By Peg Prendeville

Isn’t it almost scary how fast the year is going – already half way into August and plans being made for those families who have school-going children. Whenever August 15th comes around I am reminded of an incident in my youth when many people would go to Ballybunion. Holydays were taken much more seriously than they are now and all farmers took a break that day and many went to the beach. Dad had promised us that he would take us to the beach and we looked forward to it all week beforehand. But lo and behold on the evening beforehand my lovely Auntie Mary asked Dad to help them draw out the last of the turf as it was due to rain and this was her only chance, I suppose. So we disgruntled children spent the day in the bog instead of the beach. Looking back on it now I smile and completely understand Dad’s predicament but we were not happy bunnies that day. My friends often remind me that we were taken to the beach far more often than many families so we had no reason to complain.

Congratulations to Paul and Bríd Mullane who came home from Australia with their baby son Keegan Daniel to get him baptised in Glin recently. Paul has returned to OZ and Brid and Keegan will follow on very soon. 

Congratulations to Seamus O’Sullivan, Ballyhahill – well known for his dancing – who married Helen Greaney from Ashford recently. Seamus teaches dancing in the Parish Hall every Monday night and all are welcome to attend. Congratulations too to Sandra Fitzgerald from Ballyguiltenane who married Brendan Kerley. Wishing them all a happy married life.

I wish to remind you once again of the important  meeting in Ballyhahill Hall on this Thursday August 17th at 8pm, the purpose being to establish a Parish Hall committee to manage the Hall in the future. Three of the four present committee members are retiring after each giving 30 – 35 years of service. As I said last week new life and a new generation is needed to inject energy into keeping it as good as it is now. So please come along to the Hall on August 17th and play your part in revitalising the parish. Otherwise the Hall will be closed and that would be a calamity!