By Peg Prendeville
Congratulations to Paul and Brid Mullane on the birth of their second son Charlie, a brother to Keegan. Paul, son to Ta and Ita, and Brid have recently returned from Australia to settle down.
The Loughill/Ballyhahill Pastoral Council members met during the week in response to a letter from Bishop Leahy re the future of our parishes. The time has come when the laity have to take responsibility. An increased role of laity in terms of managing the practical aspects of parishes is a priority at this time, we are being told. As Fr Austin explained recently, parishes are being grouped together. There were leaflets available giving some idea of the proposed changes. The future of our parishes will be very different to what we have been accustomed to so we had better get used to the idea. We live in strange, changing and challenging times.
The good news is that our nice warm weather is returning on Thursday and hopefully will stay for another little while.
Happy birthday to my little grandson Ríain Daly who will be the big 4 on Friday. I always think that the fourth birthday is a big step in their little lives as it is the one they are most excited about and the awareness is dawning on them that they are getting big!
After reading the romantic story of how Tomás and Han Geoghegan met over seventy years ago I was inspired to put pen to paper as follows:
Happy 70th Wedding Anniversary
Han and Tomás
Like the Samaritan woman at the well
She was aware of the piercing eyes
Quickly she turned around to see him
It was Tomás her neighbour, what surprise!
Smiling shyly and with quickening breath
“Did you forget your bucket?” she enquired.
“My thirst is not for water” he replied
As he gazed with fondness into her eyes.
“May I walk home with you and share the load?”
And so the courting ritual began
Getting to know each other day by day.
Tomás Geoghegan and the lovely Han.
The seed of love was planted by the well,
Seventy years growth since the wedding bell.