By Kathleen Mullane

Out & About 

Well this Saturday, November 4th sees the annual Fair of Athea taking place. Since its revival some years ago it has been a great attraction, not only for the young looking at all the different animals, but for the older generation who remember past Fair Days so well. Those were the days of water-guns, lots of cattle, pots of soup and sandwiches in all the pubs, kids saving their few bob to go to Enright’s to buy a toy or whatever that would be displayed on their window, in advance of the big day. Now there are much more clothes and toy stalls, fast food wagons and ponies etc. Hopefully it will be a nice, dry day for it.

Also on Saturday night, 4th there will be the annual very special mass at 7.30pm for all those who died within the past year in the parish. Also on Sunday morning 5th November, Sean Moran, who died suddenly recently, will be remembered at the 11am mass along with his grandmother Kathy Moran.

“Send a shoebox stuffed with love” that’s the message from members of ‘Team Hope’. With Christmas creeping up it’s time again to get a shoebox, cover it with Christmas paper and fill it with all the little bits that those so deserving children crave for. Last year 250,000 shoeboxes left our shores for Africa, the Ukraine and elsewhere with 9,681 of them coming from Limerick alone. This year they are hoping to try and get the numbers up to 275,000 and with your help this can happen. It’s just a simple task, but makes such a difference in these young boys and girls lives. You can get your leaflets at Athea N.S. or online at

Well I suppose everyone like me is delighted to have ‘Old Time’ with us again. Of course I’m only joking! There are talks that it may be done away with altogether and wouldn’t it be a blessing. It was there over the years so that kids etc going to school in the mornings would have brightness. However now no children are walking – all are driven so there’s no need of it. It’s especially hard for elderly people, and those living alone, who must find the evenings so long and so dark. But do not despair – Spring won’t be long coming around again D.V.

Has everyone got their photo’s and articles in for the Journal – remember the deadline.

The Athea Races committee sincerely thank all those who gave sponsorship for the races recently held. It was much appreciated.

Thought for the Week:- “Live in such a way, that you would not be ashamed to sell your parrot to the town gossip”.