By Kathleen Mullane

Congrats & Well Done

Well it was indeed a great week for the ‘Athea Tidy Town’s Group’. Their fund-raising Fashion Show on Wednesday night saw the hall packed to capacity for the much looked forward to event. It was indeed a credit to all involved, from the setting up of the stage and ramp to the models to those involved in the hair and make up. To the shops who brought along their clothes and shoes to display – to those who gave spot prizes – it was indeed a credit to all concerned. And well done to Mary Collins of Lower Athea who won the prize for the “Best Dressed Lady” on the night. For a woman in her eighties she was a deserving winner, always looking her very best. Fr. Duggan did his bit of modeling too.

Good Friday was ‘Team Limerick Clean-up Day’. One of the biggest number of volunteers ever gathered at 9am at the hall. All eager to ‘do their bit’ to make Athea a clean, tidy, place. Armed with gloves, bags and pickers everyone set off, all having a certain section of roads to cover. Even Fr. Duggan climbed ditches and dykes to help out picking up 65 Red Bull cans no less. It was also great to see parents with their young children getting involved, they become aware that throwing rubbish about is unacceptable, when they help out at a young age. Well done again to Athea Tidy Towns who organized the clean up and hopefully everyone will notice the cleanliness of Athea, “let’s keep it that way”.

Actually it’s that time of year when many have started their Spring cleaning at home. It’s “the life changing magic” – tidying up. Everything must ‘Spark Joy’ – otherwise whether it be clothes, furniture or whatever it has no place in one’s home. In other words “De-Clutter” – free the space and the mind – then the magic will happen and you will feel all the better, getting rid of what your really don’t need. The charity shops would be delighted.

Sincere sympathy is extended to Tom, Georgie, Nora and Joan O’Connor on the death last week of their mother Joan O’Connor of Lower Rd, Athea. Many came to pay their last respects at Kelly’s funeral parlour on Tuesday evening. A fond tribute to “a real lady”. Burial followed requiem mass on Wednesday to Holy Cross. ‘May she have everlasting peace!. Sympathy to her many relatives and friends.

I’ve been asked to mention to all bingo lovers that Tournafulla Development Association are having a fund-raising bingo at Halla Tadhg Gaelach on Sunday 15th April at 3pm with €2,000 in prizes. All support will be appreciated.

It was great to see so many of our young people and parishioners getting involved in the Easter ceremonies over the past week. It gives them great confidence which is brilliant.

Yet again another great crowd attended the open AA meeting at the hall on Good Friday night. The speakers on the night cannot be praised enough. Well done to them all.

The Lartigue Theatre Group present their play ‘Solo Run’ from April 5th – 9th at 8pm in St. John’s, Listowel. It is directed by Denis O’Mahony with the cast of John Looney, Mgt Murphy, Robert Bunyan, Mike Moriarty, Laura Shine Gumbo, Con Kirby, Emer O’Neill and Lucille O’Sullivan.

Congrats and good wishes go to Peggy and Billy Casey of Colbert St., who celebrated their 50th Wedding Anniversary on Easter Monday in the hall, preceded by mass. Their family were home from the USA for the surprise occasion which was attended by many relatives and friends. Here’s to many more years of health and happiness.