:  “Social dancing has commenced in the Duagh Sports and Leisure Complex on Friday nights 8:30 – 10:30pm.   €8 entry fee. Complimentary teas and coffee. Door prize on the night”.
CYCLISTS ON THE GREENWAY:  A request has issued that cyclists would ring their bells to signal their approach as walkers who can be engrossed in conversation or the scenery or listening to music get a shock when they, the cyclists suddenly whizz past and accidents could easily occur if walkers were not aware of cyclists about to pass them out.  I’ve also been asked to remind cyclists that they should not cycle on the footpaths when they come up town.
MEALS ON WHEELS:  Available from St. Ita’s Day Care, Convent St.  Collect or have delivered.    Order before 11am.  Phone 068 51850.  Monday, November 13 Chicken Maryland or Pork Chop.    Tuesday, November 14 Roast Beef or Chicken Fillet.  Wednesday November 15 Glazed Ham or Braised Steak.   Thursday November 16 Lamb Chop or Sweet and Sour Chicken with Rice.  Friday November 10 Fish Pie or Meat Alternative.
DANCING Classes with Timmy Woulfe in the Marian Hall Moyvane Monday nights at 8pm.

RAMBLING House in Tarbert on last Saturday of the month.  Listowel the last Thursday of the month.  Knockanure Rambling House first Thursday in the month.  Ita’s Rambling House at the Desmond Complex is on the 3rd. Friday each month.  Knocalucka is on the 3rd. Tuesday of the month.

GRINDS:  Eimhear Flannery 086 8822215 is offering grinds to 5th years and Leaving Certs in Biology and Chemistry.

COMMUNITY ALERT:  Press your panic button to check that it is in working order before the winter.  The staff in Task ask you to press the button every month, they don’t mind whether you press it accidentally at other times too – monitoring is what they are paid for.  The annual Christmas Lunch will take place in Fr. Casey’s Clubhouse on Sunday, November 26 followed by music and dancing to Paddy Quilligan.  If something sounds too good to be true then more than likely it is so be careful out there. Warn your teenagers about how easy it is to become a money mule but if they receive a criminal record it could affect their chances of travelling or taking out a morgage. Take care on the roads and make sure that you are visible to other road users so if walking wear a high viz jacket and after dusk carry a torch and if driving turn on your lights if the wipers are on.  Lock the doors of your car when you are inside, do not leave a handbag visible on the seat.  When you are at home keep the two doors locked so that if someone calls a second person cannot enter the house through the back door while you are occupied at the front door. Whether at home or going out, turn on some lights, use timer switches.  Lock all doors and windows and get into the habit of never leaving the house without setting the house alarm.  Store keys safely away from windows and letterboxes and never leave one under the mat outside.  Record details of valuables and don’t keep large cash amounts at home.  Once you reach the age of 65 and live alone or with a person/s aged over 65 you are entitled to receive a monitored alarm system. But if you have younger people living in the house who are out for long periods of the day then because you are spending hours alone you are also entitled to the system provided that you are over 65.  The free equipment is provided by Pobal following an application from Abbeyfeale Community Alert, there will be a monitoring fee to be paid from the second year of installation to the installing company of €72.  Please note that this fee has increased by €6 and is payable in a lump sum each year after year one.  Should you not have a landline the installing company Task provide a sim card at a rate of €7.50 per month payable from day one.  Committee members are Michael O’Kelly N.T., Seamus Stack, Mossie Gleeson, Kathleen Collins, Mary McArthur,  John O’Sullivan, Billy Quirke N.T., Cllr. Francis Foley, Susan Daly, Catherine Daly, Marian Harnett.