By Jer Kennelly
WELCOME to Johanna Flynn as Sacristan in Moyvane.
CANDLES: Beeswax Altar candles now available at the Parish Office, €2.00 each
St. Vincent De Paul would like to thank most sincerely all who contributed to the annual collection, your donations are greatly appreciated.
ST PIO Prayer meeting at Castleisland in the 18th of Jan. at 7.30pm, it is also the beginning of Week of Prayer for Church Unity. Witness by: Tom “Pa” O’Connor, he Shares with us his story in managing a terminal illness. It is a story of Courage, Hope and Positivity.
MISSION: THE diocese of Kerry is holding Mission 2022 online from January 16th to 19th. This Mission, called, Moving Forward in Hope offers an opportunity for people to gather in reflection and in prayer, online and in the home. Register for the Mission, Moving Forward in Hope, on
MASS, A Months Mind is being held for Fr. Kevin in St. Senan’s Church, Cooraclare on Friday 21st January at 7.30pm. The Mass for Fr. Kevin in Knockanure on Friday 21st Jan.’22 will be available on YouTube, go into YouTube, search “The Church of the Assumption Moyvane” and click on the Stained-Glass Window icon. A Month’s Mind for Fr. Kevin will also be held in the Church of the Assumption Moyvane on Monday 24th Jan.’22 at 7.30pm. Also at Our Lady of the Wayside, Clonkeen on Sunday 16th January at 9.30am. St. Agatha’s, Glenflesk on Saturday 22nd January at 6.00pm. Sacred Heart Church, Barraduff on Sunday 30th January at 11am.
SICK: The Catholic Church will mark the 30th annual World Day of the Sick on Feb. 11, the Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes.
DEATH has taken place on 8th January 2022 of Eilish Hilliard née Mulvihill of Ashfield, Greenville, Listowel and formerly Leitrim East, Moyvane. Wife of Sean and mother of Karen (Katie) and Eoin and mother-in-law to Jess. Also survived by her sister Maura, brothers Eddie, John, Martin and Tommy, sisters-in-law Noreen, Mary, Olive, Hannah and Kathleen, brothers-in-law Brian, Michael and Warren, nieces, and nephews. Funeral to St. Mary’s Church, Listowel on Tuesday where the Requiem Mass for Eilish was celebrated, interment in St. John Paul II Cemetery, Listowel.
DEATH has taken place of John Gerard Stack, Galebridge, Moyvane, on January 9th, 2022. Predeceased by his brother Joe, sisters Joan and Noreen and grandson Killian. Survived by his wife Mary, children Joanne, Johnny, Yvonne, Paula, Shay and Kevin, sons-in-law Ronan, Cathal, Philip and Kym, daughters-in-law Kerry and Elaine. Dearly remembered by his 13 grandchildren, siblings Maurice, Marie, Eileen and Eddie, brother-in-law Paudie, sisters-in-law Betsy, Mary, Anna-Mai, Breda, Eileen and Margaret, nieces and nephews, cousins, relatives, neighbours and friends.
Requiem Mass for John was celebrated at the Church of the Assumption, Moyvane, on Wednesday followed by burial afterwards in Ahavoher Cemetery, Moyvane.
DEATH of Sr. Assumpta Keane Shalom, Formerly of Mercy Convent Granard and Lixnaw.
Predeceased by her parents Brian and Elizabeth, and her brother, Jimmy. Deeply regretted by her cousins, friends and Mercy sisters, Western Province. Funeral Mass on Sunday 16th at St Mary’s Church Granard at 1.30pm followed by Christian burial in adjoining church grounds.
DEATH has taken place of Margaret Mulvihill (nee Hanrahan) of Asdee West, and formerly of Lenamore, Ballylongford. Peggy died on, January 11th 2022. Pre-deceased by her husband Martin and Infant son, brother Paddy, sister’s Mary and Helen. Peggy is survived by her sons Eamon, Thomas, Martin Joseph, daughters Breda and Sarah-Ann, daughters-in law Anne, Catriona, Lisa, son-in law Liam, grandchildren Mary, Thomas, Kieran, Leanne, Megan, Eoin, Maura, Joseph, Gerard, Patrick, Christopher, Maggie, Sarah-Kate, great grandchild Molly-Mai, sisters Sadie, Joanie, Kate, brother John, sisters-in law Noan and Shelia, brothers-in law Tom, Pat, and Frankie.
DEATH on 13th January 2022 of Mickey Flaherty, 12 Woodgrove, Moyvane and formerly of Blaine, Athea. Predeceased by his wife Kate and daughter Mary, sister Mary and brothers Paudie and Tiny. Survived by his daughters Jeanie (London), Breda (Moyvane), Kathleen (London) grandson Adrian, son in law David, brothers Jack, Jim and Bill, sister in law Mary, brother in law Timmy, grandchildren, great grandchildren, nieces, and nephews. Following requiem mass at Athea, on Sunday 12.30 p.m.. Mickey, was laid to rest, beside his wife Kate in Holycross cemetery, Athea.
DEATH in England of Mike Hayes formerly of Dirreen, Athea. Mike was member of the Athea team who won the Co Final in 1968 against Treaty Sarsfields.
ANNIVERSARIES: Sr. Mercedes Meade, Sr. Aquinas Liston, Fr. Michael Buckley, Michael Walsh, Eileen Collins, Fr. James Noonan, Mary Nolan, Sr. Enda Beasley, Pat Guiney, Bernie Walsh, Emma O’Brien, Theresa Byrne, Mary Stack, Mass Sat.15th Jan.’22 at Moyvane for Bill Horan and deceased members of the Horan Family at 7.30pm; Sun.16th Jan.’22 at Knockanure for People of the Parish at 9.30am and mass Moyvane for Denis O’Flaherty (1st Anniv.) Tubertoureen at 11.00am; Mon.17th Jan.’22, NO MASS in Church; Tues.18th Jan.’22 at Moyvane for Deceased members Gregg Family, & Hanrahan Family, Aughrim at 10.00am; Weds.19th Jan.’22 at Knockanure a Private Intention at 12.00am; Thurs.20th Jan.’22 in Moyvane a Private Intention at 10.00am; Fri.21st Jan.’22 Knockanure a Private Intention at 10.00am and mass in evening Fr. Kevin, Month’s Mind at 7.30pm; Sat.22nd Jan.’22 at Moyvane for Dick Stack (Anniv.) at 7.30pm; Sun.23rd Jan.’22 at Knockanure for Jerry & Mary Enright, (Anniv.) The Village at 9.30am, and mass Moyvane for Mary Stack (1st Anniv.) at 11.00am. . A Month’s Mind for Fr. Kevin will also be held in the Church of the Assumption Moyvane on Monday 24th Jan.’22 at 7.30pm.
PARISH: Presbytery/Office: 068 49308, Web: Parish Office Hours: Tues. 10.00am-1.00pm, Thurs. 10.00am-12.00pm, Fri. 10.00am-1.00pm.
ADORATION in Listowel Church takes place every Wednesday after 10.30am. Mass until 1.00 p.m. Should a funeral take place on the day it will be cancelled.
FULL Moon on the 17th Jan. Known as the Wolf Moon, it’s expected at around 11.48pm. Did you spot Mercury on 7th January, the planet appears at its farthest distance from the sun in the evening sky.
PRAYERS: Special Appeal: At Mass, the chief Celebrant (Priest) leads the prayers some of which are meant to be communal – congregation is expected to join in. This is true especially at the Gloria, Creed, Acclamation of faith (After elevation of host and chalice), great Amen, and Our Father. Could each of us help to revive this practice and so make the overall prayer ours—more communal and meaningful?
LOTTO, Knockanure GAA: The results of our last draw were as follows. No winner of our €2100 jackpot. Numbers drawn on December 21st were 11, 22, 23, 29. Lucky dip winners of €25 were; 1. Gerard Buckley, Knockanure; 2. Kathleen Carmody, Kilmorna; 3. Tara & Joseph, Knockanure; 4. Richie Piercy, Main St, Moyvane; 5. Mike Sullivan, Moyvane. Next jackpot up to €2200. Our AGM is due to be held on Friday 14th January in our clubhouse at 8:30pm. Please send notice of nominations and motions to club Secretary Willie Joe Leahy, 0877945913 before or on Wednesday 12th. All are welcome to attend – health and safety are important to all who attend so we ask you to follow Covid restrictions and guidelines on the night.
CREAMERY Newtownsandes Tribute;
MUSIC in Killarney;
BINGO will continue every Sunday at the GAA grounds, Abbeyfeale at 1.30pm.
CAO; The fee is €30, if you apply by 20th January and €45 thereafter until the 1st February. The online application service open on the CAO website, until 5pm on 1st February.
SIAMSA: Sharing the Tradition Online Munnix Dance Classes for Adults on 20 January — 31 March 2022. Our online, on-demand Irish Munnix Dance classes with Jonathan Kelliher. Call 066 712 3055
Tony Sekou Heru Williams is from Trenton, New Jersey in the United States. Listen at
DANCE TEACHER John Stack is stepping down from his role with Ballydonoghue Comhaltas. Many the successful dancers he has trained over the past 40 years.
PRESENTATION Secondary School teacher Brian Coffey was recently given a Gaisce Leader president’s Award.
BT Young Scientist & Technology awards, Kerry schools got 11 prizes at the 58th annual event. ‘Highly Commended’ for his work was Tarbert Comprehensive School student, Jim Culhane for CPR Pedal Chest Compression Device.
WEIGHT of school bags is of concern to children and parents for many years, experts have been discussing it for as long as I can remember.
AGM of Con Colbert Memorial Hall on Wednesday January 26th at 8pm in the hall.
MUSIC: FleadhFest is the story of Comhaltas told from the point of view of each County and Province – the story of the people, community and culture which sustains our traditions of music, song, dance, storytelling and language, ensuring it is a living tradition which can be passed on to future generations. Watch at
WRITERS Week Irish Novel of the Year competition closing date Feb. 1st, Writers Week begins in Listowel on June 1st.
BOOK: History of The Crosbies of Kerry and Beyond, by Tarbert writer Christopher Keane, is available locally.
MOSAIC designed and created by Noreen McEvoy, Phil Guerin and Violet Dalton was recently presented to Listowel Hospice for display at the hospital.
RACE: Tralee 10 Miler and 5k Road Race, from the Rose Hotel on Saturday, February 12 at 11am.
ST JOHN’S: Youth Theatre- Are you listening? On Monday 17th and Tuesday 18th January @ 6pm. Concert- The Vanbrugh with Michael Mchale on Wednesday 26th January. Contact 068 22566.
COVID Testing centres run by RocDoc, are expected to create 120 jobs in Limerick.
CHILDREN: The number of children attending the paediatric emergency department at University Hospital Limerick (UHL) between September and November increased by 55per cent compared to the same period in 2020. Admissions also spiked, with 49 per cent more children needing a hospital bed in that time compared to the year before. UHL Paediatrician Dr John Twomey told the Irish Examiner that the majority of cases are caused by respiratory syncytial virus and influenza. “We continue to see relatively low levels of Covid-19 infection in this age group,” he said.
While RSV is not serious for most children, some of those under the age of two, those born prematurely, or those with a heart condition can have more serious consequences such as bronchiolitis, inflammation of the lower airways,” Dr Twomey said.
Symptoms can last for up to three weeks, and there is no specific treatment.
“Antibiotics, ventolin nebulisers, inhalers, and oral steroids do not work,” he said.
COURIER: Board of EcoXpress Operations Limited have decided to place the company into voluntary liquidation. ecoXpress was a zero-emissions delivery service.
MILK: “In New Zealand, no new land can be converted to dairy; nitrogen applications are restricted to 190kg/ha; and a carbon tax is promised within five years,” said Allen.
“The Netherlands is a key example of the direction of travel in the EU, with €24 billion allocated to paying farmers to leave the livestock sector. Dutch milk production is already down by 4% in the current year.
JOB: St John Paul II Pastoral Centre, Killarney, Co. Kerry invites applications for the position of Part Time Secretary. The role will involve general secretarial & office duties, experience in Microsoft Office. Application by cover letter and CV, in confidence, [email protected] Closing date 5 pm Weds. Jan 26th. Interviews will be held during week commencing Jan 31st. Garda Vetting will apply.
BEEF: The total number of beef cattle processed at Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine approved factories in 2021 has fallen by over 90,000 head (including veal), when compared to 2020.
SUCKLER-bred calves registered in 2021 back 13,452 head from the 2020 number. While dairy-bred calves increased by 54,778 head.
SLURRY spreading season is opened again in this part of the country. Safety precautions, 10% of farm deaths were slurry-related in the 10 year period to 2020.
GRANTS: Revision of state aid rules to agricultural, forestry and fisheries.
The European Commission is inviting all member states and interested parties to comment on proposed revised state aid rules, closing date March 13, 2022.
SEAWEED: BioAtlantis provides natural compounds, extracted from renewable marine and terrestrial resources, to reduce stress in crops, animals and humans by strengthening the natural defence systems, they operate from BioAtlantis Ltd., Clash Industrial Estate, Tralee.
RED CROSS is looking for volunteers. It is claimed that they gave 268,000 volunteer hours on essential community support since the beginning of the pandemic.
DAY of SICK: Vatican City, 04 January, 2022, By Hannah Brockhaus
In a message ahead of the World Day of the Sick, Pope Francis reminded Catholics that caring for the ill and infirm is not the calling of a few, but part of every Christian’s mission to show mercy.
“I would like to remind everyone that closeness to the sick and their pastoral care is not only the task of certain specifically designated ministers; visiting the sick is an invitation that Christ addresses to all his disciples,” the pope said.
“How many sick and elderly people are living at home and waiting for a visit,” he added. “The ministry of consolation is a task for every baptized person, mindful of the words of Jesus: ‘I was sick and you visited me.’”
The Catholic Church will mark the 30th annual World Day of the Sick on Feb. 11, the Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes. The Sanctuary of Our Lady of Lourdes in southwestern France is associated with the sick because of the presence of a miraculous spring from which many people have obtained physical healing.
Pope Francis said that his predecessor John Paul II instituted the World Day of the Sick in 1992 as a way “to encourage the people of God, Catholic health institutions, and civil society to be increasingly attentive to the sick and to those who care for them.”
POPE’S Intentions: During January the Pope asks us to pray ‘For true human fraternity’.
We pray for all those suffering from religious discrimination and persecution; may their own rights and dignity be recognized, which originate from being brothers and sisters in the human family. In February we are asked to pray ‘For religious sisters and consecrated women’. We pray for religious sisters and consecrated women; thanking them for their mission and their courage; may they continue to find new responses to the challenges of our times.
WALKS: Abbeyfeale Slí na Sláinte Walking Route
If you are out this side of the county then the Slí route is a great way to spend half an hour in the great outdoors.
Start on the main street in the town and continue along in the direction of Newcastle West, when you reach the outskirts you will see an arrow taking you past the Presbytery.
Follow the colourful signposts along the way that will take you down Doctor’s Road and passed the Old Work House.
When you reach Buckleys Cross, take a left and follow the road which will bring you back to where you started.
FUNDING for Listowel, under the Rural Regeneration Development Fund – €729,304. Report in papers. Many are sceptical of the benefits, after observing the Square Development a few years ago.
FILMMAKER: Ireland’s Young Filmmaker of the year for 2022, closing date for entry Jan. 21st. More from
POETRY: The Desmond O’Grady International Poetry competition, closing date for entries March 18th. Details from
HALF of Limerick city’s population is under 35. Student population is in excess of 21,000.
Explore Limerick;
HISTORY: 1922-2022: A Century of Change (Part 3). Maurice and Jane O’Keeffe of Irish Life and Lore are pleased to announce the publication of the third and final part of the ‘1922-2022: A Century of Change’ oral history collection.
The Life Story of Jackie Healy Rae in his own words
KENEALLY; More than once, Tom Keneally has been criticised for his stand on subjects like the republic, the Aborigines and migrant detention among others, but for a man of 85 to take on work like this is a gift to the world.
Frank O’Shea is a member of the Tintean editorial collective.
FREE STATE: On January 16th, 1922, Dublin Castle handed over to the new Irish Provisional Government led by Michael Collins. But they didn’t take final possession of the Castle until the following August.
MURDER: The UN’s Global Study on Homicide 2019 found Ireland had a homicide rate of 0.9 per 100,000 people. This is slightly under northern Europe average of one homicide per 100,000, and a third of the average for the continent of Europe, where it is three per 100,000. In 1990, it was 0.5 per 100,000. (Irish Times July 2019)
CAMERA: THE Data Protection Commission has fined Limerick City and County Council €110,000 after it found several breaches of GDPR. Switching off of more than 200 cameras unless a legal basis for their continued use is identified. The use of ANPR technology is to cease in 14 towns and villages. Provision of a “live-feed” from 26 ‘traffic management’ cameras to Henry Street Garda station was unlawful. (Who will pay the fine?).