By Peg Prendeville

Congratulations once again to Domhnall and Lillian who produced the 30th annual Athea Journal last week; it contains lots of lovely interesting articles and photos. Let us hope that the tradition continues. I remember when the first of these journals – that I remember – began in 1977 a few of us cynics smiled when my father Paddy Faley told us that he and Thomas O’Donoghue and Pat Brosnan were compiling a little magazine of local bits and pieces. We thought it might last a year or two and look what it sprouted! Athea got going and for a while Loughill/Ballyhahill and now and then Glin Historical Society publish one as well as Tom Aherne and his Dad who has published many also. Imagine the amount of local knowledge and history which would have been lost if it was not recorded in these annuals. They are a real treasure and great credit should be given to those people who go to the trouble of gathering all this every year.

The wrenboy competition is Glin was a great success on Sunday evening last in spite of the heavy showers which fell. Though some people, with young children, had to abandon many brave people stayed on under umbrellas til the last batch from Ballyhahill – Mohernagh Wrenboys – walked down the street in the pouring rain. They put on a great show and it was great to hear that the judges thought so too and awarded them 1st prize. It is lovely to see this tradition revived in Glin as many people do not get to see or hear any wrenboys at all now. Well done to James Stack and all involved.

The Abha Bhán Drama group is delighted to inform you that they will stage Sive in St. John’s theatre on February 7 and 8. It will give those people who did not get tickets for Ballyhahill a chance to see it. Meanwhile we look forward to the Athea Drama group staging “The Lonesome West” in February too.

For now I wish all of you readers a very Happy and Peaceful Christmas and prosperous New Year in 2019.