By Jer Kennelly

ROAD Closed or partially open between Knockanure Village and the Sports field till 25th of October.

MASS Times: For a variety of reasons, from November 1st onwards: Tuesday & Thursday Mass in Moyvane will be at 10.00am. Wednesday & Friday Mass in Knockanure will be at 10.00am.

AGM of Knockanure Valley Text Alert: Representatives of Muintir Na Tire and the local Gardai will be in attendance, 1st Nov. ’21 at 8pm in Knockanure Community Centre.

OFFICE: Opening Hours of Parish Office Tuesday 10.00am – 1.00pm; Thursday 10.00am – 12.00 midday and Friday 10.00am – 1.00 pm. Presbytery/Office: 068 49308.

ENVELOPES: Pray for the Dead, November: Envelopes for List of the Dead are available in the Church. The note says “Amount Enclosed”, there is NO obligation to place money in the envelope. Those listed will be Remembered at ALL Masses during November, so return them as soon as possible before November 1st . They will be placed on the Altar.

World Mission Sunday, October 24th: Envelopes available, assistance for poorer Churches throughout the World. Moyvane/Knockanure Christmas Cards: available in The Parish Office, Pkt 7 cards for €2.

LOTTO: Knockanure GAA Lotto Results; The following are the results of lotto draw held on Tuesday 12th October. There was no winner of the €8700 jackpot. Our lucky dip winners included: 1. Eamon Walsh, Lyrecrompane; 2. Aoife, Chloe, Shauna & Con, c/o M. Lynch; 3. John Scanlon, Uper Athea; 4. Liam Corridan, Teresa Collins, and 5. Bridie Quinn, Beenanaspuig. Next draw due to be held on Tuesday 19th October with jackpot up to €8800.

ACTIVE: Tarbert Bridewell Active Retirement: Seeking new members, contact 087-3848680.

SCHOOL Board of Scoil Chorp Chríost: At a recent meeting the board welcomed Father Brendan Carmody to the parish.  We wish him every happiness and success here with us. Fáilte Romhat Father Brendan. The Board of Management at Scoil Chorp Chríost Knockanure, the following votes of sympathy was passed – To the Leahy Family Carrueragh on the death of Margaret Leahy;

To the O’ Connor Family,  Glin & Mulvihill Family Moyvane on the death of Bride O’ Connor, Glin, and Sympathy to the Cahill family Galway and Knocknasna on the death of John.

GLÓRACH drive-in bingo continues at Abbeyfeale GAA grounds every Sunday at 2pm.

INFORMATION: local Citizens Information Service in Kerry on 0761 07 7860. The offices from Monday to Friday from 10am to 4pm.  Or log on to for further information.

DEATH occurred on 11th October 2021 of John Cahill of Knocknavaddy, Furbo, Galway. Formerly of Abbeyfeale, predeceased by his sons, baby Aonghus and Ian who died suddenly on 14th April, 2020 in Bedfordshire, England at the beginning of the pandemic , predeceased also by his parents Sonny and Nora and siblings, D.J., Donie, Bill, John, Eileen and Tess. John is survived by his wife Vera, daughters Fiona and Jenny, Ian’s wife Toni Ann and his grandchildren Holly, Abigail and Jack, brothers Paddy and Tom, sisters Julia, Kathleen , Mary and Nora, many nephews and nieces, the extended Cahill and Keane family.

DEATH of Sr. Marie Lyons (Salesian Sisters Caherdavin, Limerick. Formerly of Ballybunion on October 3rd 2021. Predeceased by her parents Lil and Jack, her brothers Jim, Tim and sister Josephine. Sadly missed by nieces, nephew, grandnieces, relatives, friends and her Salesian Sisters.

Requiem Mass in Christ the King Church, Caherdavin, on 6th October, followed by burial in Castlemungret Cemetery.

DEATH of John Paul Stack of Park, Upper Athea, Athea on 5th October 2021. Predeceased by his parents Hannah & Phil, sisters Josie & Mary, brothers-in-law Bill Loftus & Leslie Wilson. Survived by his brothers Philip (Limerick) & David, sister Kitty (Cathy Wilson), sister-in-law Hannah, nephews and nieces – Philip & Yvonne (Stack), Carmel, Liam, Philip & Hilda (Loftus). Requiem Mass in St. Bartholomew’s Church, Athea, on  8th October and burial immediately after in Holy Cross Cemetery, Athea.

DEATH of Bride O’Connor (née Mulvihill), of Church Street and Caheragh, Glin, on October 3rd 2021.

Pre-deceased by her parents Patrick and Elizabeth, her brother Patrick and her nephew Liam. Bride is survived by her husband Eddie, her son Seamus and his partner Kathleen, her daughters Maura and Stephanie, sons-in-law Kieran and Jimmy, grandchildren Dylan, Adam, Jack, Hannah and Tommy Joe; brothers, sisters, brothers-in-law, sisters-in-law, cousins, grand-nieces and grand-nephews.

DEATH has taken place of Geraldine Liston, Nee Nolan, Glenastar, Ardagh, on Thursday October 7 2021. Predeceased by her parents William and Moira, brothers Tom, Noel and Liam. Survived by her husband Billy, sons Patrick and Liam, sisters Marina (Moyvane), Irene (Ballinagare, Roscommon), Ann Myers (Taghmaconnell, Ballinasloe) and Laura (Shanagolden).

ANNIVERSARIES: Dan O’Donnell, Joan Hillard, Tom Hogan, Betty O’Carroll, Moira Nash, Mick Reidy, Julia Ann Costelloe, Paddy Keane, Ita Vaughan, Anthony Foley, Pat Nash, Joan Woulfe, Bridget Dillane, Bridget Dalton, Ellen Orman, Paddy Horan, Nora O’Donoghue, Fr. Sean Dillon, Eddie and Mary Costelloe. Mass: Saturday 16th October at Moyvane for Sean Broderick RIP (Coilagurteen) at 7.30pm; Sunday 17th October in Knockanure for People of the Parish at 9.30am and Moyvane 17th October for Mary Moloney (nee Foley) RIP 11.00am; Monday 18th October NO MASS; Tuesday 19th October at Moyvane for Mrs. Galvin (Wellbeing) at 7.30pm; Wednesday 20th October at Knockanure for Liam Sexton at 7.30pm; Thursday 21 st October at Moyvane Private Intention at 7.30pm; Friday 22nd October at Knockanure for Paddy & Maureen Fitzmaurice RIP (Gortdrmosilihy) at 7.30pm.

MASS ROCK: Annual Mass at Poll an Aifrinn.  The Mass Rock, Keelacloghane Wood, Milltown, where former Prior of Holy Cross Dominican Church in Tralee Fr Thaddeus Moriarty OP  was arrested before his martyrdom in October 1653.   Celebrant Fr. John Harris OP, Prior Provincial of the Irish Dominican Province.  Sunday 24 October at 3 pm.  All welcome.

MISSION Month Online Event  We Cannot Remain Silent, ‘We cannot but speak about what we seen and heard’.  Join Missionaries as they share their experience of working in Sudan and South Sudan.  Oct 21st at 8pm. Register online  For further information contact email  [email protected] or phone 064 6632644.

ADORATION in Listowel Church every Wednesday after 10.30am. Mass until 1.00 p.m. Should a funeral takes place on the day there will be no adoration.

CONGRATULATIONS to Mark Reidy, son of Margaret and Paudie, Upper Athea, who married Anita Quinn at Our Lady Queen Of Peace Church in Aughanduff, Co Armagh recently.

Best Wishes also to Moll Collins from Tarbert who celebrated her 101st birthday., she was born at Moneygall.

MAP: Heritage Trail map is to be placed in the centre of Athea Village. The route covers 9km and has 20 points on the trail.

NOMINATIONS for Family Carer of the Year Awards must be in before 22nd of October, details from 1800 24 07 24 or contact

COOKERY Course at Listowel Family Resource Centre starts Nov. 1st, details from 068 23584.

BALLYSEEDY Home & Garden will host an Autumn Garden Planting and Cookery Demonstration fundraiser this Halloween eve for the Tralee Branch of Irish Guide Dogs for the Blind.

BOOKS: Bridie Murphy compiled a book of poems, articles and photographs and recently launched it under the title “Connections”.  A book on graveyards in Ardagh district, is the latest book launched by Mary Kury, called ‘In Loving Memory’. Another book on the way from Kevin Quaid entitled “I am Kevin, Not Lewy” ; A new collection of short stories by Pat McLoughlin has just been released. Details online at

Mythical Ireland: New Light on the Ancient Past is being republished as a revised and expanded edition. The new volume will have 20,000 additional words of material along with a selection of new photographs.

ST JOHN’S Listowel; Sonoro Quartet on 20th Oct. they are based in Amsterdam.

VINTAGE; Athea Vintage Club. For further information please see Facebook Athea Vintage Club or phone Francie 0876666850/Ciara 0879348904.


DANCE: Afternoon Tea Dance at Kilcooley’s Ballybunion on October 31st from 3pm.

SANDY KELLY at INEC, tickets €30 or you can  book directly through INEC Ticketmaster on this link:

GRANTS: Thanks to the Sport Capital Programme, Glin Tennis Club were approved funding to start the renovation process of Glin tennis court.

OVER €535,000 in student assistance and wellbeing supports has been announced for Munster Technological University students.

JOBS: Central Pharma will begin production in Kerry Technology Park in Tralee in Quarter 1 of next year. Five Kerry enterprises are among 24 nationwide sharing €9.3m in funding under the Regional Enterprise Transition Scheme.

EDUCATION: Kerry College of Further Education and Training with campus locations in: Clash Road, Denny Street, Monavalley, Cappanalea and Listowel. Kerry College offers courses for PROGRESSION, courses for EMPLOYMENT and APPRENTICESHIPS. Late applications are welcome for our 2021/2022 academic year.

ST Michael’s Listowel, complete application for entry before 23rd of October.

GOSPELS: Invitation: “Lectio Divina: Drink from your own well”(St Bernard of Clairvaux).

An introduction to the reading, reflection and prayer of the Gospels for anyone who seeks

a way towards hope, wisdom and faith in day to day life. Presented by Fr Seamus O’

Connell on Learning to pray the scriptures from your life. 3 Sessions: Mondays 18th

Oct & 1st Nov 7.30pm – 9pm (zoom) and Saturday 13th Nov. Tralee and Zoom.

REGISTER: email [email protected] Please put ‘Lectio Divina in Subject line. Phone

087 6873208

IRISH Film Festival 2021; It’s Irish Film Festival Time again with seven Australian premieres and in 2021 it’s online

TRANSPORT: Kerry Cancer Support Group-Health Link transport service have received a 212 Ford Kuga Hybrid from Kerry Motor Works.

STATINS: For example, 1%-7% of patients who take cholesterol drugs called statins are likely to experience potentially harmful muscle injury. By Justin Vesser.

COVID-19 Support Line for Older People is open seven days a week, 8am – 8pm, by calling 0818 222 024.

RETROFIT: The Deep Retrofit of a home means carrying out multiple energy upgrades all at once to achieve a BER of A-rating. Firstly, you will need to reduce the level of heat loss so that you keep heat in the home for longer. This involves some or all of the following: wall insulation, roof insulation, floor insulation, window upgrades. The next step is to look at an efficient renewable heating system to support the transition away from fossil fuels. The typical heating system installed on a Deep Retrofit Pilot Project is an air-source heat pump.  It also includes mechanical ventilation to maintain good indoor air quality. Other renewable energy technologies such as solar water heating panels and solar photovoltaic panels may be appropriate for your home.

HOMES: The country is very short of housing according to reports, while countless houses are vacant or partially occupied. Many are nervous of letting houses, after they hear of stories of vandalism and other antisocial acts of tenants. We have a cert for Covid 19, a log book for tenants, would give confidence to people renting their homes. Retrofitting homes for people should be delayed till the housing shortage is solved. Scarce materials and labour is used up in retrofitting.

PLAN – Land for wind farms to be cut by 90 per cent –on the draft County Development Plan for 2022 to 2028.

RURAL people are criticising the lack of funding for road maintenance in the Budget.

FARMERS: Kerry IFA County Chairman Kenny Jones said: “Farmers across all sectors are facing an increasingly uncertain future. Increasing regulation, Brexit-related trade disruption, the prospect of substantial cuts in direct payments due to CAP reforms, climate action measures and rising input costs means farmers in County Kerry are in a perilous position.”

BULBS: Packets of bulbs have been made available to all post-primary schools in Ireland.

300,000 bulbs have been made available through the Irish Local Development Network so that groups in the youth and community sector can access bulbs for free as part of their local activities. Bulbs for local community and youth groups have been supported by the Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth. Recommended bulbs; Crocus Tommasinianus Barr’s Purple; “Yellow Garlic” and Grape Hyacinth.

CEIST schools are celebrating very significant anniversaries around this time.  Congratulations to the whole school communities, past and present, of Coláiste Bride, Enniscorthy celebrating 50 years; St Joseph’s Secondary School, Rush, 60 years; Sacred Heart, Clonakilty 80 years, St. Mary’s College, Naas, 85 years, Presentation Secondary School Ballingarry 150 Years and Presentation Wexford 203 Years.

ART: The Credit Union Art Competition 2021. This year’s theme “Imagine”,

As we are embracing a greener and sustainable world, this year we are aiming to reduce the amount of paper used. For this reason, all schools will receive their competition notifications and entry forms via email. Entry forms are also available on or from Listowel Credit Union Offices in Listowel and Ballybunion. The closing date to submit finished entries is Friday October 22nd.

LECTIO DIVINA:  An introduction to the reading, reflection and prayer of the Gospels for anyone who seeks a way towards hope, wisdom and faith in day to day life. Presented by Fr Seamus O’Connell on Learning to pray the scriptures from your life. 3 Sessions: Mondays 18 Oct & 1st Nov 7.30pm – 9pm (zoom) and Saturday 13 Nov. Tralee and Zoom. REGISTER: email [email protected] Please put ‘ Lectio Divina’ in Subject line.  Phone 087 6873208.

POPE Francis has recognized a miracle obtained through the intercession of his predecessor Venerable John Paul I, who will now be declared “blessed.” Often called “the smiling pope,” John Paul I died unexpectedly on Sept. 28, 1978, after just 33 days in office. A priority of his short pontificate was carrying forward the work of the Second Vatican Council.

STORY of the Woman Behind Presentation Order’s 175th Celebrations in Castleisland

Posted on October 9th, 2021

SEMINARIANS: Nine new seminarians have begun their 2021-2022 academic programme and formation for Irish dioceses. These students are currently undertaking the propaedeutic programme in the Redemptoris Mater Seminary, Dundalk, Archdiocese of Armagh; Royal English College, Valladolid, Spain; and, Royal Scots College, Salamanca, Spain. This brings to 64 the total number studying for the priesthood.

FEAST of St. Luke is celebrated on Mon. 18th October.  He was the companion of St. Paul.  He is the patron Saint of doctors and surgeons. Feast of St. John Paul II is celebrated on Fri. 23rd. October.

Pope for 26 years (1978-2005).  He visited 104 different countries.

FULL MOON on 20th Oct., this autumn the weather was marvellous for the time of year, grass was still growing well up to the present.

MENTAL Health Association, Please call 061 446786 and we would be happy to chat to you. We are available from Mon – Thurs 11am- 4pm. Email  [email protected]

COVID-19: While thousands are receiving free test, but if you are going to a hospital for a procedure, they could charge you up to E100.

CHARITY Cycle; Tommy Sheehy repeatedly climbed the Short Mountain outside Tralee on his bike, he climbed the hill enough times the hill to reach the 8,848 metres needed to equal the height of Mount Everest, in the one day. Support him by visiting his idonate page

ACCORDIAN: Tom McNamara of Limerick said that the new Paolo Sporani elite model was like a “new baby” on receiving his new accordion, donated by an Italian company. See more at

HISTORY: Local History Course on Monday evenings from 7pm-9pm.   Starting 18th October 2021

Venue: Further Education and Training Centre, Abbeyfeale Campus, Abbeyfeale.

The aim of this programme is multipurpose. The course will explore the history of the West Limerick area and areas of specific note from ancient times right through to the present. The course will also trace the impacts of different societies on the development of the West Limerick area.

The knowledge, skills and competencies acquired on this programme are relevant to personal development and participation in society, community and employment and provides a basis for further progression. The programme covers the acquirement of basic knowledge, skills and competencies in a narrow range of fields of learning.

MANUSCRIPT: By Courtney Mares

Vatican City, Oct 7, 2021 / 04:00 am

The Vatican Library has a ninth-century manuscript currently on display at the Dubai Expo.

Three original manuscripts from the Vatican Apostolic Library are part of a Holy See exhibit on display until March 31, 2022, at the world’s fair in the United Arab Emirates.


Langan Family


As for Pius V, he credited the Lord and the intercession of the Blessed Mother, in the dual roles of Our Lady of Victory and Our Lady of the Rosary. As de Mattei details, at the very hour of the victory on Oct. 7, far away from the high seas, Pius V had had an inspiration — something had filled him a certain sense that the Holy League had persevered. “Let us go and thank God,” he told his cardinals assembled, “because at this very moment our armada has obtained victory.”

It had indeed, though official confirmation did not arrive until two weeks later, late at night via courier. Awakened in the middle of the night, the Pope broke out in tears of joy and invoked the words of Simeon: “Lord, now let your servant depart in peace” (Luke 2:29).

Six months later, the 68-year-old Pontiff, only six years into his papacy, departed this life in peace.

The whole ordeal took its toll on the Pope as well as the world. And our world today would look very different if not for what happened at Lepanto 450 years ago this October.


Father Raymond J. de Souza World

October 13, 2021

The Year of St. Joseph has already had its liturgical highpoints — the Feast of the Holy Family last December, the Solemnity of St. Joseph himself in March and the Memorial of St. Joseph the Worker in May. Then there are the infancy feasts of Jesus where Joseph is present: Christmas, Epiphany, the Presentation in the Temple. There is even a lesser known feast of the “Holy Espousals” of Joseph and Mary (Jan. 23).

But Oct. 13 is another day to think about St. Joseph. That was the day of the final apparition at Fatima in 1917, the “miracle of the sun” witnessed by some 70,000 people. It was a terrifying vision of the sun veering from its orbit in the sky, spinning and careening in such fashion as that many present thought the end of the world was upon them.


MEDIA: For instance, in-house studies show that Instagram increased eating disorders and suicidal thoughts. One study found that 13.5% of teen girls said Instagram makes thoughts of suicide worse, and 17% said it makes eating disorders worse.