By Kathleen Mullane


Well last Saturday night saw Athea Church packed for the ‘Graduation Mass’ for 6th class who, in September, will be starting secondary school. All the boys and girls were involved in the ceremony from the prayers of the faithful to the bringing up of the gifts etc each playing their own part. Margaret Carroll and Tara Finucane led the choir from the school which was really lovely. Michelle Kearney, their teacher, was presentd with a bouquet of flowers. Mrs. Watters and Fr. Duggan also received a presentation. . Duggan handed out their certificates and wished them all well, as they face a new stage in their life. Hopefully all will go well for each and every one of them.

A huge crowd turned out on Tuesday evening last to pay their last respects to Penny Woulfe and her family. Many tributes were paid to Penny over the weekend and deservedly so. She was such an avid fan of soccer, football and all sport and travelled far and wide. As I said in last week’s notes “An Icon”. Again a huge crowd attended the concelebrated mass on Wednesday and the children from Athea N.S. formed a guard of honour near the school on her final journey to Holy Cross. Sincere sympathy to her husband Thady, daughters Margaret and Liz and sons Jim, Teddy and Mossie. ‘May her gentle soul rest in peace’.

Well  the Tidy Towns are busy preparing for the adjudication process which can occur anytime now. Again they implore everyone not to throw rubbish about. Again yesterday I came out from Athea, having a buggy full of cans, bottles and papers and that was only from my own house in and out to Athea. Everyone is trying to keep their own area “rubbish free” so please help out in your own area!

I loved Domhnall’s piece last week entitled “Going to Ballybunion” and especiall his final lines ie:-”no mobiles, tablets iPads etc.” And it was so true the word “bored” was not in our vocabulary. We would take off on our bikes on a Saturday, back the Lower Rd. on to Knockanure – an ice cream at the shop there and down by Upper Athea – what fun! One of our favourite games was “Rescue 5” down over the back creamery wall into the field and pull each up by a rope thrown over the wall. Parents now wonder what they are going to do with their children to keep them amused over the 3 month summer holiday period. Maybe a few hours in the bog – footing the turf or weeding – I don’t think so somehow!