By Kathleen Mullane

Well, the Easter school holidays are over for yet another year and whatever about previous years, I’m sure everyone will agree that from Christmas to Easter just “flew by” – despite the constant rain and cold temperatures. And of course “The Beast from the East” didn’t help either. However, we must now look forward to brighter and warmer days hopefully. And as exam students prepare for their last term at school, we wish them all the best for the next few weeks.

Congrats to Mike Buckley of Templeathea who had a surprise party sprung on him last week at the Top of the Town as he celebrated his 50th birthday. A great night was enjoyed by everyone.

This week sees the ordination of the late Fr. Gerry Roche – of 50 years in the priesthood. Mass will be celebrated in his honour and remembrance this week. We remember him with great fondness. ‘May his kind soul rest in peace’.

The death has taken place, at a young age, of Jacqueline Tebbs of Gortnagross, Athea (formerly of Kent, England). She had not been well for a while. The family had settled here in the past few years and made their home here. She will be cremated in Shannon Crematorium this Tuesday. Sincere sympathy is extended to her husband and young family. ‘May she rest in peace’.

Next Sunday evening, April 15th sees the grand ‘Fundraising Concert’ in aid of the Lourdes Invalid fund taking place here in our church. It promises to be a great evening with music, song, dance, story-telling and a lot more. You are asked to give it your support and all money raised will be used to send people from our parish to Lourdes, who may not otherwise get the chance to go. Incidentally, if you know anyone who might like to go, you can contact Fr. Duggan or sacristan Carol. It’s a wonderful experience, moreover for our young people who go as volunteers. And this year actually I’m told they are asking for ‘nurses’ who may go as helpers and give up a few days to tend the invalids.

This weekend before the two masses, the church gate collection in aid of West Limerick 102 will be taken up. You are asked to please support.

Our sports hall was “the hive of activity” on Sunday last as the ‘Community Games’ basketball games took place. There were visitors from Caherdavin and of course ‘Regional’ who really showed their skills at ‘shooting’. The Athea boys and girls also had some good games. Anthony Fitzsimons presented all the players with their medals

A great celebration next Saturday from 10.30am – 3pm at Athea Credit Union as they celebrate 50 years in business. What “an achievement” from humble beginnings – everyone is welcome for a fun-filled day.