In this issue we have news from Knockanure, Abbeyfeale, Carrigkerry, Knockdown and , of course, Athea. Our photo shows the Harvest Altar in St, Bartholomew’s Church, Athea.
Fair Day
The annual fair will be held in Athea on Saturday, Nov. 4th. This used to be a very big occasion in the parish and a day out for all the family. Although fairs have died off over the years there is always a good assortment of animals for sale and plenty of stalls to choose from at this one.
Comhaltas Ceoltirí
The A.G.M. of Athea Branch of Comhaltas Ceoltóirí Éireann was held at Batt’s Bar on Monday night last. Secretary Grainne Ahern gave a very comprehensive report of a year that was full of activity. The branch hold singing and music classes on a weekly basis and numbers attending are increasing year by year. The music sessions were well attended and attract many young musicians. Venues include, apart from the local bars, Knockanure, Abbeyfeale, Knockdown, Carrigkerry, Glin and Ballyhahill. The branch hosted the county finals of Ceol an Geimhrigh and there was a very successful session down by the river for the August Bank Holiday weekend. It is hoped to have a Christmas concert/session early in December, venue and time to be decided.
Halloween Disco
A Halloween Disco will be held in the Hall on October 29th from 5 to 7pm. This is organised by Athea Playground Committee
The Way I See It
By Domhnall de Barra
The terrible events in the Middle East have taken over the airways since Hamas launched a savage attack on Israeli citizens, killing anyone they saw on the street or in houses. It is hard to comprehend how any human being can be so ruthless but this is a part of the world that is at war for centuries. Both sides hate each other with a passion and are prepared to die in their efforts to defeat each other. Some people will say it is all Israel’s fault because they took Palistinian’s land by force but the conflict did not start there. Who is right and wrong depends on where in time you stop the clock. It is also regrettable that they are being used as pawns in a battle between the major powers, East and West. Both sides are being armed by the big boys and they know they are not alone, a fact that gives them courage to continue with terrorist acts. If the attack on Israel is to be condemned, and any right minded person would do so, the response from the Israeli Defence Forces is also worthy of condemnation. Cutting off vital services like water and electricity and launching air attacks on densely populated areas is just as bad as what Hamas did. They justify it by saying they have a right to defend themselves but that does not excuse what they are doing. Supposing, during the troubles in Northern Ireland, that England decided to retaliate for the Birmingham bombings by cutting off supplies to the Bogside in Derry and rained it with rockets, would we feel differently about it? The international community must keep pressure on to minimise the suffering and slaughter of innocent civilians, no matter what side they come from. Hamas will not be easily defeated and, even if they are, their place will be taken by others who won’t forget the awful events of today. In attacking Israel, Hamas might as well have directed their guns on the people of Gaza because it is they eventually who pay the price. There is no easy solution but surely there are enough sane people in control who know that what is happening is wrong and will strive to reach a peaceful ending. Since the conflict started there hasn’t been a word about the war in Ukraine, another scene of horrendous war crimes. Respect for human life seems to have gone out the window.
On a lighter note, I did a bit of playing at the concert in the G.A.A. clubhouse in Abbeyfeale, last Sunday, organised for the Gary McMahon Singing Weekend. It was an absolute pleasure to hear the singers who came from as far away as Derry and many more counties in Ireland. The songs were expertly delivered and it made me realise how important they were in days gone by. Each song told a story whether it was about emigration, love, the struggle for freedom or some comical incident that occurred in a locality. They are like pages of history and every effort must be made to preserve them. The only worrying thing about the concert was the age profile of the audience. There were very few people under the age of 60 and the vast majority were over 70. This does not auger well for the future of traditional singing even though I know that there are many young people learning and singing those songs today. The problem is they only sing them in competition and don’t get a chance to perform outside of that, especially to their own peers who have no knowledge of the songs or what they represent. I would urge singing clubs to devote time to young singers and try to attract young listeners as well. Maybe they don’t empathise with some of the songs that come from a time they know very little about. It is of vital importance, if traditional singing is to be saved, that composers make up new songs that are relevant to today’s happenings. In the past, if a team won a final it was celebrated in song locally. There are so many things happening that should be recorded in verse but they are not. Where have all our poets and song writers gone? Not so long age there were several in the locality like Pat Brosnan, Dan Keane and Paddy Faley, all gone to their eternal rewards. They kept us up to date with all the happenings and if we go back farther there were even more people who created verse at will. We should encourage people at a young age to try their hands at making verse. Not everybody is able to do it but I believe that there may be many out there who have the gift and don’t know it. The local Comhaltas branch in Athea has singing classes every Thursday night and I have great hope that the art of traditional singing will survive and flourish in the parish.
It was heartbreaking to see Ireland come out on the wrong side of a really close encounter with the All Blacks in the Rugby World Cup quarter final. Once again this proved to be a bridge too far for the Irish but this time it was different. Up to this we really had no ambitions of winning the World Cup but this team were favourites to do so and it was only the hand of Geordie Barrett under the ball that prevented Ireland from progressing to the semi-final. The team can hold their heads up high and we should be very proud of them and all the enjoyment they have given us in recent years. Those who organised the event got the draw all wrong with the four best teams on the one side. It has backfired on them now that France are also out of the competition. What a pity but well done the boys in green.
Church Notices
Ide Naofe Pastoral Area (Athea, Abbey Feale, Mountcollins, Templeglantine and Tournafulla).
Canon Tony Mullins 087 2600414, Fr. Willie Russell 087 2272825, Fr. Denis Mullane 087 2621911 and Fr Dan Lane 087 2533030 (retired). Priest on duty Sun Oct 22nd Rev. D Lane 087-2533030.
Station Masses for the parish at 7pm (No morning mass this week).
Tuesday Oct 17th Knockdown, Glasha, Blaine, Direen Upp., Direen and Direen Lower, Lower Road Athea, Knocknagorna, and Toureendonnell .
Wednesday Oct 18th The Village, Upper Athea, Gortnagross, Templeathea East/West, Fairy St., Glenagore, and Knockfinisk.
Thursday Oct 19th Clash, Coole East/West, Parkana, Park, South Keale, Lurgha, Garrygloss and Cratloe E/W.
Death: We offer our sympathy to the family of Angela Cafferky. Angela was a Minister of the Word. May her gentle soul rest in peace.
Baptism Information: Next baptism date is Saturday October 28th at 3.30pm and on the fourth Sunday of the month thereafter at 12noon . Contact parish administration for details.
Next baptism course on Tues Nov. 14th at 8pm, contact Theresa for further details 087-1513565.
Parish Administration: Tues-Fri 11am-1pm. call Siobhan on 087-3331459, outside these hours
text or email [email protected]
Mass Intentions this week– Thursday Oct 19th 7pm – Jack Stackpoole (A/v) and his wife Bridie.
Saturday Oct 21st 7.30 pm – Catherine (Kitty) Moore 1st Anniversary. Michael Broderick and Joan Palmer Wilson. Mary Cullen (nee McCoy) and her husband John. Billy Collins 1st Anniversary.
(All masses are streamed live on