By Peg Prendeville

Congratulations and best wishes to Aileen Gallagher, daughter of Kay Long and Brendan Gallagher and formerly of Glenagragra who got married in Glin last Saturday to Ruairi Millane. The couple live in Ennis.

Killeaney A.F.C. is very proud that its prolific scorer Seán O’Connor, Tenekilla, was awarded Division 1 Player of the Year in the Desmond League. He was presented with his award in Rathkeale on Monday night. Congratulations and well done to Seán.

Congratulations to the twenty two pupils from the parish who received Confirmation in Ballyhahill on Tuesday last. The children from Glin parish were also confirmed at an earlier ceremony on the same day.

My Library colleague in Abbeyleale library, Anne Prendiville, retired last week after twenty years service in the library. Her workmates Mike Sweeney and Jim Ahern will miss her pleasant manner and company. I wish her well and hope she and Patsy enjoy many years of retirement.

Social Dancing continues in Ballyhahill Parish Hall every Monday night at 8.30 pm. All welcome.

Milford Care Centre is offering a Bereavement Support Education Programme, commencing on Wednesday 19th September 2018 and will run over 12 consecutive Wednesday evenings with a non-residential personal development weekend on 5th – 7th October 2018. Fees apply and some bursaries are available. This programme is aimed at anyone who is interested in learning more about the grief experience and how to support bereaved people in an informal setting. If you are interested or would like to get more information, please contact Estelle McGinley (Social Work Department) at [email protected] or 061 485822 or Geraldine Aherne, (Education Department) at [email protected] or 061 485841.

Up to 10,000 volunteers are needed around the events in August for the World Meeting of Families.  The cut-off date for expressions of interest on volunteering is the end of this month – 31st May. Here is the link for everything to do with volunteering if interested:

Voting day is on this Friday May 25th. I’ll be glad when it’s all over. It is good to see so many people putting thought into this referendum and it is important that we use our vote.  What we are really voting for is whether we want to take away ALL rights from the unborn child, whether it is a five day old foetus or a nine month old baby. If the 8th is repealed (if majority votes YES ) it is highly unlikely that we will ever again have our say and all unborn babies will have no rights whatsoever. If majority votes No things will stay as they are when laws may be passed to provide for the termination of pregnancy where there is a real and substantial  risk to the life of the mother including the risk of suicide.