by Jer Kennelly
CHURCH: Knockanure Church will open very shortly when we have all the safety measures in place.
BOOK Masses (Months Minds & Anniversaries) Baptisms & Weddings during Office hours.
REACH ACTIVE WORKS: The Knockanure Moyvane Road reopened on Thursday evening 23rd July. Minor works will continue along the Kilmorna, Trien, Athea and Moyvane – Knockanure Roads next week, all works will be complete under stop and go or traffic light traffic management system. Jerry Clancy – Reach Active 086/6072159.
KN WORKS: Minor works on the L1010, Piermount, Bog line, and Moyvane Roads next week, all works will be complete under stop and go or traffic light traffic system. Shane Sheehan – 087/9829576.
DEATH Paddy Cronin M.P.S.I of Bishopstown, Cork & formerly of Knockanure, Moyvane, On July 18th, 2020, in his 91st, year. Husband of the late Nuala (née Byrne), father of Padraig, Maelíosa and Seán, brother of Kathleen, Betty and the late Mary, James, Michael, Jackie, Eddie, Peig, Tony and Tom, father-in-law of Gary, Mary and the late Maria. Sadly missed by his loving family, grandchildren Líosa, Lucy, Karl, Katie and Luke, nephews, and nieces.
DEATH has taken place in Cork of Fr. Dan O’Connor, M.S.C., a native of Knocknagree .
ANNIVERSARIES: Benny Collins, Paddy Kennelly, Sr. Dympna O’Driscoll, Michael O’Connor, Canon James Neville, Eileen McManus, Peggy McElligott, Tom Geoghegan, Michael O’Keeffe, Mass Moyvane; Sat 25th at 7.30pm for Willie Buckley, The Village (Months Mind); Sun 26th at 11.00am for Patrick O’Driscoll, Farranree; Mon 27th at 7.30pm for Margaret O’Connor, Ballybunion; Tues 28th at 7.30pm for Andrzej Nawrot, Kepno, Poland (Anni) & Special Intention for his wife Aniela & blessing on their son Adam in Dublin; Wed 29th at 7.30pm for Jeremiah Mulvihill, Glenalappa (Anni) & deceased of the Mulvihill & Connolly families; Thurs 30th at 7.30pm for Jerry Clancy, Knockanure (Anni); Fri 31st at 7.30pm for John Walsh, Barragougeen (Anni), his parents Ellen & Patrick & deceased of the Walsh family; Sat 1st at 7.30pm for Jackie Lyons, Derry, Listowel, and Mass on Sun 2nd at 11.00am for Damien Lyne, Killarney (Rec Dec).
NUNS and religious, we miss them badly during this time, their courage and dedication to duty was second to none.
STORY: Short Story of the Year Award. The winner will be announced at the An Post Irish Book Awards on 25th November 2020. For more information about the awards check out:
POETRY- Details on
POPE has established this Emergency Solidarity Fund to come to the aid of those people and communities who are being tragically impacted by the spread of COVID-19 in the Pope’s missions, as it supports religious Sisters and Brothers, priests, and lay pastoral workers who reach out through hospitals and small clinics, and parish and social ministries, providing vital health care, as well as basic needs, including food and shelter. The Church is often on the front lines of major threats to human well-being. In Africa alone, there are over 74,000 religious Sisters and over 46,000 priests operating 7,274 hospitals and clinics, 2,346 homes for elderly and the vulnerable, and educating over 19 million children in 45,088 primary schools. In many rural areas they are the only providers of healthcare and education.
YOUTH 2020 Summer E-Festival: (14th-16th August), Register Free on Youth 2000’s primary objective is to provide young people with a real retreat, not just an educational conference. We strive to lead each young soul to a genuine encounter with the Living God even within these restrictive circumstances. We usually have over 1,000 attendees at the Summer Festival, so the possibility of reaching even more online is immense. For more information you can contact [email protected] or phone 00447539546149. Our motto is ‘Youth leading youth, to the Heart of the Church’.
SCRAP: Saint Kieran’s GAA club and ADRSC are planning a scrap metal and household items collection on Wednesday, September 23. Please contact David on 086-2205572.
MASS in Athea;
ADDICTION and the Family: On August 9th the Diocesan Justice Peace & Integrity of Creation Committee will bring you a feature programme on the issue of addiction, and how finding God and developing a spiritual life is key in overcoming addiction. This programme will air on ‘Horizons’ at 9am on Radio Kerry.
ACCORD; are now offering over the phone counselling, Call: 01 5313331.
JIGSAW support line is on freefone 1800 JIGSAW (544 729).
REEK Sunday was always a big day climbing Croak Patrick, this year it was cancelled, I am sure locals who could drive there will climb the mountain again this year.
ATHEA NEWSLETTER: It is great to be back again with the weekly newsletter. The price has risen to €2 because the cost of production (ink, paper etc.) increased a lot since last year what with Brexit and other factors. A limited edition will be available online at especially for all the Athea people living away from home.
LOURDES: Jer Lyons- Lourdes Experience Lourdes
“If my name is never picked out of a hat for anything ever again, if I never win a raffle again, it really doesn’t matter, I won the most important one…” Jer Lyons shares how he caught the Lourdes ‘bug’
MASS Abbeyfeale
Radio Broadcast Mass 10am Sunday Tune into West Limerick 102fm (produced by Sacred Space)
SWEDEN never closed down the country and time will tell what the long term, best practice, was but it will take about 10 years the get the full story and all the unions and vested interests will have plenty of time to cover their tracts. Still we notice that most infections are in health care workers and nursing homes, these are under government regulations, more than ordinary people. They with their regulations, forced Nursing homes to employ agency staff to comply with regulations, if they only relaxed them, many of the homes would have avoided the import of infection if left to their own judgement.
SHOW: Catherine Gallagher, ISA President and Adam Woods, Beef Editor of Irish Farmers Journal officially launch the first-ever Irish Shows Association Virtual Show, to take place on 22nd August 2020 online.
THE HOLE IN THE GROUND’ : This horror thriller with a supernatural vibe made in Ireland and shown at the Sundance Film Festival has been nominated for best film 2019 at the IFTA’s. Conor Dennison, son of Peigi and Dee Dennison Abbeyfeale Hill has been nominated for Best Production Design.
MOON: Full Moon on Aug 3rd; Celebrating Apollo 11- 21 July saw the anniversary of man’s first walk on the Moon.
TAX: People on salaries and permanent jobs, will need a special tax to encourage them to back to work, otherwise they will need more and more protection money from the working person who never got a break.
BORN: From the earliest times, all pregnant women in Kerry as in the rest of Ireland, were delivered at home. The majority were delivered by ‘handy-women’ –women who had no training but had learned from older women or their own experiences of pregnancy and labour. That continued in most places in Kerry until the first quarter of the twentieth century
SILVER DOLLAR: 2021 Christa McAuliffe Commemorative Silver Dollar Candidate Designs Unveiled
The United States Mint unveiled proposed designs for the 2021 Christa McAuliffe Commemorative Silver Dollar. McAuliffe, the first teacher chosen to go into space, was among the seven crew members killed in the Space Shuttle Challenger explosion on Jan. 28, 1986.
New Study: Climate Impact Of Grazing Cattle Overestimated
Jun 7, 2020- Methane Cattle Grazing
POET: Moyvane Poet Patrick McAuliffe
New York NY Irish American Advocate 1937-1938 – 1123.pdf
17 June 1939
Requiem Mass for Gerald Fitzmaurice, C.B., son of the late Henry Fitzmaurice, Duagh, Kerry, who died on March 23 was celebrated in Blackrock College by Rt. Rev. J. G. Neville, D.D
Bishop of Carres, on Saturday. Mr. Fitzmaurice, had a distinguished career in the Diplomatic Service in Constantinople, Sofia, and Egypt.
New York NY Irish American Advocate 1911 – 0820.pdf
Dec 9 1911
His many friends will be glad to hear that Mr. W. B. Walshe, son of Mr. R. C. Walshe, ex-N.T., Glin, Co. Limerick, has been the recipient of a £10 exhibition prize recently offered by the National Board to those who showed exceptional ability at the final examination.
The appointment of Mr. W. O’Shaughnessy, for many years organist at the Augustinian Church, Limerick, to the important position of organist and choir master to the Cathedral, Killarney, and professor of music to the Diocesan Seminary, Killarney, has given much satisfaction to his many friends
The marriage took place on Thursday last at St. Joseph’s, Limerick, of Mr. Michael Wall, Kilmorna, Co. Kerry, for some time past representative in the south of Ireland of Messrs. P. Pierce & Co., Wexford, to Miss M. A. Fitzmaurice, River View, Tarbert, Co. Kerry. The officiating clergyman was the Rev. Father Horgan, P.P., Sneem (uncle of the bride-groom), assisted by the Rev. Frs. Wallace, CC, Shangolden, Foley, C. C, Glin, and Hannan, CC, St. Michael’s, Limerick. The newly married couple were the recipients of many costly presents and numerous messages of congratulations. The wedding breakfast took place In Cruise’s Hotel.
New York NY Irish American Advocate 1928-1929 – 0031.pdf
Jan 7 1928 ?
Dr. John J. Fitzmaurice, recently appointed M. O. at Castleconnell, has taken up duty there during the week. Dr. Fitzmaurlce is son of William Fitzmaurice, Ballydonoghue, Glin and Tarbert, and has been recently married to Miss Leahy, of Athea.
FIRE: While undergoing repairs In garage at Chapel Street, Abbeyfeale, a motorcar, the property of Daniel B. Harnett, caught on fire and was very seriously damaged. At considerable risk a son of the owner removed the blazing car from the garage, which was also seriously threatened, and was severely burned about the hands.
The last remnant of the Cork Exhibition, 1902-03,. is to go with the purchase and removal of the Skating Rink at the Mardyke by Woodward and Sons.
New York NY Irish American Advocate 1925-1927 – 1377.pdf
17 Dec 1927
The death of Timothy Hunt which occurred is universally regretted. Deceased resided at Dromada, Athea.
Dr. John Fitzmaurice, Ballydonaghue, Glin, was married recently to Miss Josephine Leahy, Athea. Dr. Fitzmaurice is brother of Most Rev. Dr. Edmond Fitzmaurice, Bishop of Wilmington, U. S. A., and son of William Fitzmaurice, Ballydonoghue, Glin.
The Pope gave an audience to Dr. David Keane, Bishop of Limerick, who presented a report on the position of his Diocese.—– —