By Peg Prendeville

Sympathies to the O’Sullivan family, Toureendonnell, on the death of their father John Patsy O’Sullivan during the week. May he rest in peace.

The gorgeous weather brought crowds to the beaches at the weekend. Killarney, too, was packed on Sunday for Kerry/Mayo game. Everybody is in holiday mood and taking advantage of the lovely days we get.

Meanwhile, in Glin, all the talk is about the Colleen Bán play which is to be staged in the grounds of Glin Castle on September 9th.  It is being produced by Eleanor McSweeney and Joe from St. John’s Theatre for Glin Development to raise funds for the proposed Interpretative Centre at the back of the library. Dominic West has agreed to take part in the play which is a huge attraction and should draw crowds from far and wide. Not to mention that many of the Abha Bhán Players will be participating also. How exciting can life get? Tickets will be on sale soon for this event. I will keep you informed.

All the local villages are looking resplendent with wonderful displays of flowers and window boxes. It is great to see so many volunteers in Glin, Loughill, Ballyhahill and Athea giving of their time to keep the places looking so well.