By Peg Prendeville

We have a great parish in Loughill/Ballyhahill. In the past few weeks the Ladies football has won the county, the minors have won the county, Kearney’s Bakery got a bronze award at the Blas na hÉireann in Dingle for their Sliced Brown Bread, Ballyhahill NS produced a very professional Cookbook, Sarah O’Brien, formerly of The Hill, Ballyhahill launched a book on the subject of “The Irish in Argentina” in Trinity College last week and to put the icing on the cake Ballyhahill Development did very well in the Tidy Towns. It is great to see such energy and creativity in the parish.

I got the following note from Ballyhahill NS Parents’ Association:  “We wish to thank everybody who made Sunday’s Cookery Demonstration in the Parish Hall such a huge success. Thanks to Dee Doody, who calmly and efficiently, cooked a four course meal in front a large crowd. Everybody got a copy of the recipes for Carmelised Red Onion Marmalade and Goat’s Cheese Tartlets, Leek and Potato soup, Fillet of Pork with a Chorizo and Basil Pesto Stuffing, Strawberry Meringue roulade and Garlic Focaccia with Pesto and Mozzarella and best of all everybody got a taste of each of these also. The Ballyhahill NS Cookbook was on sale @ €10 each and many people expressed their satisfaction and delight at the simple but nutritious recipes included. The idea of asking each child and staff member to write out their favourite recipe resulted in a book which should be in every household with recipes running from pancakes to porter cakes to burgers to moussaka and lots more also. It will be available in all the local outlets and should prove to be a lovely Christmas present for aunts, uncles, godparents and grandparents. It includes a colour photo of each person who contributed. Thanks to Tom Moore for his invaluable help in designing the book, Bridie Murphy Photography for the time she gave to come and take photos of the kids, Glin Library for its facilities, Peg Prendeville for her help with typing and editing and Fitzsimon Printers for the final product. Thanks to O’Brien’s Cheese for donating a hamper for the raffle and thanks to the Hall Committee also for the use of the Hall on the day. All support is as always gratefully appreciated.” It was indeed a lovely occasion and all the more lovely to see a new generation of adults taking over and letting us senior citizens sit back to enjoy doing very little.

Killeaney AFC is thankful for the 40 black bags of old clothing which were handed in to the clubhouse last week enabling them to get a few extra euro into its funds and helping the rest of us to tidy out some wardrobes.

Parishioners are reminded that from next Saturday October 7 the Masses will change to Loughill at 6 pm. Sunday morning Mass will revert to Ballyhahill at 10 am.

The weekend of November 12th has been set aside for both Parish Clerks’ collections.

The  ‘Free Family Fun Afternoon’ is on in the grounds of Mary Immaculate College, Limerick on next  Sunday October 8th, 2017. This is a free event for families and all welcome.

A Flu vaccine clinic will be held in Glin Clinic on October 9th from 9.30 to 12.30 am and in the Foynes Clinic on October 10th  to 2.30 to 6pm. No appointment necessary.

It is upsetting to hear of some house burglaries in Glin last weekend while the owners were at Mass. The Gardaí always advise to lock all doors and windows each time you leave your home, even if you’re only popping down to the shop or to a neighbour’s house. Set your house alarm each time you leave. Lock your back or side gate, also making sure that the shed/garage are both locked. Keep all valuables out of sight from anyone peeking through windows or the letterbox. If you’re going out in the evening, close the curtains and put your lights on a timer. Burglars will also search under doormats, potted plants and garden gnomes for keys. Finally, don’t post your whereabouts on social media when leaving the house or going on holidays! Please stay vigilant and report anyone looking or acting suspiciously. It is a pity that life has got so complicated but it has and we have to deal with it.