By Kathleen Mullane


Congrats to two eighteen year olds who celebrated their birthdays during the past week. Maedbh Carmody of Dirreen celebrated her 18th along with her friends on Tuesday night in Ballybunion. Everyone had a very enjoyable night.

Mark McAuliffe of Lower Athea celebrated his 18th on Saturday night in Listowel with his friends and relatives. Again all thoroughly enjoyed the night.

Congratulations and best wishes to Patrick Crowley, son of Anne Denihan, who married Fiona McClafferty last weekend in Donegal. The ceremony was performed by Anne’s cousin, Fr. Tom Ryan, Holy Rosary Church, Limerick.

As we all have been asked in recent times to use our Post Office here in Athea to the maximum, to avoid it being closed, Helen Browne tells me that “a lifeline” has now been thrown to them literally, and that in August they will be trained in banking and will have all banking facilities to cater for both AIB and Bank of Ireland. – which is indeed good news – so make sure if at all possible to make full use of your Post Office, especially to pay bills, do transactions etc., as these are its ‘lifeline’.

Sincere sympathy to Margaret Geaney and family, Toureendonnell whose brother Richard (Dicksie) passed away in England recently. May he rest in peace.

Can you believe August is here at last and at the beginning of the school summer holidays it seemed so far away. And Rose at Brouder’s tells me it’s not even 20 Sundays away from Christmas!

Full compliments actually to the Credit Union display next to Rose’s Shop, “a summer display” at the moment – as far as I know it’s Mary Ann’s sister Patti that does it – the ideas are great! No doubt there could be shortly  a “Back to School” display or maybe a “Listowel Races” one – and then it will be on to the “College Loans” and Christmas – and yet another year gone by.

Athea Tidy Towns had a great response to the voting for ‘Limerick Going for Gold’ – well done to everyone. It would be great to win the top prize and if not one of the runner-up prizes.

Fr. Duggan thanks everyone who gave to the Trócaire collection at the masses last weekend – a really worthwhile collection for the starving in Africa.

I came across “A Teenager’s Creed” recently which goes as follows:

“Don’t let your parents down – they brought you up.

Be humble enough to obey – you may yourself give orders some day.

Choose companions with care – you become what they are.

Choose only a date  – that would make a good mate

Don’t be a show-off when you drive – drive with safety and arrive.

Don’t let the crowd pressure you. – stand for something or you’ll fall for anything.

Guard your thoughts – whatever you think -you are.

Thought for the week:- Never trouble another person,  for what you can do yourself.