by Kathleen Mullane

The message from Dr. Tony Houlihan this week as we moved into another lock down for 6 weeks was–Remember the People that you love. He also asked each and every  one  of us to take responsibility, and if we all do our bit we will be able to have a Christmas. He also asked everyone to Shop Local and to buy IRISH. It’s a difficult time for everyone. but there is always Light at the end of the tunnel. With the darker evenings we are asked to keep an eye on the elderly, give them a ring or a visit and make sure they have enough of everything.

Sincere sympathy is extended  to Sheila Mulvihill of Dirreen on the death of her sister Mary Cullen of Limerick at the weekend following an illness. Requiem  mass on Sunday was celebrated by Canon Tony Mullins and burial took place afterwards to Holy Cross where she was laid to rest with her husband John who had predeceased her. Sincere sympathy also to her family James, Mags and Hilary, relatives and friends. May she rest in peace. 

Well Fr. Duggan has gone to Kimmage in Dublin for the few weeks of lock down. While there he will remember all his parishioners here in Athea at his masses. He would welcome any phone calls, or if anyone has any special intentions to pray for. The church  is open for private prayer each day up to 1 o’clock. Any enquiries to Siobhán Barrett.

We think we are badly off but if anyone was watching  DIY SOS the big build on Sunday evening, where a young mother of 3 children lost her husband to cancer within a few weeks, with a half built home. But once again the great hearted volunteers of our small Island came together and finished it in 9 days. Unbelievable–however as I stated recently Ireland was the country in the whole world who were found to give most to those less off than us. It’s something to be proud of.

Hold on for the next few weeks, get out for a walk, chat to friends and we will all come out at the right end of this pandemic. Stay Safe.