By Kathleen Mullane
The wedding took place on Friday last of Gillian Liston, daughter of Haulie and the late Catherine of Lower Dirreen, Athea, to Dara Treacy of Roscommon. The couple travelled home from Canada for the wedding. The bride was assisted by her sister Carol. The bestman was Aidan O’Toole, Flowergirls were Molly and Ellie-Mai O’Connor and pageboys J.J. Liston and Liam Óg O’Connor. Fr. McManus performed the nuptial ceremony. A very enjoyable day was had by family, relatives and friends at The Abbey Hotel and Catherine was fondly remembered. Congrats to the newly weds and best wishes to them for the future and a safe journey back.
Yoga Classes with Linda Mumbray will recommence in the hall on September 9th from 7 – 8.30pm everyone will be glad to hear. Newcomers are always welcome, along with the old stalwarts!
Can you believe this – just wait for it! – On Thursday last festive shoppers “were out in force” as Brown Thomas opened their festive shops in Dublin, Cork and Limerick with shoppers already filling their stockings stating that at that point in time there was only 131 days to Christmas – it’s less now as I write this! Call me ‘old fashioned’ but who in their right mind would want to go Christmas shopping in August? Maybe they have their seasons mixed up! It’s like “The back to school” adverts they nearly start as soon as the kids get summer holidays. But of course it’s all marketing – it’s not to please us ‘consumers’ it’s to fill their pockets by getting their merchandise first on the shelves.
Well it’s back to school next week for all students – a big change from “no study” and “not getting up too early”. However all good things do come to an end and I’m sure many parents will agree it will be great to get back to some form of “organisation”. And before they know it – the Listowel Races will be on September 8th, the ploughing in Carlow from 17th-19th – then it’s mid-term and before they know it Christmas will be here – like I just said Christmas shopping has already started. As they say from my days learning Latin (a dead language by the way) ‘Tempus Fugit’ – or ‘Time Flies’.
It’s great to see further painting being done to houses on the street. Athea is looking good now with the Tidy Towns volunteers doing immense work in preparation for the forthcoming “Nationwide’ arrival. Let’s do our bit and make sure all rubbish is picked up on the approach roads, which is thrown out by ‘non-carers’. Fr. Duggan gets back into the village each morning with a bag full after his walk.