By Peg Prendeville

Killeaney AFC held its annual Social last Saturday night in the Knockdown Arms. Christy McSweeney won Player of the Year. Tom O’Grady got the Hall of Fame award. Mickey Mulvihill was Supporter of the year while he and Pakie White shared the Clubmen of the Year. Chairperson Antony Collins thanked the players and the dedicated committee members and urged them to keep up the good work.

Unless you have been hibernating for the past while, you will know that the Knockdown Vintage Club & Estuary Macra  is having a Charity Vintage/Modern Run on this Sunday at 1pm. Light refreshments will be served in the Knockdown Arms. Music will follow. There will also be a raffle with  tons of prizes. Proceeds are in aid of Loughill Ballyhahill Going Strong, Glin Going Strong, Ballyguiltenane National School and Athea Community Art Group. Estuary Macra is having a Quiz night in the Knockdown Arms on Friday night at 9pm.  These quizzes are a great success as was last weeks one for the Athea Vixens in which there were 24 teams partaking. So another good weekend is lined up for Knockdown. Let’s hope the weather will be kind. Well done to the Vintage and Macra groups for all the hard work that goes into preparing for these events. Since its foundation in 2010, Knockdown Vintage Club has raised in excess of €23,000 which has been donated to various charities and local causes. This could not have happened without the help of their sponsors, participants and the general public. Well done to Carol Noonan for the many artistic signs which are up around the area. For more information please contact: Patrick @087-2452695 or Dave@ 087-2500938

Happy 1st wedding anniversary this weekend to my neighbours Kim and Thomas Mulvihill. They have a long way to go to catch up with Kim’s grandparents who had 66 years together but I sincerely wish that they will.

Community Crisis Response Team Ireland invite anyone in emotional distress to contact their responders on 085 1777631. If you do not have the words to explain how you feel just say or text “I need help “. This is a very committed group which goes out to all towns and villages in turn. But you can ring them anytime if you need help.

April Fool’s Day is on this Saturday so you’d better watch out and not get caught with an April Fool prank.

Arrangements have been made for Easter in Loughill/Ballyhahill as follows:

Holy Thursday – Ballyhahill at 8 pm

Good Friday Passion – Loughill at 3 pm

Good Friday Stations – Ballyhahill at 8 pm

Holy Saturday – Vigil Mass Ballyhahill at 9 pm

Easter Sunday Dawn Mass – Kilteery ( time to be decided)

Easter Sunday – Loughill at 10 am.

As we are now into New Time our Masses will change this coming weekend so for the next few months the  Saturday night Mass will be in Ballyhahill at 6 pm and the Sunday morning will be in Loughill at 10 am. The World Meeting of Families National Church collection will take place in all churches this weekend also to help prepare for the meeting which will be held in Dublin in August 2018. It is hoped that Pope Francis will attend this event as he has done in each venue throughout the world.