By Kathleen Mullane

Sincere congrats and good wishes are extended firstly to Brownie Haley of Colbert St. and her twin brother Ned in London, who celebrated their 70th special birthday during the past week. Hopefully in the not too distant future they will be able to celebrate the happy occasion together.

Best wishes are also extended to Teady Woulfe of Templeathea who celebrated his 88th birthday on Sunday last. Here’s to many more important birthdays for Teady.

Fr Duggan, on behalf of Athea Parish, wishes to thank sincerely AIRTRICITY and Anne Reynolds for their very generous donation of 3,000 Euro towards cleaning equipment and cleaning products for the church during Covid. It is very much appreciated.

Sincere sympathy is extended to the relatives and cousins of Pa McCoy of Curramore who live here in Athea, on his recent passing. May he rest in peace.

The death also has occurred recently of Jim Normoyle formerly of Glenagragra, Athea and Kanturk. Sympathy is extended to his family relatives and friends. May the light of heaven be his.

The death occurred last week of Chris Lane of Bridge St.,  Abbeyfeale and sister of Nancy Woulfe of Gortnagross. Our sincere sympathy is extended to Nancy and the extended Lane family. Go ndeana Dia trócaire le na hanam.

Sean Costello of Foynes went to his eternal reward this past week. Sean was buried here in Holy Cross along with his wife Rita who pre-deceased Sean. He will be remembered for his strong involvement in soccer R.I.P.

Finally this week we offer sympathy to the Keane family of Upper Athea on the death of Dan in S.E London. Dan will be cremated in London at a later date. He was predeceased by his parents Maureen and Con. Sympathy to his wife Lyn ,son Dan daughters Hazel, Ellen, Stefanie and Finnoula, sisters Breda, Ellen, Siobhan and Sinead, his brothers Jack and Conny relations and friends. May he rest in peace.

Some are finding this lockdown quite difficult. The 1st one was something of THE UNKNOWN. The second lockdown we were taken up with CHRISTMAS preparations and we were living in Hope afterwards. However we must not despair and let things get us down. Make a phone call to a person you haven’t maybe spoken to in a while. Go for a walk, there are so many lovely walks within our 5K. Keep busy  the day will go quicker. Take a bag and pick up the rubbish that careless individuals have thrown around our lovely parish it will help the Tidy Towns and our community. The daffodils are popping their heads up.