By Kathleen Mullane
‘Happy Occasions’
Sincere congrats and good wishes go to Maggie Larkin and Donal O’Connor who were blessed with their second boy recently who they are naming Daniel, a little brother for Nathan. We also send congrats to the proud grandparents Teresa and Tom O’Connor of Hillside Drive and Mary and Liam Larkin of Clash.
Congrats and good wishes also go to Declan O’Carroll and Rachel Berry, Park, Upper Athea, on the birth of their little boy Charlie Jack. Congrats also to the delighted grandparents.
Happy 18th birthday wishes are extended to Niamh O’Connell of Templeathea (daughter of Caroline and Mark) who celebrated her 18th birthday on Friday night last at her home along with her many relatives and friends. Everyone had a very enjoyable night.
Many congrats and sincere good wishes and happiness to Margaret Enright (daughter of Margaret and the late Michael Enright of Templeathea) who was married here in Athea last week to Richard Denihan, Fr. Duggan performed the nuptial ceremony. A great day was had by all afterwards at The Devon Inn along with family, relatives and friends.
A special collection will be taken up this weekend at the 2 masses for those experiencing extreme hunger in Africa. At the moment – a worthy cause.
Envelopes are still available at the church door (or use your own) for our sacristans Anne and Carol’s collection which was taken up at the weekend, in case anyone was away.
The annual graveyard masses will take place this year a little earlier than usual, to avoid the bad, cold weather. Holy Cross mass will be on Friday 18th August (weather permitting) if not an alternative date will be on Tuesday 22nd August. The Templeathea mass will take place on Friday 25th August (weather permitting again) with an alternative date on Tuesday 29th. There will be no masses in the church if the outdoor masses go ahead on the 18th and 25th August. Parishioners might pass on the word to others who may have relatives buried in the respective cemeteries.
There are still a couple of seats left on the bus to Knock (on tomorrow Thursday 27th) if you want to travel on the parish pilgrimage give your name to Rose at Brouder’s Shop immediately. It should be a nice parish day out
Well one would think last week we were going to be “flooded out” such was the ‘non-stop’ rain. However it cleared the air and over the weekend many headed to Ballybunion, and Foynes for the air-show and Tarbert for the regatta. And let me tell you – we shouldn’t complain about the weather, my daughter tells me in America it’s so hot these days they can’t go outside the door and that’s even worse!
Thought for the Week: – “Money is like muck – no good unless it is spread”