By Jer Kennelly

Memorial and Thanksgiving Mass for Fr. Kevin will take place on Sunday 26th June at 2pm at Moyvane Church, at the Doorway of Hope (weather permitting), in memory of the Covid Masses. After Mass a plaque will be unveiled in his honour. Everybody very welcome.

TRIBUTES to Maureen Sweeney nee Flavin born in Knockanure 99 years, are numerous, she had been forgotten for many years and it was great to learn more about her achievements and the benefit derived from her work.

Filename- Tribute Maureen Flavin Sweeney June 2022

Tribute in Knockanure can be viewed on

BEST WISHES to Mrs Julienne Donegan on her retirement as Principal of Knockanure Scoil Chorp Chriost. Mass was celebrated by Fr. Tom McMahon and Fr. Brendan O’Callaghan. A host of parishioners and family members, contributed to the occasion. Celebrations continued with gathering at the school also. Best Wishes also to  Ms. Kate McSweeney and Mr. Brendan Walsh who finished their term in Scoil Chorp Chríost recently. We want to thank them both for their commitment to pupils and for all the work that they have done in the school.

CONGRATULATIONS to Han Scanlon, nee Neligan of Direen, on her 100th Birthday, she has many connections in the parish. Congratulations also to 99-year-old Betty Moody who treated all her neighbours in Moyvane with a 99.

Congratulations also to Fr. Jack O’Donnell on his Golden Jubilee, ordained for the Diocese of Duluth, Minnesota, USA on June 18th 1972 in All Hallows College, Dublin.

PADRE Pio & 1st Friday Mass at 6.45pm in Listowel.

DEATH of Damien Carmody, Leitrim Middle, Moyvane, on June 21st, 2022. Survived by his mother Amanda, father Colm and his wife Mary Jo, sisters Sarah, Anna, Mia and Emma, grandmother’s Phyllis O’Riordan and Beatrice Carmody, uncles, aunts, his dear friend Olivia, cousins, and extended family.  Funeral arriving to the Church of the Assumption, Moyvane, on Monday, with the Requiem Mass for Damien being celebrated at 12 noon, live-streamed on , followed by burial afterwards in Ahavoher Cemetery, Moyvane.

ANNIVERSARIES: John Joe McElligott, Martin Kennelly, Kathleen Dillon, Mike O’Connor, John Joe Barrett, Dan O’Callaghan, Padraig Madden, Patrick Synan, Michael Murphy, Maryanne Nolan, Josie Liston, Catherine Carew.

MASS INTENTIONS: Sat.25th June’22-Moyvane- Timothy & Julia O’Flaherty (Aniv.) Moher at 7.30pm

Sun.26th June’22- Knockanure- People of the Parish at  9.30am, and Mass Moyvane for Jim Groarke RIP, The Village, & deceased members of the Groarke & McKenna Families at 11.00am

Mon.27th June’22- Moyvane Damian Carmody RIP, Funeral Mass, Celebrant: Fr. Lenihan at 12 Noon;

Tues.28th June’22- Moyvane-for  Maura O’Connor, Liam Lynch, and Joan Lynch RIP at 10.00am;

Weds.29th June’22 at Knockanure a Private Intention 10.00am; Thurs.30th June’22- Moyvane Private Intention 10.00am; Fri.1st July’22- Knockanure 1st Friday, Private Intention 10.00am; Sat.2nd July’22- Moyvane for Mary McElligott RIP, Month’s Mind & Husband Pat (Aniv.) at 7.30pm; Sun.3rd July’22- Knockanure for Patrick, Mary, Mary Rose & Norah Kennelly at 9.30am, and Mass Moyvane for Patrick Shanahan (2nd Aniv.) & Son John, deceased members of Shanahan & Egan families at 11.00am

PARISH: The weekly Contribution envelopes are now available at the Parish Office, for collection during the Office opening hours and are also being distributed to each area. 2nd Collection at all Masses next weekend 2nd & 3rd July’22 for Sick and Retired Priests.

Confessions: Moyvane Saturday 6.45pm to 7.15pm. Eucharistic Adoration every Tues. Moyvane after 10.00am Mass to 11.30am. Presbytery/Office: 068 49308.

ADORATION every Wednesday in Listowel straight after 10.30am. Mass until 1.00 p.m. New adores welcome from 12 noon to 1pm.  There will be a petition box half way up the church.

CEMETERY: Aghavallin Cemetery Mass will be celebrated on Friday 1st July at 7.00pm.

INNISFALLEN ISLAND Friday 8th July. Boats leaving Ross Castle from 4pm onwards. Mass on island at 6.30pm.

ACCIDENTS on Farm help line;

FEET: A chiropodist will attend the Marian Hall, Friday 1st July at 10 a.m. For an appointment contact Noreen 068-49238.

LOCAL Link; You can contact on 066 7147002 or [email protected]

Bus available from Moyvane and Knockanure to various destinations.

CAO applicants have a chance to register a change of course choices online by 5pm on Friday, July 1.

MTU in Kerry has announced details of its GoalMine entrepreneurial summer camps for young people aged between 8 and 12.

CLÁR funding of €223,022.87 available for four community first responder groups in Kerry.

NEW parking meters, twenty new machines with a cashless payment option, are being installed in Council-run car parks.

ST JOHN’S: On Tuesday 28th June @ 8pm we are heading OUTDOORS; Cormac Begley comes together with triple RTÉ Radio 1 Folk Awards winners Ye Vagabonds for a very special evening of music in Listowel. If you have any queries regarding the above or any other questions please do not hesitate to contact us at [email protected]  or our box office 068 22566

Ye Vagabonds & Cormac Begley perform ‘The Roving Journeyman’

RING of Kerry Cycle 170km long on July 2nd, many will cycle for charity on the day.

DAFFODIL DAY March 2022 Listowel, amount was €13,530 sincere thanks to all who contributed and to our local volunteers who made it possible.

CAREER: 16-24 and unsure of your next Career Path? Do you feel you have barriers to the career you pursue? Come talk to us in Listowel Family Resource Centre and we can help you on your path to a new you. Contact Darragh Cashman at 087 714 2664 or at [email protected]

MASS: Annual Mass at Rath Cemetery, Tralee will be celebrated on Wednesday July 13th at 7.30pm. This will be in place of the 6.10pm Mass in St. John’s Church that evening.

CAMP: Killarney Faith Summer Camp, 18th-22nd July. Ages 5-12. Activities include drama, art & craft, music, sport, prayer & games. €40 per child (siblings €25). Contact Sheila on 087-7796966.

GOLF TOURNAMENT: Adare two-day tournament will be on July 4 and 5.To book either the Adare Manor car park, or the free park & ride, please visit

GREEN WAY from the Kerry border to Listowel, will take a long time before it is opened, but a section of the Tralee-Fenit Greenway will be opened to the public.

RATHFREDAGH GARDEN FÊTE on Sunday July 3 at 12 noon.

KNOCK: A successful pilgrimage to Knock was recently made by a big contingent from the district, it was wonderful that people have the freedom to continue a tradition that is now going on for many years. Thanks to all the organiser’s, the day was a successful and pleasant. Shortage of priest was noticeable, as the attendance was large.

CHURCH: Having visited several local churches, I must admire the dedication of helpers, who decorate, for the numerous feasts and occasions.

JOBS: RelateCare is a healthcare communications consultancy and outsourcing organisation and they are employing 30 at offices located in the campus of the Munster Technological University, and a further 250 are promised in the future.

MUNSTER T. U. has secured €3 million in funding to provide over 1000 places for the Government’s Springboard+ and Human Capital Initiatives for the year 2022/2023.

CEO of St Gabriel’s, which provides services to about 1,000 children in limerick, is Treasa McAuliffe daughter of Garry McMahon.

TEA DANCE at the Plaza Hall, Listowel on Sunday 17th July at 3pm in aid of Ard Churam Fuchsia Centre for Dementia/Alzheimer.

CONCERT with Van Morrison at King Johns Castle on 29th June.

DEADLINE June 30th. The Arts Office is asking for anyone interested in organising an event for Culture Night Kerry to get in touch at [email protected].

ARTS: Ballybunion Arts Festival is now taking submissions for both of these competitions- The Shahidah Janjua Poetry Competition (English) and Chomórtas Filíochta ‘An Trá’ (Irish). Closing Date Friday 8th July 2022. More details (

BIKES: Greenway bike hire now available at Rathkeale, Newcastle West and Abbeyfeale, details from 087 372 6914.

CUL CAMP at Athea from 11th – 15th July, catering for football and hurling. Booking visit,

TICKETS for the 2022 Rose Ball on sale now, it will take place on Friday, August 19.

SWIM: The Glin Estuary Swim: This year’s swim takes place on Saturday 23rd July.

LOURDES:  If you are interested in travelling to Lourdes this September 22-27 contact Fr. Tony in Abbeyfeale.

CAMPA MHUIRE: Free online Catholic Faith Camp for children aged 5-12. The four day Summer Camp running from July 27th – 30th, Tuesday to Friday will include Music and Action Songs, Arts and Crafts, into the Deep Bible Stories, games, drama, live streamed daily Mass and more. No need to register, check out

SISTERS historians and archivists gathered June 26-29 at the University of Notre Dame for four days of helping historians discover and preserve sisters’ records and make them part of the larger societal narrative.

RALLY FOR LIFE 2022 Ireland’s Annual March for Life Takes place in Dublin on July 2nd assembling at 1.30pm in Parnell Sq, Dublin. Bus from Kerry departing Tralee at 8.15am. To book ring 0876590551.

TRAVEL: Much talk about people choosing to buy fuel in the middle of the summer or buy food and reports from Dublin Airport that 50,000 per day leaving the country. No reporter profiles who are travelling, pity as they could provide jobs and support home industry by staying at home.

CENSUS: Irish population was 5.1 million on April 3, this year, a 7.6% increase on Census 2016.

MILK supply back this year for the first four months of the year, in comparison to last year, even though the price is higher this year.

TREE: Mayor of Limerick Cllr Daniel Butler has planted a tree in Glin Town Park in recognition of the

efforts of the community during COVID. Mayor Butler is a nephew of Denis Culhane, Killeaney, Glin.

RACING: The Corinthian Challenge is a series of three races, the first of which will be run on July 17th at The Curragh. The next two races are at Gowran Park and Leopardstown. The challenge is to raise money for the Injured Jockeys Fund.

WELL IN KENYA. The building of a well in West Kenyan village of Emoru is being organised by Dan Horan. The well which is estimated to cost in the region of €15,000 will provide hundreds of local people with a clean and safe source of water. Donations can be handed in to St. John’s Parish Office, Tralee.

MART; Ballana Mart had the first live online sale of a Friesian Store in EU to a local farmer in Sept.2014.

FOI legislation allows access by the general public to data held by public bodies. 35,673 requests of these kinds were made in  2021  Nationally, up from 31,591 in 2020.

PESTICIDES: In 2019, Ireland used 5.97kg of pesticides per hectare of cropland, compared to the EU average of 3.13kg/ha. (Did Regulations force many farmers to use pesticides and how much were used on lawns and by the County Council?)

ICMSA president, Pat McCormack said that he had found a “new awareness” amongst the politicians that it was not enough to introduce or consider curbs on farming without examining the impacts on food supply.

FIRST Telegram from Europe, was sent from Valentia to Newfoundland on 16 Aug. 1858

FLEADH; Munster Fleadh at NCW from 10th to 16th of July. Ballydonoghue have two music groups competing.

TREATY Exhibition at Istabraq Hall limerick till June 30th and it is free.

PRIORY INSTITUTE: Mysticism in an Age of Calamity: will hold online a two week summer school from 18-29th August and from 15th to 26th August. To register:

ARDFERT HISTORICAL SOCIETY will host its next free guided tour on Thursday 30 June at 8pm: A Guided Walk of Ardfert Village and all are welcome to attend.

INFORMATION KILLARNEY – sobota, godz. 18.30 – TRALEE – niedziela, godz. 12.00 (z wyjątkiem ostatniej niedzieli miesiąca) Więcej informacji o Liturgii w tygodniu oraz wokresie Bożego Narodzenia i Świąt Wielkanocnych, a także ewentualnych zmianach lub dodatkowych nabożeństwach znajdziesz na stronie. Facebook: Duszpasterstwo w Diecezji Kerry.

FEAST of Ss. Peter & Paul the Apostles is celebrated on Wed. 29th June.

SAINT Oliver Plunkett – Feast Day: 1st July, Saint Oliver Plunkett is believed to have been born on 1st November 1625 in Lough Crew, Co Meath. His family was from Irish nobility and supported King Charles 1 of England. He went to Rome to study for the priesthood at the Irish College and was ordained a priest there on 1st January 1654. He became a Professor of Theology in Rome from 1654 until 1669. He was appointed Archbishop of Armagh in 1669 and returned to Ireland the following year. He was forced to conduct a covert ministry during the suppression of priests at that time in the seventeenth century. He was arrested and tried at Dundalk in 1679 for conspiring against the state. It was seen that Oliver would never be convicted in Ireland so he was moved to Newgate Prison in London. Saint Oliver Plunkett was found guilty of high treason for “promoting the Catholic faith” and was condemned to a gruesome death. He was martyred on 1st July 1681 at Tyburn by hanging, disembowelling, quartering and beheading. He was the last Catholic to die for his faith at Tyburn and the first of the Irish martyrs to be beatified. His body was initially buried in two tin boxes next to five Jesuits who had died before him; his head is in St. Peter’s Church in Drogheda, Co Louth, most of his body is at Down Abbey, England and some relics are elsewhere in Ireland. His beatification took place on 23rd May 1920 and he was canonised on 12th October 1975.


JAMES JOYCE born 1882 is descended from stonemasons who came to Lixnaw in 1680, and the family moved to Fermoy in 1750.


New York NY Irish American Advocate 1935-1936 – 0263.pdf

13 July 1935

Patrick  Collins   (28),  who  was  killed  in  a  recent  motor  smash  at  Syracuse,  U.  S.  A.,  was  a  native  of  Ballydonohue,  North   Kerry,   where,  prior  to  his  departure   for  the  States,  Ave  years   ago,  he   had   acted   as   parish   clerk  for  a  number  of  years.   He  was  brother   to   Thomas   Collins,   Charles   Street,  Listowel,  a  well-known   figure   in  local  G.  A.  A.  circles.


Readings   at     University    College,    Cork,  show  that  already  this  month  has  been the  wettest  for  46 years  with  a  rainfall  to  date   of  4.18  inches   the   normal  average  being   1.9  inches     In     May  the  total  rainfall   was  only  0.71  Inches.


Following  the  demise  of  her  sister,  Maria,  a  week  previously,  the   death   has   taken   place  at   No.  7  Kingston  College,  of   Esther  Taylor.     Aged.83   and  86 respectively,  they  were  natives  of   Glin,   County   Limerick,   and   are   survived  by  two  other  sisters.


Daniel  Alman,   a  native   of   Tralee,   Co.     Kerry,     died   Sunday.     Funeral     to   St.   Cecilia’s   Church.     Interment     Calvary   Cemetery.


John   O’Brien,   a  native   of   Duagh,   Kilmorna,   Co.  Kerry,   died   Monday   at   608  West  177th  street.


…deceased lady was held. William Dineen (61), of Ballittorig Causeway, North Kerry, collapsed and died in Castle street, Tralee. At Carmelite Church …

…cuse, U. S. A., was a native of Ballydonahue, North Kerry, where, prior to his departure for the States, Ave years …

Search link below for more details.

ROSARY: Global Rosary Relay day, 24 June 2022’. This year the relay began at dawn at the shrine of Our Lady of Magadan in Russia, as people pray for peace in the world. Many new prayer locations have been added to the vast number already in existence. A special feature this year at 6pm Rome time, when the Global Rosary Relay will be prayed for Pope Francis and his intentions.

Knock International Eucharistic Marian Shrine one of the important prayer location.


St. Columba’s 1,500-year-old legacy includes this new Scottish Catholic pilgrimage

St. Columba, also known as St. Colmcille, was born in Ireland on Dec. 7, 521. He studied at several monasteries and became a priest. He spent 15 years in Ulster traveling, preaching and founding monasteries. He left Ireland in 563. One account of his life says he left simply in order to preach the Word of God. Another account says he had become complicit in a war between feuding tribes and then repented of his sins, taking on foreign missionary work as a penance.

He died June 9, 597, on what is now observed as his feast day.–sA_28Xk0Rl4mCr-Igk7y1AmiTmGEu3bIRXea2_gR_CT6KgJCv1X_JLhm5ItvHyZOWccXCnRD_QJlZZW9LR_s8L1iZaA&utm_content=217023332&utm_source=hs_email


REFUGEES: About 26.4 million people have fled their countries because of conflict, violence, persecution, or human rights violations.— 82.4 million — have been forcibly displaced from their homes, according to U.N. Refugee Agency (UNHCR). That number has doubled in the last decade. The previous spike in displacement occurred after World War II when 60 million people were left homeless.

An estimated 22.8 million Afghan people, more than half the country’s population, are facing potentially life-threatening levels of food insecurity and malnutrition this year.


GREEN; Minister Eamon Ryan says that phase two of the national offshore plan, which includes the coast of Kerry, will happen before 2027., saying it was time to move away from fossil fuels proposal at Tarbert-Ballylongford land bank.

The Kerry County Development Plan undermines its ability to contribute to national targets for renewable energy, according to the Office of the Planning Regulator.

Comment the local greenway may take another couple of years to fully open, not to mind offshore generation, which will begin with only cosmetic generation.


Hot-water bottles and sleeping bags: can I get away with barely using any energy?

Energy prices will more than double this year. Turning off lights not in use, and running the washing machine and dishwasher at lower temperatures and always full can help claw some of that cost back. Also, switching off devices from the plug: up to 16% of energy bills are from appliances left on standby. Whole meals can be concocted in the microwave, and it’s cheaper to cook with than the oven (frugal tip: if you are using the oven, cook as much as you can in it, and then let the heat out to warm your home). Kettles are generally more efficient than boiling by hob, especially if you don’t overfill them. Some extreme frugallers boil the kettle once a day, keeping the water hot with flasks. My goal? Soft boiling an egg in the kettle. The result? Success! Even though the price I pay is getting a mouthful of egg in my tea because an earlier attempt cracked. (It is, apparently, safe to drink your used egg water, but some frugallers suggest the best use is to water your plants instead.)


On June 19, 1865, nearly 20,000 troops led by Union General Gordon Granger arrived in Galveston, Texas. Granger read from Order No. 3, which informed the people of Texas that the remaining 250,000 slaves were to be freed and could begin working for wages. These slaves were among the very last in the country to hear the news of their freedom, two years after President Abraham Lincoln read his Emancipation Proclamation. The news was met with celebration across the state.

From that day forth, the day and its yearly celebrations were remembered as Juneteenth, America’s other independence day.


NOVENA in Limerick




SWIM: circumnavigated the Big Apple in her Munster inspired red togs with FOLEY 8 on the back and an Irish flag on the front, one of a number of challenges Rosie and her sister Orla have completed in memory of their late and great brother Anthony Foley and to raise money for three charities.

She has previously swam solo across English Channel, 38km of Lough Derg, Straits of Gibraltar, around Cork City and across Galway and Tralee Bays to name a few of her previous exploits.


By Sheila Pires

Juba, 22 June, 2022 / 8:50 pm (ACI Africa).

On the occasion of World Refugee Day marked Monday, June 20, a former refugee who fled war-torn South Sudan, has highlighted the role of the Catholic Church in general and Catholic missionaries in particular in his life journey.

In an interview with ACI Africa, world renowned Pulmonologist and author Dr. Emmanuel Malish Taban said, “God somehow planted all the Catholic missionaries along my way to aid my journey to where I am today.”


The White House announced recently that the United States will recommit to an Obama-era initiative limiting the use of anti-personnel landmines (APL), which it said have a “disproportionate impact on civilians, including children, long after fighting has stopped.” The decision does not apply to the Korean Peninsula due to “unique circumstances,” but Bureau of Political-Military Affairs official Stanley Brown told reporters APLs haven’t been used by American forces in “any significant way” since the Gulf War.


TITANIC: Scholar Jess Bier examines what was done with those bodies and explains how their identification and treatment was wrapped up in their economic valuation. All the recovered dead were numbered for the records, but some counted a lot more than others. As she notes, “Decisions about which bodies to bury at sea were made largely according to the perceived economic class of the recovered victims, and those with third-class tickets were far more likely to be returned to the water.”

The Titanic’s microcosm of class distinctions are now infamous. “From the allegations that some steerage passengers were locked below decks, to the overwhelming better chances of survival for first-class passengers, such distinctions were assumed to be a natural part of society,” writes Bier. Class distinction also, it seems, extended beyond death. Bier contrasts the preservation and return of well-off victims with the rapid decomposition and burial at sea of the less well-off. Approximately one-third of the recovered bodies, some 114 of them, were returned to the very waters from which they’d been pulled.


Reflection; You can say so much with your hands,  To the sick it says – “Hold on, I am with you”.  To a close friend your handshake says – “it’s good to see you again” while to the stranger it says “Welcome, I am pleased to meet you..”  A hand can be a greeting or a wave of goodbye.  It can say thank you, good luck and deliver a whole host of other messages.  In truth, you can often say more with your hand than with any words.


I do my thing and you do your thing. I am not in this world to live up to your expectations and you are not in this world to live up to mine.  You are you and I am I. If by chance we find each other it will be beautiful.

REDUCING STRESS – Let other people do their own thing – you are not the General Manager of the Universe.

Patience is counting down without blast off.

Sympathy is never wasted except when you give too much to yourself.



This is a story about four people: Everybody, Somebody, Anybody and Nobody.

There was an important job to be done and Everybody was sure that Somebody

would do it. Anybody could have done it, but Nobody did it. Somebody got angry

about that, because it was Everybody’s job. Everybody thought Anybody could do

it, but Nobody realized that Everybody wouldn’t do it. It ended up that

Everybody blamed Somebody when Nobody did what Anybody could have done!


Why fear tomorrow, timid heart?

Why tread the future’s way?

We only need do our part,

Today, dear heart, today.

The past is written. Close the book on pages sad and grey;

Within the future do not look, but live today – today.

This one hour God has given us; Him we must now obey

and it will make our earth His heaven,

If we live and love Him today – today.
