By Peg Prendeville
Sincere sympathies to Eileen Breen, Ballyhahill West, and her family and extended relatives on the death of her husband Morgan Breen last weekend.
It is Limerick’s year in the sporting calendar! Great celebrations again after Limerick beating Louth in the Ladies Junior Football last Sunday in Croke Park. Well done to all including our own Dymphna O’Brien.
As I mentioned last week, Ballyhahill N.S. Parents Association will be bag packing in Tesco Newcastlewest on this coming Saturday 22nd so if you are in the shop on the day please support if you can. They would appreciate help so if you can spare an hour or two during the day, anytime from ten until 6 pm they would be very grateful
A Flu Vaccine clinic for Dr Eileen Cassidy’s patients will be held in Foynes clinic on October 9th from 2.30 pm to 5.30 pm and in Glin clinic on October 10th from 9.30 am to 12.30 pm. No appointment necessary. All staff will be on duty and no delay is envisaged.
A workshop for carers who deal with people with dementia will be held on the 25th of September in the Clayton Hotel in Limerick from 10 am to 1pm. All are welcome.
Exercise classes continue in the Loughill Resource Centre every Friday at 7 pm. A walk continues in Curragh Chase on Tuesdays at 10.30 am. The L/B Going Strong Aqua aerobics recommenced in the pool Askeaton on Monday 17th at 11am. Contact Maureen at 086 3051892 if interested in joining.
This coming Friday night is National Culture Night and there are many free events throughout the country to celebrate the occasion. I look forward to attending St. John’s Theatre for an evening of film, songs and stories. Conor Keane’s documentary “In Shame, Love, In Shame” will also be aired. All welcome and all FREE! Starting at 7pm. It is also an opportunity to view Pauline Sharp’s paintings again.