By Kathleen Mullane

‘May God bless you at Easter and keep you all year through

May God give you all the faith to make your dreams come true

May His love and wisdom always help and guide you on your way

May His light shine down upon you now to bless you on Easter Day’


Well can I start this week by wishing all readers of the Athea & District Newsletter, both at home and abroad (along with Lillian & Domhnall who put it all together every week) a very ’Happy & Joyful Easter’. It’s actually a lovely time of the year with everything “coming to life” after the winter (even though it was a very good one – no snow – no ice!).

The Easter ceremonies started on last weekend with ’Palm Sunday’. On this Holy Thursday the blessing of the Eucharistic Ministers takes place at 7.30pm. Good Friday sees the stations of the Cross at 3pm with the evening ceremony at 7.30pm. Holy Saturday has the Easter Vigil Mass at 9pm. Easter Sunday Dawn Mass will be celebrated at 6am in Killeen, Parkana, (weather permitting, otherwise in the church).

On Good Friday night the usual A.A. Meeting will take place in the hall. This is always very well attended and gives us all a great insight into Alcoholism. It’s a good idea also for our 56h/6th year secondary students and college students to attend when they will hear first hand about the ‘downfalls of drink’ and individuals who will courageously tell their own life stories. Everyone is welcome and I’m sure we all know someone whose family had been affected by drink.

The Easter Saturday Commemoration will take place at 3pm near the hall here in Athea. All are welcome to the parade.

The annual ‘Clean Up’ takes place on Good Friday as usual. Gloves and Hi-Vis jackets can be picked up at the hall from 10am. You are asked to clean up around your own area and the bags will be collected along the roadside by the Tidy Towns people.

The Tidy Towns Fashion Show takes place this Wednesday night in the hall. Your support for the event would be much appreciated. Tickets are just €10 and who knows you might win the prize for “Best Dressed Lady” or a spot prize!

The death took place during the past week of Tom Ahern of Knockfinisk, Athea. His remains reposed at Kelly’s Funeral home on Tuesday evening last where hundreds came to pay their last respects. Burial followed Requiem Mass on Wednesday to Holy Cross. Tom was a great singer in his day, a passion that was passed on to his family too. Sincere sympathy is extended to his wife, sons, daughters and many relatives and friends. May he rest in peace.

Sincere congrats are extended to Lorraine Higgins (daughter of Bernie and Pat, Glenagragra) who on Friday last was married to James Fenlon in Kilkenny. After the nuptial ceremony, family, relatives and friends had a great day at Langtons Hotel in Kilkenny. Best wishes to the newlyweds.