By Peg Prendeville
Well, now we know that the weathermen were not exaggerating when they warned us to stay in from the Beast. Not since 1982 have we had such a blanket of snow covering the whole country but it is over now, in this part of the country at least, and we all survived without too much trauma so things are not so bad. Thanks to the good neighbours who cleared some roads so as to make them passable and make life easier for us. It is great to see community spirit alive and thriving throughout the country. Extreme weathers have the knack of bringing people together as each one looks out for his/her neighbour.
The children, of course, took great delight in making snowmen and women and igloos and making sleighs to race down slopes. Snowmen grew up everywhere. I saw one advertising the Knockdown Vintage which is to take place on March 25th. Igloos are a new venture as we’ve never had enough snow for them for many years but I know a family who had tea and biscuits and a disco in a giant one which they built. Hopefully the memories will last for these excited children.
Speaking of children and watching the fun and enjoyment they get out of little things brings to mind the upcoming referendum. How can anyone of us decide which baby lives or dies? Surely they all deserve a chance to live. So I do not apologise for reminding everyone that buses are leaving West Limerick on this coming Saturday March 10th to go to the Rally for Life march in Dublin. For further information, or to book a seat, contact John on 0871127477.
Station Masses will be celebrated in Loughill on 13th March and in Ballyhahill 14th March. The Easter ceremonies are arranged as follows:
Holy Thursday Loughill @ 7pm
Good Friday Passion in Bally @3pm
Good Friday Stations in Loughill at 8pm
Holy Saturday Vigil Mass in Loughill at 7pm
Easter Sunday at Kilteery at 6.30 am, Ballyhahill at 10 am.