By Kathleen Mullane
Well the Listowel Races are over yet again for another year. Being on quite early this year it was a change – whereas next year they will resume to the original dates later on into September. It seems no matter what time the Listowel Races are on, they always get very favourable weather. Last week we had exceptional sun and heat – which brought great crowds to the annual Harvest Festival.
The Kerry National on Wednesday drew huge crowds and of course ‘Ladies Day’ on Friday along with all the students and young people who made the effort to dress up “to the nines” – ‘Colour’ was the order of the day and of course “the hats” were something else! Vintage Day on Saturday again had a great contingent both of ‘race-goers and ‘fashionistas’ Of course the All Ireland Final brought a great week to a close with Ballybunion packed to capacity also, all availing of the beautiful weather. Another race week over – the only downfall was “Kerry didn’t win the game”. However next year is another year!.
A reminder that the annual Coffee Morning in aid of Milford Hospice takes place on this Thursday 19th in the hall from 9am onwards. Come along for your ‘cuppa’ and cake and all donations however small will be gratefully received. As a hospice worker quoted:- “Climb The Mountains – and Walk The Roads And Beaches While You Can”. As it seems – every second person has some form of cancer now, it’s frightening and Milford Hospice does great work.
Another “Mindful Moment” is to place your hand on your wrist – just feel your pulse – no need to count – just take a few deep breaths and feel gratitude for being alive.
The very best of luck to Kieran Hartnett, Templeathea and Jonathan Fitzgerald of Clash who have left our shores for Australia for a while – also Denis Greaney, Templeathea, my good friend and neighbour, who heads to Abu Dhabi this week to take up a teaching position there and to Dylan Griffin, Templeathea who heads to America. Athea’s loss will be their new home’s benefit as no doubt they will all take to the ‘playing fields’ in their respective locations.
October 6th is going to be a great day when the Fun Run for the Ronald McDonald house takes place here on the Slí na Sláinte route in Athea. You can run, walk, jog, skip or whatever – the main thing is to take part to raise funds. Music and a treasure hunt will be there for the ‘small ones’. All are encouraged to wear red and white stripes on the day.
Sincere congrats go to Aoife Foley of Cratloe (daughter of Sheila and Gerard Foley) who, on Friday last, was married to Karol Wyvebiak here in St. Bartholomew’s Church, Athea. The nuptial ceremony was performed by Fr. John O’Shea. The maid of honour was Fiona Foley and the bridesmaids were Shannon Fitzgerald and Samantha Murphy. The best man was Emil Wyvebiak and the groomsmen were Sebastian Zawadka and Maurivsz Mrozek. The flowergirl was Lucy Kelly. The reception was held at The Brehon Hotel in Killarney where everyone had a brilliant day. Best wishes to the newly weds for the future.