By Damien Ahern
Club Development Draw (Mackey)
Tickets are now available to purchase for the Club Limerick Draw (formally Mackey Draw). First Prize each month is €10,000 with 28 other cash prizes up for grabs. This draw supports the future success of our Clubs and County Teams in Limerick. Athea GAA are currently offering a 10% discount on all Club Limerick Draw Tickets purchased online through Clubforce by using the discount code 10Athea22 upon checkout. This reduces the cost of the ticket from €100 to €90! Please follow the link below to purchase tickets:
3 Year Plan Workshop
We hope to get back working on the 3 Year Plan for Athea GAA ASAP to guide us in the development of our Club over the next 3 years. A public meeting will take place on Thursday March 10th at 7.30pm at Con Colbert Hall. If you want to help shape the Club over the next three years, please do attend. All are welcome.
Membership now Open for 2022
CLUB MEMBERSHIP is the cornerstone to the success and the running of your Club and we would deeply appreciate it if you would support your Club by becoming a member for 2022. Thanks to everyone who has purchased membership/tickets to date. By purchasing any of the membership options, you are helping to reduce our outstanding loan balance of €33,000 and to progress our Club Development Plan at Pairc na nGael.
Changes to draw for All Ireland Tickets 2022
If Limerick are fortunate to feature in an All Ireland Final in 2022, it is expected an allocation of tickets will be made available to Athea GAA Club. An open draw will then take place for tickets. In order to put your name forward for the draw, the following must be in place prior to the draw;. Only when both of the above are in place can a name be put forward for inclusion in the draw.