By Peg Prendeville

It is lovely to notice the lengthening evenings especially on the sunny days. We are heading towards St Valentine’s Day which also signals the beginning of Lent this year. I look forward to seeing the Athea Drama “Pretend Sick”. I know it will be another success for thegroup.
Sincere sympathies to Joan O’Connor, Turraree, and her family, on the death, at a young age, of her nephew Fergal O’Connor this week. This is a poignant time for George and Vera Langan also as it is the 20th anniversary of their daughter Emer’s passing. I know they still miss her a lot.
Due to unforeseen circumstances the February Social of the Loughill/Ballyhahill Going Strong club will be deferred until March. Apologies to all concerned.The February meeting of the ICA ladies will be held in the Parish Hall on Wednesday Feb 14th at 8pm. “Something Old” is the theme of the competition.
A note from the Parish Hall as follows: Stage school, singing, speech and drama, keyboard and other instruments. If interested please come along to an information evening on Friday 16th February at 8 pm in the Parish Hall, Ballyhahill. The next meeting of the Parish Hall committee will take place on Tuesday February 20th at 8pm. New members are very welcome. During events at the end of last year some people expressed an interest in joining and so now we say there is no time like the present so come along to the next meeting.
Noirin Lynch from Limerick Diocesan office will visit Ballyhahill Church on this Wednesday February 7th at 7pm to meet all who work in parish ministry including the Ministers of the Eucharist and Ministers of the Word. She will give a talk and show slides on Safeguarding rules for children and Vulnerable persons. Anybody involved in parish work of any kind is encouraged to attend this meeting please.
It is a source of great amusement and a little pride for the Faley family to see that Minding the House, recited by Paddy Faley, has been viewed over 12000 times on a Facebook page called Forgotten Ireland. It was posted there by the Irish Rambling House.  No doubt Paddy Faley is smiling at how modern technology is sharing him around the globe. If we could glimpse into the future we cannot even imagine how much more progress will be made in online communication.