By Kathleen Mullane
‘A Busy Weekend’
Well the mid-term break proved to be quite a nice week thankfully for both parents and children alike. I was in Killarney on Wednesday and one would think it was in the middle of summer! Throngs of people, as always, walking around, tourists in abundance. Even at 7pm that evening many were ‘outside’ restaurant doors enjoying drinks and food – unreal for November.
Well Saturday was the Fair Day here in the village and the weather was showery, but the change in temperature from previous days had many shivering to say the least. There was a good atmosphere around, quite a number of ponies, horses, fowl and pups and even ferrets, maybe not as many stalls, however everyone seemed to enjoy the banter and bargaining!
Saturday evening saw the annual Mass for All Souls taking place in memory of all those who passed away over the past year, 14 in total. It was indeed a very special ceremony and the choir made it all the more meaningful as did all who helped out.
On Sunday a great crowd came along for the unveiling of the Defibrillator Telephone Box at 2pm outside Griffins’ Butcher Stall. Henry Moran, on behalf of the Athea Tidy Towns, thanked each and every one who helped in any way to make the day possible. Dr. Murphy stated that Athea was “one of the safest places now to get a heart attack” – with 4 defibrillators in the community and also a great group of Community First Responders. Councillors John Sheahan, Francis Foley, Liam Galvin and Seamus Browne cut the ribbon to unveil the beautiful telephone box, which really adds to the look of the village, as well as being “a life saving asset”. Fr. Brendan Duggan blessed it saying he himself “might need it sometime”. In all well done to the Tidy Towns Committee, they do tremendous work. Incidentally they are always looking for more helpers and we must all do our little bit in picking a weed or two or picking up after the “litter bugs”. Also I think it would be marvelous to have our young people, through transition year, or indeed as part of their curriculum in secondary school to know how to use a defibrillator and to be trained in C.P.R.
As I write my few lines this Sunday night – I’m told that tonight 7 weeks is Christmas Eve – no there’s no panic – it’s Christmas every day now for kids!