By Peg Prendeville
We are into our last week of Level 5 – for the time being anyway – and wait to see the guidelines for Christmas. Hopefully families will be able to meet up, in a safe manner, and have some bit of Christmas cheer. No matter what happens Santa will be able to do his rounds so that is the most important thing. Just four weeks to go. We are all ready for Christmas in the Knockdown area with some houses lit up already!
In spite of the supposed Lockdown it has not reduced road traffic in the slightest as there are many cars on the roads. I have no idea where they are all going as it cannot be shopping.
Ballyhahill Parents Association will be holding the annual Christmas Raffle shortly and will be grateful for your support.
Ard Chúram Day Centre in Listowel had a competition recently to write a poem on the virus. This was my entry. It did not win but what harm!
The Corona
Oh Corona, you’re the devil
You’ve brought such hurt and fear
Since you floated sneakily into our lives
At the beginning of the year.
Yes, we thought we had you captured
When we went into lockdown
We thought we’d frighten you away
From county and from town.
But you went spreading with a vengeance
Like the thistles and the weeds
As soon as some are cleared away
Another comes with ease.
You show no love nor mercy
As you watch some people die
You laugh at people mourning
When they cannot say Goodbye.
You’ve struck terror into people’s hearts
And questioned our belief.
Who do we trust? What can we do?
When will we get reprieve?
But the Irish you’ll not conquer
We’re made of stern stuff
We’ve beaten enemies before
Now we say Enough’s Enough!
So we’ll wash our hands and wear our masks
And keep two metre distance
And soon we’ll wave goodbye to you
And blow you from existence.