Benny Thade McCarthy, Duagh, presenting a Cheque of €8,025 to The Friends Of St. Ita’s Hospital, Newcastlewest proceeds from a fundraising dance that was held on St Patrick’s Night in The Railway Bar, Abbeyfeale, pictured with the committee of St. Ita’s Hospital
Rambling House
Benny Thade McCarthy Finial rambling house of the season will take place on Monday night, June 5th this is a fundraising night for Dromcollogher Respite Centre which was recently renovated. All singers, musicians, dancers and storytellers welcome doors open at 8.30 and show begins at 9 please come along and show your support for such a worthy cause. For more information contact Benny on 0879918546
Dromcollogher & District Respite/Care Centre is a purpose-built single storied centre incorporating a three-unit twenty-bed residence. It was established by huge voluntary local community effort in conjunction with various statutory bodies and many generous donors to help meet a growing need in our society at the present time. The Centre provides short-term care for senior citizens within the general catchment area of Limerick and North Cork.
Benny will Resume again on the first Monday night in September. Thank you for all your support since last October.

Peg Prendeville with her son Sean on Mothers Day in Australia
Athea Community Games
Athea Community Games will have there athletic day on Sunday, May 21st at Athea GAA pitch at 2pm. Races for preschool, u6 to u16, long puck and novelty races. All are welcome and anyone who can help out on the day would be much appreciated.
Athea CCE
Church gate collection this weekend Saturday 20th/Sunday 21st May at both masses. Your support, as always, would be greatly appreciated.
Ladies Monthly Night Out
The Ladies monthly night out will now take place on Friday, May 26th at Brown Joe’s. This will be our final night before the summer break. Jules will be performing a Neil Diamond tribute on the night and food will be served at 9pm sharp.
We will be back again in September.
Joe Aherne, Athea
Walking for Our Lady’s Children’s Hospital, Crumlin
Combining 3 walks
First walk on May 20th, a 50mile challenge in Sneem, Co. Kerry.
Second walk on June 10th, a 50 mile challenge in Moylagh, Co. Meath.
Third walk, a 23 mile walk from Ardagh to Listowel on August 5th to include a 3 mile loop in Athea. More information on this walk nearer the time.
Joe can be contacted on 086-8155614. Donations gratefully accepted for this worthy cause as Joe’s grandson is being treated there at the moment.
St. Vincent de Paul Ballybunion Holiday
The St. Vincent de Paul society are organising a one week stay in Ballybunion from June 15th to 23rd this year. For more details on this please contact 087-6216255
Rehab Collection
Sincere thanks to all who contributed to our Church gate collection last weekend. The amount raised was €545.
The last of the tea dances for this season takes place at Fr. Casey’s Clubhouse on Sunday, May 21 with dancing to Noel Cronin. Funds raised go to Abbeyfeale Parish Community Garden.
The annual Dog Show takes place at the Town Park from 2pm on Sunday, May 21. Twelve classes, twelve winners compete for best in show. €2 per class. Enjoy the new zip line, freshly painted playgrounds, river side and woodland walks. Bring all the family, maybe not the cat though.
The Board of Management of West Limerick Radio would like to advise all stall holders and customers that the car boot sale has been discontinued due to its rapid decline over the past 12 months. They would like to thank all those who supported it over the past 12 years.