Wishing all readers of the Parish Newsletter and my “Kathleen’s Corner” a very Happy & Peaceful
Christmas and a lovely New Year 2020
An Irish Christmas Prayer
The Light of the Christmas Star to you
The warmth of home and hearth to you
The cheer and good will of friends to you
The love of the son and God’s peace to you
Firstly can I congratulate Domhnall and Lillian on once again a wonderful production of the Christmas Parish Journal. Can you believe it’s the “31st” edition and they managed to have it ready on time for Christmas – which I may tell you is a “hard job”. A lovely Christmas present and with a colourful photo of “Running for Stripes” on the cover. Well done to them.
Congratulations and good wishes are extended to Lauren Woulfe of Cratloe who celebrated her 21st birthday at Collins’ here in Athea on Saturday night last along with family and friends. A great night was had by all.
It was with great sadness that we heard of the untimely death of Mary Larkin of Clash, Athea over the weekend. A huge crowd came to pay their last respects at Kelly’s funeral parlour on Sunday evening last. Requiem Mass on Monday was followed by burial in Holy Cross Cemetery. Sincere sympathy is extended to her husband, Liam, her children Liam, Maggie and James, grandchildren and extended family. ‘May the light of heaven be hers’.
I wish to thank all who gave so generously to the deserving ‘Concern’ collection at the weekend. And to Nicola Scanlon, Aoife and Eoin Sheahan, Shane Scanlon and Sarah and Molly Keeley, all Tarbert Comp students, who “braved the bitter elements” and helped me. A total of €465 was collected for Concern.
The AGM of Athea Credit Union was held in their office on Sunday morning last. A good crowd attended. Katie Sullivan gave an insight into the position of the Credit Union, saying it was in a very healthy position. Eibhlís Geoghegan read the minutes of the last AGM. Timmy Woulfe praised the dedicated staff and volunteers, himself and Patie Sullivan being the 2 longest serving members. Our Credit Union is 51 years in existence which is amazing. Mary Anne Stack thanked everyone for coming and said they are delighted to give out loans, that’s what keeps the Credit Union going. Anyone in difficulty is invited to go in and talk to them. Carmody, Leen & O’Donnell will be the accountants again for 2020. Continued success to our Credit Union.
“Grandparents Day” will be celebrated on Wednesday 18th with mass firstly at 12.30 in our church. Then you are invited to the school for refreshments afterwards. This is always a lovely day – all welcome.
Former Chairman of the Co. Board and GAA Club facilitator Donal Fitzgibbon spoke at the 3 year strategic plan GAA meeting in the hall on Wednesday night before a big crowd. Groups will bring forward their plans to the next meeting in February. Watch this space.
It’s with sadness that the news of Jackie Griffin’s untimely death reached us at the weekend. At the time of writing no arrangements have been made. R.I.P.