Peg Prendeville
Sympathies to my colleague in the library Jim Ahern of Templeathea on the death of his mother Birdie Ahern last weekend. May she rest in peace.
The Ballyhahill Parents Association wishes to thank everyone who came and supported the stall at the Ballyhahill Craft Fair recently. It was a very enjoyable day with lots to see. The Guess the amount of Sweets competition was won by Ross Phillips and the remaining school calendars can be bought from the school at €3 each or 2 for €5.
The Parish Hall committee expresses thanks to each and everyone who helped in any way to make the first Christmas Fair a huge success.
Ben Barrett, formerly of Knockdown and now living in the UK, is planning on erecting a memorial in Clounleharde to commemorate all those who are buried there. Anyone interested in this project can meet Ben in the Knockdown Arms on December 29th . He hopes to have this organized for August 2018 around the time of the All Ireland Fleadh Ceoil.
Killeaney AFC is holding the Annual Social on this Saturday night December 9th in the Knockdown Arms. Music on the night is by Kim’s people. It will be awarding Junior player of the year, Club person of the year, Supporter of the year and Hall of fame award. There will be a raffle on the night also and all are welcome. Let it be the start of the Christmas festivities.
Recently Milford Care Centre ran a short story competition entitled “What do you know about Palliative Care?” I was shortlisted to the final three and the winner was to be decided by the amount of “Likes” on the Milford Care Centre FB page. I enjoyed, and won, the battle on FB winning two tickets for an Ed Sheeran concert. No doubt my daughter Sarah will enjoy the concert. Thank you to anyone who helped.
Preparations for the Christmas ceremonies in Loughill/Ballyhahill begin with choir practice each Monday 7.30 pm in Ballyhahill Church. New members are always welcome. Next Friday is the Feast of the Immaculate Conception. Mass times as in a normal weekend. The Christmas Masses have been arranged as follows:
Christmas Eve (Sunday) 6 pm Loughill, 8 pm Ballyhahill
Christmas Day 10 am Ballyhahill, 11.15 am Loughill
St. Stephen’s Day 11 am Ballyhahill