By Kathleen Mullane
“May God bless you at Easter and keep you all year through,
May God give you all the faith it takes, to make your dreams come true,
May His love and wisdom always help to guide you on your way,
May His light shine down upon you now, to bless you Easter Day”
Can I start by wishing everyone a very ‘Happy Easter’. And it’s such a nice time of the year, the evenings are getting longer, everything is coming to life, daffodils are blooming, in all it lifts everyone’s spirits – winter is over TG.
Don’t forget this Good Friday we must all ‘do our bit’ and get involved with Athea Tidy Towns in the Team Limerick Clean Up. I always do from my own house in and out to the village. Ann Carroll and her grandkids do from the Church Cross up to Fairy St. Cross. Patsy Hayes does from her house out to Flavin’s Cross. Michelle Curry does from Hannah Scanlon’s to John Mullane’s with her family and Denise O’Riordan and family do the Lower Dirreen Rd. if you have any spare time, register at 9am at the hall on Good Friday morning and if all take a section of road – Athea will be “looking great”. It’s good for kids too to get involved in keeping Athea tidy. We would ask everyone to refrain from throwing rubbish about – just take it home, it’s easy.
The Fashion Show on Wednesday night is a much looked forward to night out. Even if you can’t attend, please buy a ticket. All the money raised will go into improving our quaint little village, which thankfully, is vibrant!
A list of our ‘Easter Ceremonies’ is available at the church doors, so pick one up for all the times etc. Fr. Duggan hopes on April 21st to have “a teenage youth mass”. So all you young people – get together and have a great input into your own celebration. Saturday night saw great ‘Community Involvement’ from Margaret Carroll with the Athea N.S. choir to the parents reading – it was brilliant.
Well Rose at Brouder’s Shop finishes up after ten years serving our community. We thank her and wish her well and a well deserved rest. No doubt she will be missed by all her customers.
Sincere sympathy is extended to Bernie Reidy on the recent death of her sister Mary in England. ‘May the light of heaven be hers’.
Also to the Kelly family, Coole, on the death of their sister Peggy recently. Memorial mass was celebrated here in Athea on Saturday night. ‘May she rest in peace’.
And to Maura and Bríd Liston of Lower Athea on the death of their father Dan last week. ‘Go ndeana Dia Trócaire le na hanam’.
Congrats to Aishling Brouder (daughter of Noreen & Tom, Loughill) on her engagement to Micheál Moran (son of John and Catherine, Toureendonnell)
I’ve had an enquiry about Ed Sheeran’s concert in Cork re bus going. Anyone requesting same can contact me.
This past week had “World Happiness Day” celebrated and if anyone was watching Stetsons & Stilettos last week, they would have seen the Irish clergy out jiving and enjoying the music, dance and song. As they stated “There is enough Sadness in the World” – Be Happy- Enjoy life.
If anyone knows anything about a “K’s Lotto” they might let me know as I have a couple of Euro that was maybe put in a wrong letterbox for a winner? Otherwise I will give go the Lourdes fund.